Composing - created from Mind Map


Notiz am Composing - created from Mind Map, erstellt von gladwin13 am 20/10/2013.
Notiz von gladwin13, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
Erstellt von gladwin13 vor fast 11 Jahre
Zu Notiz kopiert von gladwin13 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Key sig - major or minor?If minor - remember to add in the raised 7th everywhere! The raised 7th always leads to the tonic

UP BEATif there is an upbeat - how do you start the 2nd phrase? How many beats in the last bar?

I - V - IThe last note must be preceded by the leading note (VII), or the super-tonic (II)

DynamicsNot too many! Think about the flow of the music.

Tempo markingsItalian term at the beginning. Rit / pause / accel

Articulationstaccato, slurs, phrase marks, tenuto, accents

Double check The right no of beats in each bar Are there any strange leaps? have you used - sequence, rhythm patterns, passing notes to fill in leaps The correct groupings, if 6/8 is everything grouped in 3 quavers? double check upbeat / 2nd phrase / last bar


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