Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Porhyria's Lover
- uniting power
- 'I, its love, am gained instead!'
- 'thus we sit
together now/
And all night
long we have
not stirred'
- women never really die
- 'I propped her
head up as before'
- My Last Duchess
- women never really die/immortalised in art
- 'that's my last Duchess painted on
the wall/ Looking as if she were
- 'there she stands/ As if alive'
- Bishop Orders his Tomb
- importance of legacy
- 'and so, about this tomb of mine'
- 'did I say basalt for my slab,
sons? Black -/ 'Twas ever
antique-black I meant'
- (promise of mistresses
now he has St Praxed's
ear )'that's if ye carve my
epitaph aright'
- immortalised in art
- 'I shall lie through centuries'
- 'I fold my arms.../Stretch my
feet forth.../Let the
bedclothes...drop/Into great
laps and folds of sculptor's
- Toccata of Galuppi's
- nature of death
- 'Told them something? Those
suspensions, those solutions - 'Must we
- "Life might
last! We can
but try!"
- 'Dust and ashes, dead and
done with, Venice spent what
Venice earned'
- 'the soul, doubtless,
is immortal - where a
soul can be discerned'
- death personified
- 'Death stepped tacitly and took
them where they never see the
- next life is for the cultivated
- 'mathematics are your
pastime; souls shall rise
in their degree'
- 'As for Venice
and her people,
merely born to
bloom and drop'
- 'Dear dead women, with
such hair too - what's
become of all the gold'
- A Grammarian's Funeral
- next life is for the cultivated
- 'Actual life comes next? Patience a moment!'
- 'What's time? Leave now for dogs and apes!/ Man has forever'
- 'heaven's
success/Found, or
earth's failure'
- 'Leave him - still loftier
than the world
suspects/Living and
- Apparent Failure
- immortalised in art
- 'the dead house
where you show
your drowned'
- 'so killed themselves:
and now, enthroned'
- next life
- 'their sin's atoned'
- 'after Last, returns the First'
- echoes Matthew 12:45
- Prospice
- nature of death
- 'Fear death?-- to feel the fog in my throat/The mist in my face'
- 'the strong man must go/For the journey is done'
- 'No! let me taste the
whole of it, fare like my
peers/The heroes of old'
- death personified
- 'Where he stands, the Arch Fear in a visible form'
- next life
- 'though a battle's a fight...the reward of it all'
- 'O thou soul of my soul! I shall clasp thee again'
- Dubiety
- women never really die
- 'let gauziness shade, not
shroud.../Dim and not deaden'
- 'A dream?
No dream,
more real by