Drought - Causes and Effects


This mind map presents an overview of the causes and effects of drought. Ideal for recapping on the main points to consider when learning about drought.
Antonia Blankenberg
Mindmap von Antonia Blankenberg, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Antonia Blankenberg
Erstellt von Antonia Blankenberg vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Drought - Causes and Effects
  1. Characteristics of arid environments
    1. 100-300mm annual rainfall
      1. Seasonal rainfall variation
        1. Pastoral farming
          1. Vegetation is sparse
            1. Short growing season (75 days)
            2. Causes
              1. Low precipitation
                1. Dam building
                  1. Deforestation
                    1. Climate
                    2. Effects
                      1. Food scarcity
                        1. Health hazards
                          1. Environmental degradation
                            1. Wildfires
                              1. Removal of topsoil
                                1. Water usage restrictions
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