Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Conceptual Framework
- definition
- "defining the main ideas and the network of
relationships between them" (Rocco & Plakhotnik,
2009, p. 125) "not only discuss the concepts that
situate the study but even illustrate them with a
figure" (ibid). Article EndNote
- http://www.tesiseinvestigaciones.com/marco-conceptual.html
- (I) Secondary education (crisis)
- "Llegan las universidades a ofrecer carreras... pero no sabemos quienes somos ... debilidadeso fortalezas...( como escoger?)" (Juan, Colombia 2013)
- 1.1. purpose
- " To continue the current trajectory is to risk turning into a huge social machine tuned for better national economic performance with pre-set targets and pre-packed educational goals" (idem, p. vii) ..." secondary schools are often regarded as focusing primarily on grades and public
examinations"... places where childhood ends rather dramatically...according to this idea of the system... it is therefore not so easy for secondary educational institutions to embrace an alternative ethos in day-to-day teaching and learning" (p. viii) ... "society needs to move away
from knowledge-based schooling that is exam driven towards the full education of a human being" ( Gill & Thompson, 2012. p. 3)- (UK)
- boredom... a deeper root... a feeling of estrangement"....interviewed students felt they were part of a mechanical impersonal system that did not care for them as individuals"
- "Por que no se ha podido construr una educacion secundaria en America latina que realmente
atienda los intereses y las necesidades de los jovenes de la region?" (Levinson, 2012. p. 79).. "brecha
entre la expectative del joven y la oferta de la escuela"... "las escuelas siguen impartiendo
conocimientos estandarizado por metodos autoritarios" idem p. 81... "comprendo el problema de la
educacion secundaria como un reflejo de la ambiguedad ( o quizas de la multiplicidad) de los
propositos que estan presenten en las discusiones acerca de este nivel de escolaridad" (p.84)... "si
bien estas metas (aprendizaje vocacional y aprendizaje humanistico avanzado) no son
inherentemente contradictorias, si representan diferentes enfasis y orientaciones que
historicamente se transmiten en las actitudes y practicas de los docents" (p. 84).... ".se trata de
construir nuevos ritos de transicion hacia la vida adulta y nuevas formas de convivencia y
aprendizaje mutuo entre generaciones" (p. 89) propositos 2.
- "En terminos educativos, creo que conviene poner el enfasis en la cuestion de la identidad y el sentido de pertenencia" (p. 89)
- ambiguous (Levinson)
- propostios ambiguous, y desencuentros: entre las motivaciones de los jovenes y las motivaciones asignadas al sistema
- tunned for better national economic performance
- "the organization and structure of most highschools (USA) remained largely unchanged and trapped in traditions that had long outlived their purpose" (Noguera, 2008,p. 61)
- 1.2. functioning
- impersonal mechanical ( TGill & Thompson)
- "Many of the students we interviewd feel that they were part of a mechanical and impersonal system that did not care for them as individuals or even regard them
as such" (Gill & Thompson p. 254)
- 1.3. Results
- " exclusionary aspects of schooling" Valenzuela p. 29
- estrangement ( Gill & Thompson)
- "Whereas engagement refers to participation and active involvement, caring entails a “feeling of
concern or interest”. Gilligan (1982) and Noddings (2004) maintain that when ethics of care prevail,
human beings take decisions and choices based on the sentiment of responsibility that emerges
from relationships and connections. School experiences therefore, can nurture certainty in children
about the reality of connectedness and guide them to develop the capacity to provide what is
necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance and protection of life" (PESA 2104 abstract)
- "some of the boredom seems to have a deeper root: feelings of estrangement or disengagement with learning process at school" (Gill & Thompson p. 254)
- "alienation" (Johnson, 2009)
- Sites of research
- UK
- Gill & Thompson
- Latin America
- Levinson
- Tenti
- Tedesco
- New Zealand: ERO
- Noguera
- Valenzuela
- Johnson, 2009
- World
- WB, Cuadra, Ernesto
- (II) Pedagogies of care and reconciliation
- Ethic of care in education
- In secondary schools
- "some lower decile schools in New Zealand are able to achieve more equitable results for their students... those schools acknowledged that for every student in their
school to achieve well, firstly they need to be present, enganged and motivated to learn...having relationships which focused on the wellbeing of each student
underpinned school success in keeping students at school and engaged.. having deeply caring relationships to establish the school culture that they wanted" (ERO 2014
p. 1).
- Bingham & Sidorkin: theory of relational pedagogy
- Ethics of care and critical pedagogies
- Conceptos
- Critical Care
- Antrop- Gonzales y
DeJesus…(2006) [porque
ellos lo que hacen es
proponer una definición
de cuidado alternativa
que incluya elementos
de la cultura y la raza- la
concientización de
Freire… (tomado de
borrador "Turn up to
school is a victory")
- Critical teacher care
- Roberts, maria Ann (2010)
- Caring Pedagogy ( Monchinsky, 2010)
- Ethics of care and culturally responsive pedagogies
- Concepts
- culture of Care (cavanagh)
- Cavanagh, Vigil, Garcia (2014)
- Culturally safe schools
- Glynn, Cavanagh, Macfarlanes ( 2007):
culturally safe and caring classrooms
- Pedagogies of care and reconciliation
- Ethic of care
- Holistic
- Relational
- Care
- "extremely broad concept caries a range of meaning and values dpending on context" (Warin & Gannerud, 2014)
- Relationships
- (III) School Change
- 5. School Change Specific to restorative
- New Zealand
- leadership concepts and change
management theory in relation to the
implementation of restorative practices"
(Daley, 2011. Ch. 9 Margrain & Macfarlane,
- 1. Theoretical approaches
- socio cultural
- Nieto, Sonia 1998
- Culture: "ever changing values tradition social and political relationships and world views created and shared by a group of people bound together by a combination of factors
- Managerial
- 1.3 Australia and New Zealand
- school improvement? (Zbar, 2013, p. 2)" taking imporvement to the next STAGE requiered teh adoption of
some proven theories of actionfor significantly impacting teh everyday practice of teachers in class, en
ensuring consistently better teaching throughout each school"... "how whole-school CHANGE and
improvement occurs, and perhaps even more importantly, how it can be built upon and susstained"
- Tres temas problematicos: 1. la idea de Stages 2. la idea de que el contexto
importa pero puede ser secundario mientras las "cosas fundamentales" esten en
su lugar... supongo que se refiere a los temas administrativos, tecnicos, 3. El foco
esta en "PERFORMANCE", o sea no hy discusion sobre "improvement" sino que se
asume que significa " better performance: ver x ejemplo p. 3 y 4. "focus on core
things that students need" (p. 4). cual es el angulo apra examinar esas
- 3. sostenibilidad del cambio
- 3.1 Meaning? deep change that endures (Sergiovanni, 1998)
- 3.2. Factores
- school wide aproach
- 1. learning 2. collective meaning making 3. take ownership (vs. abandono o resistencia) 4. acknowledge emotions
- responding to internal and external change, forces (Hargraves & Goodson, 2006)
- Alliances, partnerships, Treaty principles: participation, partnership, protection
- 2. Promotion
- Reforma, Innovacion, Cambio Latin America, Rosa Maria Torres (2000)
- Eductional reform and school change Hargraves
- http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199756810/obo-9780199756810-0014.xml
- 4. Authenticity and school change
- Zembylas, 2010; Hargraves, 1998
- interaction school-teacher