ACC210 Financial Accounting: Week 4, Intangibles, Quiz 1.2

Luke Hodges
Quiz von Luke Hodges, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Luke Hodges
Erstellt von Luke Hodges vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Once an intangible asset has been acquired and made ready for use, any subsequent expenditure will be expensed unless:
  • The expenditure is of an external nature
  • It is virtually certain that the expenditure will increase the future economic benefits embodied in the asset
  • The expenditure can be measured reliably and directly attributed to the asset
  • None of the above

Frage 2

For which intangible can costs written off in one period be reinstated in a subsequent period, if recognition and measurement factors change?
  • Goodwill
  • Unidentifiable intangibles
  • Development costs
  • No intangibles

Frage 3

Expenditure on certain internally generated identifiable intangibles is specifically excluded from being recognised as intangible assets. Which of the following are not specifically identified?
  • Brand names
  • Mastheads
  • Copyright
  • Customer lists

Frage 4

The life of an intangible asset is expressed in terms of which of the following?
  • Entity life
  • Economic life
  • Useful life
  • Legal life

Frage 5

In amortising identifiable intangibles, what factor(s) should be reviewed on an annual basis?
  • Commercial life
  • Amortisable (depreciable) amount
  • Cost consumption pattern (amortisation method)
  • All of the above

Frage 6

Where an intangible asset is considered to have an __________________ life, there is no requirement to amortise the asset. What is the missing term based on AASB 138?
  • Infinite
  • Indefinite
  • Material
  • Unlimited

Frage 7

Under AASB 138, the residual value of an identifiable intangible is assumed to be zero unless certain conditions are met. Which of the following represents one of those conditions?
  • There is a commitment by a third party to purchase the asset at the end of its useful life.
  • The residual amount can be determined by reference to an active market that probably will still be in existence at the end of the asset's useful life.
  • Both 1 and 2.
  • Either 1 or 2.

Frage 8

Which of the following statements is correct in relation to the impairment test for identifiable intangibles?
  • It relates to identifiable intangible assets deemed to have an infinite life.
  • It relates to all identifiable intangible assets.
  • It applies where an asset's carrying amount exceeds its fair value.
  • It applies where an asset's recoverable amount exceeds its carrying amount.

Frage 9

In relation to the amortisation of deferred development expenditure, which of the following applies under AASB 138?
  • The amortisation period is a maximum of 20 years.
  • The straight-line method of amortisation must be used.
  • The amortisation shall reflect the pattern of economic benefits consumed.
  • It commences with commercial production of the product resulting from research and development.

Frage 10

Complete the following definition of an 'active market' from AASB 138: 'A market exhibiting all of the following: the items traded are ____________; ___________ buyers and sellers can normally be found; and prices are _________ available.'
  • homogeneous; willing; publicly
  • material; knowledgeable; readily
  • heterogeneous; numerous; always
  • equivalent; sufficient; privately

Frage 11

Can intangible assets be revalued under AASB 138?
  • No.
  • Yes, if they are classified as identifiable.
  • Yes, if they are externally acquired.
  • Yes, if they are externally acquired and there is an active market.
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