Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Managing water for the future
- Decomissioned oil tankers
redeveloped to carry water
- Expensive
- Fog Catchers - Bolivia
- 50m mesh collects
150-170l a day
- Namibia recycles all
water into drinking
- Recycling
- Vegas uses
10mn gallons of
used water to
irrigate golf
- Desalination plant
- Environmental problems
disposing of saline water
- 5mn gallons a day
- Small portable desalinator
used for sailing
- Terraces - China
- Steps - flat keeps water on
ground - more vegetation
- Recharge Basins - Tussan
- Colarado River water put into basins and
allowed to percolate and mix with
groundwater to increase rate aquifers fill up
- Xeriscaping
- planting drought resistant plants
- Medusa Bags - Turkey
- tow 300,000 tonnes of fresh