Debbie Wasserman Schultz


Connections to DWS are not verified, merely theoretical. Do your own research. Observe at your own risk.
Jeff Darling
Mindmap von Jeff Darling, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jeff Darling
Erstellt von Jeff Darling vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  1. IT Staff
    1. Imran Awan House IT Staffer
      1. Personal Atributes
        1. Pakistani-born
          1. 37 Years old
        2. Relatives
          1. Wife
            1. Hina Alvi
              1. Qatar
            2. saira Begum (mother)
              1. brothers
                1. Abid Awan
                  1. Jamal Awan
                    1. Wife
                      1. Natalia Sova
                  2. Friends
                    1. Rao Abbas.
                    2. Step mother
                      1. Other
                        1. ? Afaq Hussain
                      2. Smashed Hard Drives
                      3. Rayburn House Office Building
                        1. Laptop
                      4. U.S. Capitol Police
                        1. Matthew R Verderosa Police Chief
                        2. FBI
                          1. Customs and Border Protection
                            1. Reporters
                              1. Heather Caygle @heatherscope
                                1. investigative
                                  1. Luke Rosiak
                                    1. Stories
                                  2. Fox News
                                    1. Chad Pergram
                                      1. Jake Gibson
                                    2. Spokesman
                                      1. David Damron
                                        1. Quote
                                          1. "Mr. Awan previously served as a part-time employee but his services have been terminated. No charges, evidence or findings from the investigation have been formally shared with our office, so we cannot comment on them."
                                      2. YouTube
                                        1. TBTV
                                          1. Tim Black
                                        2. Twitter
                                          1. Hashtags
                                            1. #ThereWillBeConsequences
                                          2. Seth Rich
                                            1. Democratic National Committee
                                              1. DNC voter-expansion data director
                                                1. Seth Rich
                                                  1. girl friend
                                                    1. Kelsey Mulka


                                                      • found this on...
                                                      • and here...
                                                    2. Parents
                                                      1. Mary
                                                        1. Joel
                                                          1. other
                                                            1. Jack Burkman
                                                              1. “Seth discovered that the Russians had been hacking [the DNC], and therefore the Russian government did away with Seth,” Burkman theorized.
                                                    3. Law suits
                                                      1. law firm Beck & Lee
                                                        1. Attorneys
                                                          1. Jared Beck
                                                            1. Elizabeth Lee
                                                          2. Process Server
                                                            1. Shawn Lucas
                                                            2. Justin Swidler
                                                            3. Miami in its major crimes unit
                                                              1. U.S. Attorney’s Office
                                                                1. Beranton J. Whisenant Jr.
                                                                  1. worked on visa and passport fraud
                                                              2. iPad
                                                                1. US Attorneys Office
                                                                  1. Steven Wasserman
                                                                  Zusammenfassung anzeigen Zusammenfassung ausblenden

                                                                  ähnlicher Inhalt

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                                                                  B, Kapitel 1.2, Grundlagen der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft
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                                                                  PR UNI WIEN WS 2014/15
                                                                  Anatomie Grundlagen
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                                                                  Geometrie - das Rechteck
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                                                                  PuKW STEP 2 (mögliche Prüfungsfragen/Prüfungsvorbereitung)
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