The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born By Ayi Kwei Armah


Notiz am The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born By Ayi Kwei Armah, erstellt von espionage81 am 02/07/2014.
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The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born By Ayi Kwei Armah

Background:Individual: Written in 1968, Social: Highlights Ghanas corruptionHistorical:  1957 saw Ghana becoming the first independent country from Britain undr Kwame Nkrumah

Revolution and Rebellion At the time Ghana itself was an icon of revolution. The country rebelled against colonialists in 1957 and became the first African countyr to gain independence. Under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah The man in the novel represents the rebellion towards a corrupt system; the fighting for a more pure society (6) It shows his disillusionment towards a corrupt system. He does not give in to bribery  and underhandedness. He critically analyses things to see the problems with society. (5) His isolation from the characters around him is the personification of a refusal to dive into materialism. (1) The notion of revoltion is brought forward towards the end of the novel as a new military coup imposes a new leader. Society associates hope with revolution but unfortunately nothing changes. Bribery and corruption live on.  The only revolution that occurs is one in which a circle is completed. Corruption begins and ends the novel. (2) , (3) The bitterness and sadness of the man intertwine in a way that the man constantly must fight against inner and outer turmoil in trying to keep the image of Ghana that he wishes to see The man's battle is futile. Even though he tries to remain pure himself, he must suffer the burden of other people's malfeasance 

Good Links: Chapter Summary:

1) 'reproach of loved ones'- The Man is isolated from his family as he chooses to maintain his integrity and not accept bribes. He is ostracised for rebelling against the corruption around him2) 'There was something there which I know we have lost these days.' The idea of revolt is brought in. There was a revolution, turnng away from the English colonialists, saying that things would get better. Now there is another threat of a revolt which also speaks of better days to come. It is all one cyclical corrupt machine, In fact 'nothing has changed'.3) 'the waking of the powerless’ is the only way in which the country can find its beauty.  4) The man faces continuous inner conflict throughout the novel. He is torn between allowing himself to be drawn into greed and corruption and therefore  become powerful and accepted or he wonders if he should continue on the road of candor and remain shunned. In the man's world a crooked man is a ' good, generous man' and those who strive for righteousness are ' cursed the jealous man who had informed on him.'5) 'the timber merchant is right, the allocations clerk is right, and you are a fool. '6) 'black men with white souls and names trying mightily to be white.'7) 'the rotwhich imprisoned everything in its effortless embrace…'8) 'The sons of the nation were now in charge after all. How completely the new thing took after the old.'

Useful terms/ concepts:- Inverted value system- A country gripped by malicious materialism- Disillusionment with the system-Revolution brings with it hope-Armah used the man as his educated people and Koomson to represent the corrupt uneducated people-Corruption= Rebellion by upholding moral integrity-Moral Questioning- Fights the urge to sink into greed and materialism- The Man is a metaphor for the common man in Ghana. Forced to live in sums living hand to mouth.- The title means that the beautiful people are present but they are hiding behind their backs as they are afraid to be eliminated.

Characters: The Nameless Narrarator/The Man Koomson (corrupt friend) and Estella  Oyo( The Man's wife) Teacher Oyo's Mother

Song Reference:Nizalwa Ngobani By Thandiswa Mazwai The world changesRevolutionaries dieAnd the children forgetthe Ghetto is our first loveAnd our dreams aredrenched in goldWe don’t even cryWe don’t even cry about itknow it no moreare the beautiful ones really dead

Themes:-Corruption-Values-Popular Perception

Self Reflection:- The Man serves as an outsider trying to go against the tide of corruption and stay true to his moral values. However even though he is technically a good person he is living hand to mouth and  he is seen as a fool for dong so.-In life it sets the example that cheaters may prosper for a time but eventually it catches up to you and only the good will be able to keep their head above the water. 

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