Stone Age Ireland


History Notiz am Stone Age Ireland, erstellt von conorpahalpin am 02/12/2013.
Notiz von conorpahalpin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von conorpahalpin vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

The Stone Age began over 2.5 million years ago and ended in 2000BC. The first evidence of human settlers in Ireland dates to around 7000BC.

Palaeolithic period (old stone age)- 2,500,500 BC- 8000 BCMesolithic period (middle stone age)- 8000 BC- 3500 BCNeolithic period (new stone age)- 3500 BC- 2000 BC

The Palaeolithic Period No one lived in Ireland during this time As ice water began to melt, sea water levels rose which cut Ireland off from Britain This made Ireland an island.

The Mesolithic Period When the first settlers arrived in Ireland, it was covered in dense forest  It is believed they settled in Mount Sandal in Derry. They were hunter-gatherers, as they hunted for animals and gathered berries and nuts. They put micro-liths (sharp flint) into wood to create spears. Clothes were made from animal skins Houses were huts which were made out of young trees and grass, rushes and branches.

The Neolithic PeriodFoodThe Neolithic people were farmers.They grew crops and brought domestic animals.Neolithic settlements have been found in the Céide Fields in Mayo.Tools and WeaponsThey used axes to cut down trees, and turned soil with mattocks and stone ploughs.Needles were made from bone.Pottery was also made. Using clay, pots were moulded and then hardened in a bonfire.HousesThey wove sticks together to create a base and caked the walls in mud for insulation. This method was known as wattle  and daub.Burial customsThe tombs were known as megalithic tombs as the rocks used were huge.There were 3 main types of megalithic tombsCourt-cairnsThere was an open entrance (the court) and a passageway which led to a room (the cairn)Here, the remains and precious goods were found.DolmensThe cremated remains were placed under three standing stones and a capstone (across the top).Passage tombsNewgrange in Meath is a famous passage tomb, due to the fact that on December 21 every year the sun lights up the whole tomb. The remains of 4 people were found when the site was excavated in 1962. Passage tombs have a corbelled roof, which is where stones are placed on top of each other until they meet in the middle. A capstone is then placed on top. Outside the tomb, artwork and kerbstones are often found.

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