Erstellt von Rodney Thomas
vor mehr als 2 Jahre
You are on your journey to becoming a moderator at Palm Reborn. Moderation is not what you think at Palm though. We specialize in security and privacy, so while the moderation is simple, it is not traditional. There is going to be a group of administrators above you, who accept or deny all reports you send in. You, as a moderator, simply are reporting content that violates our terms of service or guidelines. Remember, you are considered a representative of Palm Reborn in some fashion, and this is very important for you to keep in mind when you take action and speak publicly as a moderator. We take pride in being the best of the best social media platforms providing free speech and stopping hate around the world. Reading these notes in full is important, as you will be quizzed on this subject in person. Now let's begin with actual "notes". Definitions: Feed: A user's curated content displayed to them on their home page. Post: User Generated Content published and displayed by and to users. Flagging / Reporting: Send content that is against the guidelines to higher-ups. Copyright: The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same. Copyrighted Content: Moderators do not deal with copyrighted content. Moderators shouldn't even be reporting it. Copyrighted content is chosen to be deleted by the copyright holders. We have a copyrighted content email: copyright@infrared.ga Hours: Mandatory hours for moderators: 3 hours a week for interns, for paid workers it is 15 hours. You will check-in in person. You will be given more information once you pass this course.
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