Antarctica - created from Mind Map


A Levels geography Notiz am Antarctica - created from Mind Map, erstellt von Benjamin Geers am 13/05/2014.
Benjamin Geers
Notiz von Benjamin Geers, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
Benjamin Geers
Erstellt von Benjamin Geers vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Benjamin Geers
Zu Notiz kopiert von Benjamin Geers vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Seite 1

Tourism growing Sustainability who's land? buildings? The 'gray pound' extreme environment 46000 tourist a year skiing photographers 100 passengers per site IAATO demand for water 10% of sites damaged International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators one ship per site No waste power stations?

Resource Exploitation Oil and Mining Whaling Fishing Currently banned Oil in Southern Ocean Madrid Protocol 1998 TEP leaks 35 times per year review 2048 Factory Ships 250,000 Blue Whales to 1000 banned in 1994 Still allowed for Research worth $1 million CCAMLR not sustainable Quotas 1982 Arctic Rock Cod can no longer be fished Krill reproduction rates low -PTF food chains

Government Antactic treaty No natives Fragile who gets profits? 1961 12 countries no military presents or mineral extraction share scientific Research who's land? need for oil

Ecosystem Fragile highly linked food chains very adapted organisms short growing season two types of flowering plants can not adapt to change low light levels over fishing Krill

Geography Southern Ocean Larger than Europe high altitude 'cold desert' 14 million km2 Transantactic Mountains 150mm precipitation per year


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