
rodolfo margarida
Notiz von rodolfo margarida, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
rodolfo margarida
Erstellt von rodolfo margarida vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

ESTRATEGIA DE PREDICCIÓN Prediction is an activity learners carry out before reading or listening to a text, where they predict what they are going to hear or read. This gives them a reason to listen or read, as they confirm or reject their predictions.the technique of inferring meaning is using clues and prior knowledge about a situation to work out the meaning of what we hear. look at these videos to understand prediction. Do this exercIse to practice prediction   Cosmetic Surgery Exercises, Con las fotos y el titulo del articulo piensa y escribe  quien interviene, qué se va a escuchar, de qué se trata, dónde ocurre, cuándo ocurre y cómo se desarrolla la historia . Responde who, what, where when y how en inglés. Una vez escritas las apreciaciones, escuchad la listening  para saber  si habéis acertado con ellas. Se comparte en clase   SELECTIVE LISTENING En el recurso de Surgery Tourism (Diapositiva 2. Ejercicio 1), escribimos las palabras que faltan  y comparamos nuestras apreciaciones con el contexto del audio    

  PRACTICA COLABORATIVA  Tarea de Ciencias Sociales. En el blog creado al efecto, se han colgado unas fotos y el encabezamiento de su articulo. ¿De qué trata el texto?  Escribe tus apreciaciones.

"Mother of man - 3.2 million years ago" 

Seite 2

ESTRATEGIA DE INFERENCIA  An Inference is  a critical reading skill. To make an inference, a student must make a logical connection between two or more ideas in a text. She needs to “read between the lines´. Wordless videos let students   practice the skill of making inferences . View this video and answer the questions What’s the man’s job? How do you know? Where does the story take place? (Students may not have the background knowledge to guess accurately, but they can guess the climate.) How does the orange octopus/pink octopus/man feel? How do you know? (You can ask this throughout the video.) What do you think happens after the end of the film   Cosmetic Surgery Exercises When you finish these exercises, listen again the  cosmetic surgery story  and answer next questions. Why did they have their faces changed? How did they feel when they could not leave a South Corean airport? When will the women be able to return to China?. Why did they undergo surgery?   INTENSIVE LISTENING Look at the next resource : Surgery tourism . Do the  exercises 1 and 2 from  picture three.    

PRACTICA COLABORATIVA Here are other videos you can use to practice inferences.  (Cada integrante del grupo trabaja un video y  comparte sus conclusiones con el resto del grupo) Simon’s Cat (for young kids): Why is the cat upset? Why doesn’t the cat want to get into the crate? Where do you think the man wants to go? Crumbs: Why do the mice look around? Where do you think the crumbs came from? Why does the gray mouse give its crumb to the blue mouse? Paper Man: Where is this story set? How does the man feel when the woman gets on the subway? What are the man’s boss and coworkers thinking? Alma (for older kids): What is the main character thinking when she sees the doll in the window? How do you know? What does the change in camera position near the end of the video mean (around 3:459)

Seite 3

ESTRATEGIA DE MONITOREO  Monitoring is to check, verify or correct  the understanding of oneself or the completion of the  task while it is being carried out.  To watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover something about it. Cosmetic Surgery Exercises We listen the audio again from the resource   "Surgery tourism"  and make some notes about what we could not understand,  the difficulties we have found and all the aspects  to be more  focused.   SELECTIVE  LISTENING Look at the next resource : Surgery tourism . Do the  exercises 1 and 2 from  picture one.

PRÁCTICA COLABORATIVA Se ve el siguiente  video sobre turismo de masas. El profesor reparte un documento con algunas preguntas. Entre todos intentan responder. Luego cada miembro del grupo hace una reflexión de aquello que no ha entendido , qué problemas ha encontrado para resolver la actividad y qué cosas se le han escapado. Se pone todo en común. PREGUNTAS 1.- Choose  the correct answer. Overcrowding has effects on: traffic footpaths, queues, cities´s folklore, identities 2.- Say five examples of pollution 3.- Say three examples of bad behaviour in tourism 4.-How can tourism caused a rise of prices. Use less than 30 words 5.-what are the main impacts of mass tourism  6.-Fines and regulations in the world. Choose  and explain three of them. 7.- How may tourism be more environmentally and culturally friendly?   Una vez hecha la actividad se vuelve a ver el vídeo y lo contestan de nuevo siguiendo la aplicacion de Edpuzzle

Seite 4

ESTRATEGIA DE CLARIFICACIÓN Clarify is to participate in active listening and asking questions of something we do not know to  have  a better knowledge  of   the information that has been given. You must listen a story about water. You must summarize the main topics of the video without watching it. When you finish the task,  you must share it with the class. Which themes have you skipped?. Watch the video again and check the answers using  the feedback tool.   Cosmetic surgery exercises Look at the next resource : Surgery tourism . Do the  exercises 1 from  picture four. Choose the correct word  

PRACTICA COLABORATIVA Interactive LIstening 1.- Todos  ven un video sobre las capas de la atmósfera. 2.- El profesor dará  a cada participante de cada grupo  un documento donde se dice cual es el topic escogido para él . . Se visiona el vídeo  individualmente y se resume la parte correspondiente. 3.- Una vez hecha esta tarea,  se comparte con el grupo el resumen hecho. Todos los integrantes del grupo exponen  su parte. Si existiera alguna aclaración que hacer se preguntaría.  4.- Todo el grupo hace un resumen conjunto.  5.- Se ve de nuevo el video y se contesta a las preguntas en él incluidas.   TOPICS  TO SUMMARIZE What is the Atmosphere , Gases of the Atmosphere, and Layers of the Atmosphere Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Termosphere    

Seite 5

ESTRATEGIA DE RESPUESTA Students must carry out activities before, during, and after listening  to an  audio.   Cosmetic surgery exercises  Look at the resource  of Surgery tourism and do exercises 1, 2 and 3 from picture 6   PRACTICA COLABORATIVA Intensive, Selective & Interactive listening Cada integrante del grupo lee un párrafo  de un  artículo  adaptado sobre el neardental afariensis Lucy . MIentras se lee, el resto del equipo menos uno  va recogiendo en un papel las ideas principales que se exponen en cada párrafo. El integrante del equipo que falta redacta unas preguntas sobre lo que se está leyendo. Al final, el profesor entrega una plantilla que hay que rellenar sobre el texto leído. Se contestan las preguntas redactadas por el compañero Una vez corregido  en el grupo clase,  se hace un mapa conceptual por parejas.  Se juega con los recursos preparados por el especialista    READING & CHART  MIrar entrada  "Mother of Man - 3,2 millions years ago"  

MOTHER OF MAN  - 3.2 million years ago “One fossil discovery has transformed views of how we became human.  Lucy was discovered in 1974 in a maze of ravines at Hadar in northern Ethiopia. Johanson and Gray were out searching the scorched when they spotted a tiny fragment of arm bone.   Johanson   named the fossil skeleton Lucy                             Discovery of a lifetime Johanson immediately recognised it as belonging to a hominid. They looked up the slope,  and they saw more bone fragments: ribs, vertebrae, thighbones and a partial jawbone. They unearthed 47 bones of a hominid, or humanlike creature, that lived around 3.2 million years ago. Because of  its small size, and pelvic shape, they concluded it was female and named it 'Lucy' An upright chimp Like a chimpanzee, Lucy had a small brain, long, dangly arms, short legs and a cone-shaped thorax with a large belly. But the structure of her knee and pelvis show that she routinely walked upright on two legs, like us. This form of locomotion, known as 'bipedalism' placed Lucy firmly within the human family. Admired from Afar Johanson named Lucy's species Australopithecus afarensis, which means 'southern ape of Afar', after the Ethiopian region where Hadar is located. 3.5 million years ago, Australopithecus afarensis foraged for fruit, nuts and seeds in a mixture of savannah and woodland. It may also have obtained animal protein from termites or birds'  eggs”.   This article was adapted from:   CHART to FILL Name Sex Height Weight  in kilos Way of death Place of discovering Year of discovering How old was she?   GAME 1 GAME 2 GAME 3    

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