New River


This is the running mind map for the new river tech structure.
Scott Frazier
Mindmap von Scott Frazier, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Scott Frazier
Erstellt von Scott Frazier vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

New River
  1. Groups
    1. Worship
      1. Serve
        1. Who am I?
          1. Familiar (follower of Christ, growing in their faith)
            1. Clueless - (1st time visitor, does not know Christ,
              1. Location
                1. Times: Service
                  1. Contact: General Info
                2. Who/Beliefs: Defines the Church
                3. Member (actively looking to serve, volunteering, leading Clueless/Familiar)
                  1. Leadership
                    1. Serving
                    2. Who/Beliefs: Actively lead and serve others
                    3. Gather Grow Go
                      1. Group: Location
                        1. Group: Times
                          1. Group: Contacts
                            1. Define Group Types
                              1. Men
                                1. Women
                                  1. Family
                                    1. Youth
                        2. Who/Beliefs: Reinforce beliefs through spiritual growth.
                    4. Experiencing God's love by Gathering in Gods presence through worship, Growing deeper in groups, Go in our gifting to show others God's love.
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