XI. Sensory Systems PMU-Physiology


Quiz am XI. Sensory Systems PMU-Physiology, erstellt von Nabeel Javed am 15/09/2017.
Nabeel Javed
Quiz von Nabeel Javed, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nabeel Javed
Erstellt von Nabeel Javed vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Regarding the receptors in the skin:
  • all skin receptor are encapsulated
  • the receptive fields of touch receptor are uniform in area
  • the nociceptors of the skin are bare nerve endings
  • sensory information from the skin reaches the brain via the dorsal pathway
  • sensory information from the skin is stored in the hypothalamus

Frage 2

Regarding the focusing of the eye:
  • hypermetropia may be corrected by diverging lens
  • the focus of the eye is controlled by parasympathetic innervation of ciliary body
  • the lens is the chief refractive element of the eye
  • when the eye focuses on a distant object the ciliary muscle contracts
  • the focus of the eye is controlled by sympathetic innervation of the ciliary body

Frage 3

Regarding the physiology of the eye:
  • the intraocular pressure is about 1,5 mm Hg
  • when light is directed to one eye, both pupils constrict
  • the pupils dilate when the eye is focused a near object
  • the aqueous humour is an ultrafiltrate of plasma
  • the pupils constrict when the eye is focused on a distant object

Frage 4

Regarding vision:
  • protanopes cannot distinguish between red and green because they lack the ligament for detecting green light
  • full colour vision is possible in dim light
  • full dark adaptation takes nearly 30 min
  • in a dark-adapted eye, the visual activity is the best in the centre of the visual field
  • in the retina there are more ganglion cells than photoreceptors
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