Zusammenfassung der Ressource
2012 UK Floods
- Causes
- Jet stream
- Sent warm air to arctic
- Arctic sent cold air south
- Cold air travels over Atlantic
- Towards UK
- Super-Charged the Jet Stream
- Cold air entered area of low pressure; England
- Caused high amounts of rain
- Rain on east side of Pennines
- Caused high amounts of rain
- Effects
- High levels of rain fall
- Floods in:
- 816 houses
- 3 areas of Anglia
- 13 areas in Midlands
- 51 areas in North-East
- 1 area North-West
- 3 areas South-West
- Flooded
- Railways
- Roads
- Trees
- Plants
- Motorways
- Motorists delayed
- Power stations flooded
- No electricity
- People stranded in houses
- Emergency services commenced mega-evacuation
- Boats used
- Coastguard boats
- Fire brigade
- Ambulance services used
- Police
- Ground Saturated
- Anything near the banks underwater/washed away
- Aftershock/Precautions
- Aftershock
- Businesses forced to close
- Lose money
- People can't buy from them
- Causes problems to public
- Economy goes down
- Property of businesses lost
- Insurance costs increase
- Homes lost
- Homes have to be rebuilt
- Homes have to be cleaned
- Housing insurance price increases
- Families are homeless for a long time
- Livestock and crops lost
- Cost farmers money to replace
- Due to lack of crops, farmers paid less
- Precautions
- Strengthened dykes
- Added glass sheets that slide into grooves
- Temporary
house protection
- Houses
- Floors tiled
- Shelves raised off floor
- Less wood used
- Houses on stilts
- Stairs lead up to front door
- Houses built on stilts
- Dams built
- Dams built
- Divert rivers further towards the source
- Dredge rivers