Taleem ul Quran English quiz week 35


Taleem ul Quran English quiz; lecture by sister Taymiyyah Zubair Surah Al baqarah : 129
TQ English Quiz
Quiz von TQ English Quiz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Erstellt von TQ English Quiz vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

......رَبَّنَا وَٱبْعَثْ فِيهِمْ Who is meant here in "fi him"? Fir whoom did Ibraheem a.s. and Ismael A.s. make dua to Allah to send a messenger from amongst them?
  • From the people of the sacred city of Mecca
  • From Ash Shaam
  • From Non Arabs

Frage 2

What kinds of a messenger would he be?
  • Human ; from amongst their own nation.
  • A righteous angel
  • A righteous jinn.

Frage 3

What is the purpose of sending a messenger which we learn fron ayat no. 129?
  • To recite the quran to the people
  • To teach them the verses of Allah/his book.
  • To teach them the wisdom/amal/sunnah
  • To purify them from evil and make them grow in piety
  • To teach them worldly and religious knowledge
  • To lead them from the front

Frage 4

Al Hakeem means that Allah is both Zul Hikmah and zul hukum.
  • True
  • False

Frage 5

Give the root words and meanings of وَٱبْعَثْ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ
  • ب ع ث: raise /appoint ز ك ي : purification /growth
  • و ع ث: raise /appoint ذ ك ي : purification /growth
  • ب ع س : raise /appoint ز ك ء : purification /growth

Frage 6

Translate.: رَبَّنَا وَٱبْعَثْ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِّنْهُمْ يَتْلُوا۟ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَايَٰتِكَ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ ٱلْكِتَٰبَ وَٱلْحِكْمَةَ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلْعَزِيزُ ٱلْحَكِيم
  • Our Lord! send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall recite your verses to them and instruct them in scripture and wisdom, and sanctify them: For you are the Exalted in Might, the Wise
  • Our Lord! send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall recite your verses to them and instruct them in scripture and wisdom, and sanctify them: For you are the all knowing , the most merciful
  • Our Lord! send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall recite your verses to them and instruct them in scripture and wisdom, and sanctify them: For you are the always all hearing; always all knowing.

Frage 7

[blank_start]Quran and Sunnah[blank_end] go hand in hand
  • Quran and Sunnah
  • quran and Hajj
  • deen and dunya
  • salah and zakat

Frage 8

If Quran and sunnah are separated we will go astray
  • True
  • False

Frage 9

How is tazkiya done?
  • By removing the bad habits/ get rid of evil: TAKHLIYA
  • Inculcate the good habits/actions: TAHLIYA
  • Keep a balance between good and bad habits
  • Show good habits and hide bad traits

Frage 10

Prophet Mohammad ﷺ did tazkiya of the Arabs such that they changed from being ignorant/ Jahil to being civilized and of good Akhlaq
  • True
  • False
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