The importance or benefit of rationality (or aspiring towards rationality) in Organising - created from Mind Map


Organisational Behaviour Notiz am The importance or benefit of rationality (or aspiring towards rationality) in Organising - created from Mind Map, erstellt von Crogers am 24/10/2013.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Bureaucracy - A rational legal form of organisatio Max Weber - Notion of authority - changing nature of charismatic and traditional. Abide laws because they are considered legitimate. We see logic by the and are an ordered society. Modern Society based on rational legal authority Rational and most technically efficient form of organisation * Functional Specialisation * Hierarchy * System of rules and operating procedures: - People have power within their nature of their position. - Consistency and fairness. * Impersonal Implementation - Have to follow rules about using the power in the protocol. Cannot be personal when making decisions. (Known as instrumental Rationality - designed rules and processes, efficiently and effectively)

Keeps people in line, with rules and processes, helps to outline the focus of the orgaisation

INSTRUMENTAL RATIONALITY : The means (process) to get to the end,

SUBSTANTIVE - Is the end result a place we should be. Is this really a good idea? Are we doing the right thing? - Can lead to form of irational instrumentally. (Not eing most efficient)

In praise of Bureaucracy, Paul du Gay; 2000 Bureaucracy attacked on three fronts. 1. Popular :- Red tape, impersonal regimented, form-filling and costly. 2. Rational and insturmental:- denies emotion, morality, agency. 3. Entrepreneurial :- New model of commerical enterprise, need to change and respond to globalization. DU GAY DEFEND BUREAUCRACY ETHIC ON IMPERSONALITY AND FAIRNESS He stresses that these rules and procedures help with promotion as it is based on merit and progressions. It makes it a fairer procedure. Limits arbitrary power as you can follow job description. Everyone has to be accountable. Positive thing, gives us checks. Everyone should be treated equally, everyone should be treated fairly,

The importance or benefit of rationality (or aspiring towar…

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