Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- There are
three types
of fish
- Oily fish
- herring, salmon,
trout, tuna
- Shell fish
- mussels, oysters, scallops, crab, prawns
- White fish
- sole, plaice, cod,
haddock, whiting
- White fish can lack flavour and colour, discuss
how a chef could produce interesting and
appetising dishes that would appeal to the
- Variety of cooking techniques, adding flavour
by frying in batter or breadcrumbs, serving in
well flavoured sauce, using salt or smoked fish,
serve with parsley or lemon
- Fresh fish cooks very
quickly and if it is
overcooked it becomes
tough and dry
- The connective tissue in fish is called
collagen and this changes into gelatine
during cooking.
- How to make fish more interesting and appetising:
Use a variety of cooking techniques. Add flavour by
frying in breadcrumbs or batter. Serving with a well
flavoured sauce, e.g. cheese & tomato. Different cuts
of fish/goujons. Using salted/smoked fish. Serve with
plenty of colourful garnish such as
parsley/cress/lemon slices or wedges of
tomato/vegetables. Use a marinades.
- Name two nutrients found
in oily fish
- Protein, vitamin A and D, iodine, calcium omega 3
- Oily fish is good to eat and should be included in the diet.
One portion of salmon or mackerel, sardines or fresh (not
canned) tuna a week should provide enough of the
necessary omega-3.
- Omega 3…. is a Fatty acid it has
anti-inflammatory properties (good for achy
joints) and helps reduce the risk of heart
disease. It also helps the development of
brain tissue and nerve growth.
- When checking a delivery of fresh fish what quality points
need to be considered?
- delivered in ice chilled, eyes in bright and full not
sunken, gills are bright red in colour, flesh is firm, fish
is not limp, pleasant smell
- purchasing
fresh fish
- Purchase daily if possible.
Fish should arrive well
- Fish is sold
- fresh, dried, smoked, salted, pickled,
cured, tinned and frozen.