Class C Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Questions


Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Study Material Quiz am Class C Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Questions, erstellt von Dean Lampman am 29/12/2017.
Dean Lampman
Quiz von Dean Lampman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dean Lampman
Erstellt von Dean Lampman vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

pH is the measure of
  • Amount of an acid
  • Intensity of basic or acidic condition of a liquid
  • Acidity
  • Alkalinity

Frage 2

The second stage of anaerobic digestion is called
  • Acid formation
  • Stabilization
  • Methane formation
  • Pathogenic formation

Frage 3

One liter of elemental liquid chlorine can evaporate and produce how many liters of chlorine gas
  • 100
  • 250
  • 457
  • 567

Frage 4

Chlorine gas is how many times heavier than air?
  • 1 times
  • 2.5 times
  • 7 times
  • 25 times

Frage 5

PLANT PROBLEM: Plant effluent coliform count fails to meet required standards for disinfection. Chlorine residual is normal. Disinfection supplies are not a problem.
  • Capacity of chlorinator too low
  • Too little solids in effluent
  • Contact time too short
  • Chlorine demand too high

Frage 6

The most important adjustments to the activated sludge process are made by adjusting
  • Aeration, pH, and RAS
  • Aeration, pH and WAS
  • RAS, WAS and aeration
  • pH, RAS and WAS

Frage 7

Problem: Classic sludge bulking occurring in the final clarifier of a conventional activated sludge plant. Indicators include solids pouring over the weirs, excessive floc observed at the surface, and a homogenous sludge blanket appearing throughout the clarifier. Sludge in settling test settles slowly leaving a cloudy supernatant. What is the MOST probable cause?
  • Over-oxidized sludge
  • Hydraulic washout
  • Young sludge
  • SVI too low

Frage 8

PROBLEM: Operational data is given below for a primary clarifier: Influent flow: 2.5 mgd Primary tank volume: 41,310 cubic feet
  • 0.3 hours
  • 3.0 hours
  • 13.0 hours
  • 16.8 hours

Frage 9

As the operator of a primary clarifier, you notice black and odorous septic wastewater leaving the clarifier. What is the probable cause?
  • Withdrawing sludge too frequently
  • Improper sludge removal
  • Excessive I&I entering WWTP
  • Excessive oil and grease entering WWTP

Frage 10

PROBLEM: Plant fecal coliform counts do not meet State standards. The chlorine supply is not the problem, there is adequate vacuum and chlorine feed. The chlorine contact tank has no solids build-up and the effluent flow is below design. That is the MOST likely cause?
  • High chlorine demand from excessive ammonia in effluent
  • High chlorine demand from excessive nitrate in effluent
  • High chlorine demand from excessive nitrite in effluent
  • High chlorine demand from excessive polymer in effluent

Frage 11

A fixed sample is
  • Not broken
  • A sample purposely 'spiked' by the lab technician for QA/QC
  • A series of composite samples
  • A sample preserved in the field upon completion

Frage 12

According to FDEP Chapter 62-602 FAC, an operator could have his/her license permanently revoked for
  • Falsified or misrepresented reports, logs or lab sheets
  • Cheating on an exam
  • Incompetence in operation of a wastewater treatment plant
  • Submitting false data on license application

Frage 13

PROBLEM: Excessive white, billowing foam in the aeration tank surface.
  • pH too high
  • MLSS too low
  • Waste temperature too high
  • WAS too low

Frage 14

According to Chapter 62-620 FAC, Wastewater Permitting, plant records must be maintained on-site for how many years?
  • One year
  • Three years
  • Five years
  • Forever

Frage 15

What happens in the stabilization (re-aeration) tank in the contact-stabilization process?
  • Adsoption of the activated floc
  • Adsorption of waste material by microorganisms
  • Agglomeration of the activated floc
  • Adsorption and digestion of the waste material collected by microorganisms

Frage 16

PROBLEM: Good settling in the 30 minute settleability test. Excessive floc billowing in the clarifier and washing out. Sludge scrapers and RAS system appear normal. What is the BEST solution to fix the problem?
  • Lower aeration tank effluent weirs
  • Increase RAS
  • Add chlorine to RAS
  • Reduce clarifier hydraulic loading rates.

Frage 17

PROBLEM: Classic sludge bulking occurring in the final clarifier of a conventional activated sludge plant. Indicators include solids pouring over the weirs, excessive floc observed at the surface, and a homogenous sludge blanket appearing throughout the clarifier. Sludge in settling test settles slowly leaving a cloudy supernatant. What is the necessary check to confirm the cause?
  • Weir over flow rate
  • Determine effluent suspended solids concentration
  • Calculate the sludge age
  • DO in the aeration tank

Frage 18

In a well operated activated sludge plant, when the RAS rate is decreased but the WAS rate remains constant, the expected conditions would be
  • MLSS decreases, F/M Ration increases, MCRT decreases
  • MLSS decreases, F/M Ration decreases, MCRT increases
  • MLSS increases, F/M Ration increases, MCRT decreases
  • MLSS increases, F/M Ration decreases, MCRT increases

Frage 19

The first step in anaerobic digestion is called
  • Acid formation
  • Stabilization
  • Methane formation
  • Alkalinity formation

Frage 20

A screenings dumpster is full at the headworks of the treatment plant. The dumpster is 6 ft tall, 10 ft long and 8 ft wide. How many cubic yards of screenings myst be disposed of.
  • 17.8
  • 129.6
  • 480.0
  • 575.0

Frage 21

The two main gases formed in the anaerobic digestion process are
  • Nitrogen and oxygen
  • Methane and oxygen
  • Methane and water
  • Methane and carbon dioxide

Frage 22

In an activated sludge plant, if the DO in the aeration tank suddenly decreases and the aerators are not the problem, what is the most probable cause
  • F/M Ratio decreased
  • Increased organic load into tank
  • Denitrification occuring
  • MCRT too long

Frage 23

How many fusible plugs can be found on a one-ton chlorine container?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 6
  • There are no fusible plugs on a one-ton container

Frage 24

A fire has started in the maintenance shop due to an ignition of petroleum oil. Which type of fire extinguisher should not be used to fight the fire?
  • CO2
  • Purple K
  • Pressurized water
  • Dry chemical

Frage 25

Mixing dry granular chlorine with petroleum products will
  • Create anhydrous chlorine dioxide
  • Create an explosive device
  • Create hydrogen dioxide
  • Create a white cloud

Frage 26

A confined space is defined as having a space large enough to bodily enter and perform work, has limited entry and egress and is _______________ ?
  • Not designed for continuous occupancy
  • Designed for state exam prep classes
  • Not designed to perform strenuous computer calculations
  • Designed as a long term hurricane and tornado shelter

Frage 27

What is the dosage of chlorine, in mg/L, if the flow being treated is 85,000 gpd and 3 pounds of chlorine are used per day?
  • 0.42 mg/L
  • 1.4 mg/L
  • 2.3 mg/L
  • 4.2 mg/L

Frage 28

When properly adjusted, the rope packing on a centrifugal pump is designed to leak how much?
  • One drip per second
  • One drip per hour
  • A steady, pencil sized stream should flow at all times
  • There should be NO leaks from a rope packing

Frage 29

In a lab, a dilute acid solution must be prepared for titration in the alkalinity test. The proper procedure for making the weak acid is to:
  • Add the water slowly to the concentrated acid to begin dilution
  • Add the water quickly to the acid to begin dilution
  • Add the acid directly to the sample without dilution
  • Add the acid slowly to the dilution water

Frage 30

What is the removal efficiency of the solids contact/trickling filter process if the influent TSS is 439 mg/L and the plant effluent TSS is 4.0 mg/L?
  • 4%
  • 40%
  • 89%
  • 99%

Frage 31

As an operator of a gravity thickener, you notice floating sludge rising throughout the thickener. All of the following may be a cause for the problem EXCEPT
  • Sludge decomposing in the tank
  • Sludge collection mechanism is off
  • Insufficient sludge removal
  • Sludge blanket too low

Frage 32

PROBLEM: Upon arriving at the package treatment plant serving a small community, you find a uniform sludge blanket rising throughout the clarifier. A settlettling sludge leaving a clear supernatant. MLSS test results are normal, but a calculation of the SVI shows a high sludge volume indability test reveals a very slow seex. What is the MOST likely cause of the high sludge blanket ?
  • The operator has wasted too much sludge, causing a young sludge condition
  • An extreme rain event washed out the majority of the solids
  • Filamentous bacteria are causing the slow settling
  • An overdose of chlorine has killed the floc forming and filament bacteria

Frage 33

PROBLEM: Solids are washing out of the secondary clarifier of the activated sludge plant. Plant personnel increase the return activated sludge (RAS) flow rate, which slows the problem temporarily, but gets worse after 30 minutes. What is the cause of the plant problem?
  • Increasing the RAS increased the detention time in the clarifier
  • Increasing the RAS decreased the detention time in the clarifier
  • Increasing the RAS increased the detention time in the aeration tank
  • Increasing the RAS caused the DO in the aeration tank to increase

Frage 34

PROBLEM: Solids are washing out of the secondary clarifier of the activated sludge plant. A settleability test shows good settling CAN occur. The MOST likely cause of the problem is:
  • High flows are entering the treatment plant
  • The RAS rate is too low
  • Denitrification is occurring in the chlorine contact tank
  • The sludge collector mechanism is rotating clockwise

Frage 35

PROBLEM: The chlorine residual is falling, and inspection of the 150 lb cylinder and chlorine feed equipment shows ice forming on the chlorine regulator and feed lines. The BEST method to fix the falling chlorine residual is:
  • switch over to sodium hypochlorite solution
  • place a second chlorine cylinder on-line
  • roll the cylinder so liquid is feeding instead of gas
  • place a 1500W space heater next to the cylinder to thaw the ice

Frage 36

The fusible plug on a chlorine cylinder is designed to:
  • Melt at 1500 degrees F
  • Prevent a dangerous vacuum from forming in the cylinder
  • Melt at 158-165 degrees F
  • Melt when placed in the direct sunlight

Frage 37

How many times heavier than air is methane gas?
  • 1 time
  • 2.5 times
  • 4.6 times
  • Methane is lighter than air

Frage 38

The combination of methane and _____________ can be very combustible?
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Carbon tetrazini
  • Oxygen

Frage 39

A class C fire extinguisher is safe to use of what type of fire?
  • Ordinary paper, wood and trash
  • Flammable fuels
  • Electrical equipment
  • Flammable metals

Frage 40

F/M Ratio can be BEST be described as:
  • The pounds of CBOD applied to a pound of MLVSS
  • The amount of influent TSS applied to the aeration tank
  • The loading of solids to a trickling filter
  • The amount of soluble CBOD fed to an RBC

Frage 41

According to FDEP chapter 62-601, FAC, a composite sample shall be used for which test?
  • Total chlorine residual
  • Effluent CBOD
  • Effluent pH
  • Effluent fecal coliform

Frage 42

According to FDEP chapter 62-604.550 (a) FAC, a wastewater spill shall be verbally reported to the state warning point no later than:
  • 8 hours from discovery
  • 12 hours from discovery
  • 24 hours from discovery
  • 72 hours from discovery

Frage 43

According to F DEP chapter 62-600.440 (4)(b), basic disinfection is described as:
  • A chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/L for 30 minutes at peak hourly flow
  • A chlorine residual of 1.0 mg/L for 15 minutes at peak hourly flow
  • A chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/L for 15 minutes at peak hourly flow
  • A chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/L for 30 minutes at average daily flow

Frage 44

According to FDEP chapter 62-600.440 (4)(c) 4, basic level disinfection, any ONE sample may not exceed how many colonies per 100 ml sample?
  • 100
  • 200
  • 500
  • 800

Frage 45

The preservative used for transport of the fecal coliform sample is:
  • Ice the sample for no less than 6 hours minimum
  • Ice to 4 degrees C
  • 0.5% nitric acid
  • 0.2% sulfuric acid
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