art work print artist


Diploma/Certificado de qualificação profissional de nivel 3 art & design Notiz am art work print artist , erstellt von jessicah1224 am 22/09/2015.
Notiz von jessicah1224, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jessicah1224 vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Jim O'Raw Jim O’Raw’s silk-screened prints are a result of his fascination of CMYK printing techniques. His aim is to manipulate colour and to experiment in accidents and imperfections that bring his own work to life. He uses fluorescent colours to make his work eye catching and vibrant. The bright colours layered on top of each other create tone. In his art work he rarely has negative space. In most pieces every part is either colourful or oddly shaped or has an image printed onto it which i think i brilliant; this allows the viewer to see the piece as a whole. His work influences me colour wise. I'd like to work with fluorescent colour schemes into my own art.Blexbolex Blexbolex is a graphic designer and screen printer who uses tone through printing colour upon colour therefore creating brilliant designs. His colour schemes are simple but his images are captivating. They're unusual and angular. He uses a different array of colours in each piece however the colours work well together and they create tone. The darker colours imply depth therefore highlighting the lighter ones. Blexbolex inspires my work by making me want to try using unusual shapes and colours to create tone in a piece of my own art work.Sonnenzimmer Sonnenzimmer's work is often a merging piece of typography and abstract illustration. The duo are screen printers also. Tone is shown through their work in the same way as Jim o'raw shows tone in his; layering colours. Each mark made in their pieces is different, some are straight, some are curved. Each is a different colour and a different texture and on top of all this Sonnenzimmer add type which works perfectly. Each piece they create is different which inspires me to not be repetitive in my print work. Their work inspires me to experiment with many different marks and textures also.

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