Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Good Phrases
- Avoiding 'I think'...
- creo que = I think that
- Yo diría que = I would say that
- A mi juicio = In my opinion
- Segun lo que tengo
entendido =
According to what I
have been told
- WOW phrases
- No debo mentir, pues =
I musn't lie, so..
- Te estoy tomando el pelo = I'm
pulling your hair!
- No te lo vas creer pero =
You won't believe it but
- Estoy bromeando.
La verdad is que =
I'm joking. The truth
is that
- No te interesará
pero = It won't
interest me but
- Ya se sabe = It goes
without saying
- Si quieres que te diga la
verdad = If you want me to be
- Connectives
- Sin embargo = however
- Por otro lado = on the other hand
- Por eso = therefore
- Al contratio = On the contrary
- Además = in addition
- A pesar de eso = despite this fact
- También = also
- Dado que = given that
- Avoiding 'bad'
- Una pesadilla = a nightmare
- Qué disastre! = how disastrous!
- Desastroso = catastrophic
- Realmente escandaloso = absolutely shocking
- molesto = irritating
- Que verguenza! = how embarrasing
- El peor momento de mi
vida = the worst
moment of my life