

Short video
Damien Trevillion
Notiz von Damien Trevillion, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Damien Trevillion
Erstellt von Damien Trevillion vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

an athletes yearly plan is known as PERIODISATION – the organization of training into cycles of training objectives, tasks & content-PERIODISSATION is the gradual cycling of specificity, intensity & volume of training, over a specific period of time, to achieve peak levels of fitness for major competitions-it organizes training into cycles of specific objectives, tasks & content-it takes into consideration the scheduling of events/competitions as well as climate/season-it’s a training shift from non sport specific, high volume low intensity activities to sport specific activities oh low volume high intensity over a period of many weeks-theperiodisation system ensures that the athlete in training does not suffer from overtraining & is in optimal condition for major competitionseg. For a sprint program the year could be divided into an aerobic endurance phase, anaerobic endurance, developing a speed foundation, specific speed reaction time & agility.-the overall training period, lets say a year, is called a MACROCYCLE-within the macrocycle are smaller training blocks called MESOCYCLES-withinmesocycles are smaller periods again known as MICROCYCLES eg a weekly schedule

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