Intercultural Business Comunication


Mindmap am Intercultural Business Comunication, erstellt von michelle de rhodes am 21/08/2017.
michelle de rhodes
Mindmap von michelle de rhodes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
michelle de rhodes
Erstellt von michelle de rhodes vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Intercultural Business Comunication
  1. Iceberg theory
    1. The iceberg theory talks about culture as if it was an iceberg. This means that people only see the 10% of what its visible to the others, and theres another 90% (under the water) of your culture that represents what people don't see, in this 90% there are most of hidden aspects such as values, morals, beliefs, perceptions, norms, expectations, traditions and many more.
      1. We can say that the cultural iceberg is a metaphor that shows tat we cannot judge other people because we don't know not even halve of what they are. we only see the superficial things. If we want to make an objective thought we must get "the real picture" and that means finding out whats not visible to everyone.
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