English Set Expressions. Prepositional Phrase+the +Noun


Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) English Vocabulary for CAE Notiz am English Set Expressions. Prepositional Phrase+the +Noun, erstellt von Oxana Kostina am 25/01/2015.
Oxana Kostina
Notiz von Oxana Kostina, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Oxana Kostina
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Seite 1

English Set Expressions. Prepositional Phrase +the+Adjective

In the new Britain you were over the hill at twenty-five, never mind forty. Whenever there's a bad accident or fire, you can be sure the station will have a reporter on the spotIs Tom still in the running? Does he still have a chance to be elected? I don't know about Tom, but Gladys is definitely still in the running.Her work just isn't up to the mark.I feel sort of under the weather today.

be over the hill - состарившийся, не тот что раньшеbe on the spot - быть очевидцемbe in the running - иметь шансы на выигрышbe up to the mark (BrE) - на должном уровнеbe under the weather - недомогающий

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