Revenue and costs


Mindmap am Revenue and costs, erstellt von Daniel Hickman am 16/06/2017.
Daniel Hickman
Mindmap von Daniel Hickman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Daniel Hickman
Erstellt von Daniel Hickman vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Revenue and costs
  1. Fixed costs
    1. Costs that must be paid even if nothing is produced like utility bills
    2. Variable Costs
      1. Costs that are directly related to number of products made
      2. Semi-Fixed costs
        1. Costs that change when more is produced but aren't directly linked like buying in mass
        2. Revenue
          1. Income coming into the business from sales, through a grant, the leasing of premises or interest of money in the bank
          2. Costs
            1. Any payments that are made from a business like phone bills or the manufacture of products to sell
            2. Sectors
              1. Primary Sector
                1. Raw materials like a miner
                2. Secondary Sector
                  1. Turning materials to goods like a builder
                  2. Tertiary Sector
                    1. Services to consumers like teacher
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