
Notiz am LOUD NOISES STARTLE AND GET ATTENTION, erstellt von Victor Ramirez-Mirazo am 01/11/2016.
Victor Ramirez-Mirazo
Notiz von Victor Ramirez-Mirazo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Victor Ramirez-Mirazo
Erstellt von Victor Ramirez-Mirazo vor mehr als 8 Jahre

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On this table we can view how people react to the noises in order to pay attention.If you are not used to a noise this noise can interfere with your life. For example you drive your car for long time that while driving you don't think about how smooth the engine is running, However if you detect a noise that is unfamiliar to you this attracts your attention. Your unconscious mind is constantly surveying your environment making sure there is nothing in it that is dangerous. That’s why anything new or novel in the environmentwill get your attentionWhen reaching peoples attention here are some tips.Pick a sound that is appropriate to the amount of attention you need. Save the high attention sounds for when it’s really important, for example, if people are about to format their hard drives, or take an action that can’t be undone perhaps jumping from a bridge.

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