Basics of C++


Foundational information for the use of the C++ programming language. Notes taken from: Caleb Curry - Youtube Cyrill Stachniss - Youtube (Recorded lectures @ Universitat Bonn)
Oscar Rojas
Notiz von Oscar Rojas, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Oscar Rojas
Erstellt von Oscar Rojas vor fast 5 Jahre

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Seite 1

Control IO

                                                                                      ~   Page Overview   ~  The Standard Library & Namespace iostream  Outputting Data  Receiving Data  sstream  stringstream                                                                                             ~   Page Notes   ~

                                                                  ~   The Standard Library & Namespaces   ~ In Order to use any function/class from the Standard Library you must use it's namespace "std", followed by 2 semicolons and the function/class you wish to access.                                                                                          ~   #include    ~ std::cout << var << " This is a chained output. \n";    Makes use of the insertion operator (<<). This inserts the following data to the stream that precedes it. Line Breaks may be done either using "\n" or inserting the "endl" manipulator. cout << "line.\n"; cout << "line." << std::endl;  std::cin >> int a >> double b;  Makes use of the extraction operator (>>), which is followed by the variable that will hold the extracted data. The data is extracted as whatever type follows the extraction operator.  Only very simple programs should utilize "cin" for data extraction, since there is the possibility of no data being extracted and a variable left undefined, creating errors during said variables implementation. Instead use: std::getline( cin, var ) ; Note that data is extracted as a string. When working with strings, cin recognizes white spaces, tabs, newlines etc. as the termination of value extraction.                                                                                       ~   #include    ~ defines a type called stringstream  Can be used to turn strings into numerical values. std::string mystr ("1204"); int myint; std::stringstream(mystr) >> myint; std::cout << myint+6;   1210

Seite 2


                                                                     ~   Page Overview   ~    Type void   Integral's  Type char  Type int  Floating Point Numbers  Type float  Type double  Type long double  Boolean Data Models How 32 bit systems store variables How 64 bit systems store variables                                                                       ~   Page Notes   ~ To determine the size of a type in bytes (8 bits) use "sizeof(var);"

                                                                           ~   Void   ~   An empty set of values  An incomplete type objects, arrays, & references are disallowed.                                                                      ~   Integral's   ~   Ranges based on Microsoft's default C++ You can double the size of any integral by preceding the type with the "unsigned" keyword, but in doing so the sign is always ignored. ( e.g. The range of a 16 bit, unsigned int  is [0, +65,536] ) char contains members of the basic execution character set. ( Microsoft C++ has a default of ASCII ) int To size an integer precede w/ "__intb' where b = the bit size.  __int8 Range [-128 , + 127 __int16 Range [-32,768 , +32768] Aka short, short int, signed short int __int32 Range [-2,147,483,648 , +2,147,483,648] Aka int, signed int __int64 Range [-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 , +9,223,372,036,854,775,808] Aka long, long int, signed long int                                                                    ~   Floating Point   ~   float Range [3.4e +/-38] (for both +/-) Smallest floating point # 4 bytes double Range [1.7e +/- 308] (for both +/-) >= float  8 bytes long double >= double In Microsoft's C++ double & long double have identical representation. Considered a separate type from double.                                                                          ~  Boolean   ~   Holds either a true or false value                                                                     ~  Data Models   ~   32 bit systems LP32 or 2/4/4 (int is 16-bit, long & pointers are 32 bits) Win16 API ILP32 or 4/4/4 (int, long & pointer are 32 bits) Win32 API Unix & Unix-like systems (Linux, Mac OS X) 64 bit systems LLP64 or 4/4/8 (int & long are 32 bits, pointer is 64 bits) Win64 API LP64 or 4/8/8 (int is 32 bits, long & pointer are 64 bits) Unix & Unix-like systems (Linux, Mac OS X)

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