Water gets into cracks in rocks Freezes when temp. reaches below 0°C Puts pressure on surrounding rock as it expands When water melts, pressure = released Repeated freezing & thawing widens cracks Jagged pieces of rocks break off
Snow fills existing hollows on the hillside Over many years, it turns to ice When the hollow is full, the ice moves downhill as a corrie glacier Freeze-thaw and plucking make backwall steep Moraine dragged along the base of corrie glacier makes hollow deeper by abrasion A lip gets left because erosion is less here. Also sometimes moraine is deposited After the ice age, melt water was trapped by the lip making a small lake or tarn
Plucking Rocks stick and freeze to the bottom or sides of a glacier Plucked away from bedrock Deposited Leaves behind jagged rocks
Abrasion Moraine embedded into glacier rubs against floors and sides of valley as it moves Leaves behind smooth surface like sandpaper
Glacier wears away sides & floor of the valley Causes valley to deepen, widen & straighten When ice melts, a U-shaped valley with steep sides & flat floor is left
Narrow floors Steep-sided
Straight wide flat floors with truncated spurs
Interlocking spurs are eroded away to leave cliff-like truncated spurs
Glaciers perched up on valley sides as hanging valleys
During the ice age many river valleys were filled with snow which turned to ice and moved down the slope as glaciers Freeze-thaw weathering supplied the glacier with sharp rock fragments Ice plucking & abrasion eroded the valley side & floor leaving a flat bottomed & steep sided valley known as glacial trough Glacier scraped away interlocking spurs of the river valley leaving truncated spurs Tributary valleys were left hanging above the main valley After the ice melted, glacial troughs often filled with lakes called ribbon lakes because they are long & thin
Freeze-Thaw Weathering
U-Shaped Valley
Truncated Spurs & Hanging Valleys
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