How To Analyse A Poem


GCSE English Notiz am How To Analyse A Poem, erstellt von sib_tgara am 08/11/2013.
Notiz von sib_tgara, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sib_tgara vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

1. Read through the poem and get a first impression - what is happening in the poem?

Understand both the literal and metaphorical meaning behind the poem. Are there any re-occurring themes or ideas?

2. Go through each stanza and line and make notes on:

- language used (words, formal, colloquial, techniques (alliteration, similes, metaphor etc)

- the structure of the poem, stanza (traditional or free verse), lines and punctuation, rhyme and rhythm

- consider the point or points of view in the poem, the poets' view, the reader's (you) reaction to the poem and the different readers' reactions.

- the structure of the poem, stanza (traditional or free verse), lines and punctuation, rhyme and rhythm

- the tone of the poem (linked to the above points)

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