

A Levels Chemistry C3 Mindmap am Equilibria, erstellt von dpatel383 am 18/05/2013.
Mindmap von dpatel383, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von dpatel383 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. some chemical reactions are reversible meaning both the forward and reverse reactions can take place eg when blue hydrated copper sulfate crystals are heated they form white anhydrous copper sulfate and water and if water is added to white anhydrous copper sulfate then blue hydrated copper sulfate can be re-formed
    1. when ammonia chloride is heated in an open boiling tube some ammonia and hydrogen chloride react to re-form ammonia choride but some escapes to the atmosphere
      1. Open system as substances can enter or leave
      2. The effect of conditions on equilibria
        1. position of equilibrium is affected by changes like temp and pressure ....if conditions change the position of equilibrium moves to oppose the change
          1. changing conditions affects the position of an equilibrium is useful .......... it means that we can change the conditions to make more of the substances we want to make
            1. Effect of temperature on the position of an equilibrium
              1. Effect of pressure on the position of an equilibrium
                1. In an equilibrium involving gases changes in pressure will affect the position of the equilibrium. More gas particles in a mixture the greater the pressure
                  1. in the dinitrogen tetroxide equilibrium there is one gas molecule on the left for every two gas molecules on the right. this means that pressure increaseswith forward reaction and decreases with the reverse reaction
                  2. If the pressure of a system at equilibrium is increased the equilibrium position will change to lower the pressure . the equilibrium position moves towards the side with the fewest gas molecules
                    1. If the pressure of a system at equilibrium decreases the equilibrium will move to increase the pressure . the equilibrium position moves towards the side with the most gas particles
                      1. In dinitrogen tetroxide equilibrium if the pressure is increased the equilibrium position moves to the left : the side with fewer gas molecules and so lower pressure. Meaning there will be more colourless N2O4 and less brown NO2 in the mixture which will become paler.
                        1. If the pressure is decreased the equilibrium position moves to the right : the side with more gas molecules and so higher pressure. Meaning there will be less colourless N2O4 and more brown NO2 in the mixture which will become darker
                      2. In an equilibrium the reaction in one direction is exothermic and in the other direction its endothermic...due to the law of conservation of energy
                        1. Exothermic release energy to surroundings which get hotter .... Endothermic take in energy from the surroundings which get colder
                          1. eg ...decomposition of dinitrogen tetroxide to form nitrogen dioxide is endothermic whilst the reverse reaction to form dinitrogen tetroxide from nitrogen dioxide is exothermic
                        2. If temp is raised the position of equilibrium will move to oppose the change eg take in energy.... endothermic reaction get cold so the position of equilibrium moves in the direction of the endothermic reaction.
                          1. This means that the yield of the chemicals made in the endothermic reaction increases and the yield of those made in the exothermic decreases
                          2. If temp is lowered the position of the equilibrium will move to oppose the change eg to release energy... exothermic reaction gets hot so the position of equilibrium moves in the direction of the exothermic reactiom
                            1. This means that the yield of the chemicals made in the exothermic reaction increases whereas those made in the endothermic reaction decreases
                            2. In dinitrogen tetroxide equilibrium raising the temp will move the position of the equilibrium futher to the right to favour the endothermic reaction ( makes more brown NO2 and less colourless N2O4 so the equilibrium mixture gets darker
                              1. If the temp is lowered the position of the equilibrium will move futher to the left to favour the exothermic reaction ( makes more colourless N2O4 and less brown NO2 making the mixture paler in colour
                          3. ammonia and hydrogen chloride cant escape so they will react to re-form ammonia chloride...after time the rate at which the ammonia chloride decomposes equals the rate at which ammonia and hydrogen chloride recombine.
                            1. closed system substances cannot enter or leave
                            2. When the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction the system is in a state of equilibrium
                              1. when at equilibrium the forward and reverse reaction take place at the same rate.. this means that even though both reactions are happening the amount of each substance in the equilibrium remains the same
                              2. the position of equilibrium can vary
                                1. if the equilibrium position lies to the left it means that at equilibrium there are more of the chemicals on the left of the equation (reactants) than those on the right
                                  1. eg...... the reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia reaches a state of equilibrium that usually lies to the left... this means there is more nitrogen and hydrogen than ammonia in the equilibrium mixture
                                    1. If an equilibrium lies to the right it means there are more of the chemicals on the right (products) than those on the left of the equilibrium mixture
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