Basic Boxing Moves


Punching the air for a number of minutes requires almost no equipment and is an excellent aerobic workout, which is great for your heart, lungs and muscles.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Basic Boxing Moves
  1. JAB
    1. This is a swift punch aimed straight at your shadow's head. In boxing, it is used to stun, rather than deliver a knock out. You can do this with your right or left hands. Do a combination of a left jab and a right jab, while keeping your body tight and steady.
    2. HOOK
      1. A left or right hook should start with your fist near your chin. A right hook should go slightly to the right, before turning back in a leftward motion on your shadow's chin. The left hook should go in the opposite direction.
        1. This is a punch with the right or left arm that is delivered with strong power. This is a knockout punch to your shadow's head.
        2. UPPERCUT
          1. Drop down about 6 inches (15.2 cm) by bending your knees, and then send a swift and strong punch upwards toward your "opponent's" chin.
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