Clinical Pathology (401-500) MCQs- Year 4 PMU


Clinical Pathology (401-500) MCQs- Year 4 PMU
Med Student
Quiz von Med Student , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Med Student
Erstellt von Med Student vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Mark the correct statements about papillary cystadenoma of the ovary
  • malignant tumor
  • has cyst-like and papillary structures
  • histological characteristics include serous and mucinous types
  • it is a physiological change related to menstrual cycle

Frage 2

‘Linitis plastica’ is a gross subtype of
  • gastric cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • breast cancer
  • uterine cancer

Frage 3

Grossly adenocarcinoma of the colon can be
  • polypoid
  • ulcerous
  • nodular
  • all of the listed above

Frage 4

The terms “early cancer” and “advanced cancer” are used for
  • gastric adenocarcinoma
  • adenocarcinoma of the endometrium
  • adenocarcinoma of the colon
  • breast cancer

Frage 5

What kind of sarcoma could be seen in an immune deficiency?
  • Kaposi sarcoma
  • Ewing sarcoma
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma
  • Chondrosarcoma

Frage 6

Which of the following sarcomas have the worst prognosis?
  • liposarcoma
  • ostesarcoma
  • fibrosarcoma
  • leiomysarcoma

Frage 7

What staining can be used to distinguish leiomyoma uteri from fibroma?
  • Congo red
  • Perls
  • PAS reaction with PAS control
  • Van Gieson

Frage 8

Point the characteristics of the leiomyosarcoma
  • polymorphism of cells and nuclei
  • hyper- and polychromasia of nuclei
  • typical mytoses
  • monster cells

Frage 9

What is hybernoma?
  • benign tumor of vascular origin
  • benign tumor originating from brown fat tissue
  • benign tumor originating from striated muscles
  • malignant tumor originating from pigment tissue

Frage 10

What are the signs of the atypia in a nevus?
  • asymmetry of the lesion, irregular borders
  • dark color, irregular color of the lesion
  • diameter less than 5mm
  • regular borders

Frage 11

How should a biopsy be done if there’ is a suspicion for the melanoma?
  • incision biopsy
  • punch biopsy
  • excision biopsy
  • brush biopsy

Frage 12

Point the most common localizations of the teratomas
  • ovaries, testis
  • extremities
  • retroperitoneum
  • mediastinum

Frage 13

Which of the following are organoid teratomas
  • nephroblastoma
  • cholesteatoma
  • dermoid cyst
  • branchiogenic cyst

Frage 14

Which of the following is organismoid teratoma
  • epidermoid cyst
  • teratocarcinoma
  • dermoid cyst
  • nefroblastoma

Frage 15

What is a nevus pigmentosus?
  • tumor-like process
  • tumor process
  • microscopically it contains mature melanocytes
  • microscopically it contains cells with signs of severe atypia and some of them contain melanin

Frage 16

What is a melanoma?
  • malignant congenital tumor
  • benign tumor composed of melanocytes
  • malignant tumor of pigment origin
  • none of the above

Frage 17

What is an achromatic melanoma?
  • benign form of melanoma
  • melanoma without melanin in the tumor cells
  • type of melanoma which can be proved with immunohistochemical tests
  • melanoma which is more differentiated

Frage 18

Point possible localizations of the nevus pigmentosus and melanoma
  • skin
  • uvea
  • meninges
  • all of the above

Frage 19

Lentigo maligna, nodular, superficial, acral lentigenous are gross forms of
  • melanoma
  • squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
  • basal cell carcinoma of the skin
  • nevus pigmentosus

Frage 20

Indicate immunohistochemical stains to prove melanoma
  • HMB-45
  • Ca-125
  • S-100
  • Cytokeratin

Frage 21

Which of the following tumors do not have a stroma
  • choriocarcinoma
  • seminoma
  • nephroblastoma
  • neuroblastoma

Frage 22

Indicate types of nevus pigmentosus
  • acquired and congenital
  • junctional, compound, intradermal
  • benign and malignant nevus
  • ectodermal and endodermal nevus

Frage 23

Squamous cell carcinoma occurs most frequently in
  • stomach
  • skin
  • bladder
  • larynx

Frage 24

The term ,,pathognomonic change” means
  • unexplained change
  • paradoxical change
  • sufficient to identify the diagnosis/lesion
  • diffuse inflammatory change

Frage 25

Which types of bleeding occur in the digestive system?
  • hemothorax
  • hemoptysis
  • melena
  • hematemesis

Frage 26

Left ventricular hypertrophy can develop in
  • cor pulmonale
  • systemic hypertension
  • mitral stenosis
  • aortic stenosis

Frage 27

Cancer cells which show no resemblance to the tissue from which the tumor originates are called
  • undifferentiated carcinoma
  • well-differentiated carcinoma
  • scirrhous type carcinoma
  • histioid cancer

Frage 28

Which of the following is correct for the mechanical jaundice?
  • indirect bilirubin prevails in blood
  • elevated urine urobilinogen
  • elevated urine bilirubin
  • stools are hyperpigmented

Frage 29

Basal cell carcinoma ts localized most frequently on
  • the skin of the forearm
  • the skin of the lower limbs
  • the skin on the palms
  • skin of the face

Frage 30

Bilaterally, on the skin of the eyelids of a young woman are seen yellow nodules with the size of a grain of rice. What is it?
  • xanthelasmas
  • nevus
  • efelides
  • hemosiderin deposition

Frage 31

How do we call the local depigmentation of the skin?
  • vitiligo
  • hemosiderosis
  • albinism
  • ohronosis

Frage 32

Which of the following is correct for the mechanical jaundice
  • it is parenchymal jaundice
  • there is posthepatic occlusion
  • direct bilirubin Is increased
  • it is also called hemolytic jaundice

Frage 33

"Mutilation” means
  • form of biological mutation
  • pendulum movement of the blood
  • zonal hair loss
  • self amputation of phalanges

Frage 34

In the bronchi and nasal cavity may develop squamous cell carcinoma based on
  • hypoplasia
  • histological accommodation
  • anaplasia
  • metaplasia

Frage 35

State which of the following is a macroscopic characteristic of adenocarcinoma
  • like a "bowl"
  • like a "cauliflower"
  • round non-healing ulcers on the face
  • very dense knot in the face

Frage 36

The most common localization of lymphangioma is
  • in sella turcica
  • the face
  • on the phalanges of the toes
  • lips, tongue

Frage 37

Presence of the lymphocytes and plasma cells in the stroma of tumors is called
  • reactive inflammation
  • morphological anaplasia
  • stromal reaction
  • sinus histiocytosis

Frage 38

Carcinoids are
  • tumor-like process
  • benign tumors
  • malignant tumors
  • hyperplastic process

Frage 39

How does carcinoma in situ metastasize?
  • by the lymph flow
  • perineural
  • by the blood flow
  • does not metastasize

Frage 40

The most frequent localization of neurinoma in the skull is
  • ponto-cerebellar angle
  • falx cerebri
  • tentorium cerebelli
  • cerebellum

Frage 41

Signet-ring cells are seen in
  • in obesity
  • vacuolar degeneration of tubular epithelium in kidney
  • liver steatosis
  • adenocarcinoma accumulating mucus in tumor cells

Frage 42

Squamous cell carcinoma may develop from
  • mouth mucosa
  • lining of the bronchi
  • lining of the vaginal part of cervix
  • epithelium of gastric mucosa

Frage 43

Dermoid cyst is
  • mature teratoma, which occurs most frequently in the ovary
  • benign tumor of cells of the soft meninges
  • pigmental tumor
  • benign tumor associated with pregnancy

Frage 44

ULCUS RODENS (rodent ulcer) is a metaphor for macroscopca finding in
  • adenocarcinoma of the stomach
  • luetic ulcer
  • rodent bites
  • basal cell carcinoma

Frage 45

The following microscopic description indicates: H-E staining: The lesion consists of nests of normal melanocytes that accumulate different quantity of brown-black pigment. These cells can be found in papillary or reticular derma.of the skin
  • naevus pigmentosus
  • melanoma malignum
  • skin oedema
  • basal cell carcinoma

Frage 46

The following clinical features: left-sided heart failure, dyspnoe (shortness of breath), frequent cough with rusty colour expectoration, can be seen in
  • brown induration of the lungs/hemosiderosis of lungs
  • heart tamponade
  • 1st degree AV-block
  • all of the above

Frage 47

Which heart disease can be described with the following microscopic picture: The cuspid valve when stained with H-E shows loose area - clear and unstained spaces between fibrous structures representing interstitional mucoid oedema)swelling. Fibroblasts are seen around this clear zone and in the periphery of the cuspid valve (sign of fibrosis). The valve contains many newly formed capillaries (the process is called vascularization)
  • acute endocarditis
  • subacute endocarditis
  • age-related degeneration of the valve
  • rheumatism

Frage 48

Which answer is correct for the following microscopic description: H-E staining: The liver columns are atrophic, the sinusoids look dilated. The hepatocytes are smaller in size and contain brown-golden pigment granules with perinuclear localization
  • nutmeg liver
  • cyanosis hepatis
  • acute hepatitis
  • atrophy of the liver

Frage 49

The following microscopic description is indicative for: H-E staining: Alveolar spaces are filled with precipitaded homogenous pink fluid. Alveolar septi and capillaries are dilated and filled with erythrocytes. Airy bubbles can be found in the alveolar cavities and in the lumens of bronchi
  • hemorrhagic infarction of the lung
  • hemosiderosis pulmonis
  • pulmofibrosis
  • lung edema

Frage 50

“After Y-shaped opening of the pericardium, the pulmonary artery is cut on 2cm after its beginning. Tweezers are inserted in the vessel and its content is taken out, which looks dry and crumble”.
  • massive thromboembolism in the trunk of a. pulmonalis (saddle embolus)
  • air embolism
  • amniotic embolism
  • heart tamponade

Frage 51

Indicate the cause of death according to the described test: “After Y-shaped opeing, the pericardial sac is filled with water. After puncture of the right heart ventricle with a sharp knife are seen air bubbles”.
  • massive thromboembolism in the trunk of a. pulmonalis (saddle embolus)
  • air embolism
  • amniotic embolism
  • heart tamponade

Frage 52

The following microscopic description of the kidney is indicative for: H-E staining: On low magnification is seen pinkish area with no nuclei or picnotic nuclei and the cytoplasms of the necrotic cells is granular and eosinophillic. Kidney structures look like shadows. This pinkish area is surrounded by blue rim, of inflammatory cells (lymphocytes and leucocyts) and thin band of erythrocytes (the so called hyperemic-hemorrhagic area).
  • acute pyelonephritis
  • anemic infarction of the kidney
  • amyloidosis of the kidney
  • chronic pyelonephritis

Frage 53

The following microscopic description of the lung indicates for: On H-E staining: Necropsy material taken 24 hours after death. The alveoli are filled with agglutinated and hemolized erythrocytes, the alveolar walls are necrotic. The preserved alveoli are filled with edematous fluid and hemosiderophages. The latest changes are a sign for chronic venous congestion.
  • hemorrhagic infarction of the lung and hemosiderosis
  • pneumonia and hemosiderosis
  • small cell cancer and hemosiderosis
  • pneumonia and lung edema

Frage 54

What is the organ diagnosis if during autopsy are seen the following changes: Complicated atherosclerotic plaques of the aorta and renal arteries with ulceration and thrombosis, small in size right kidney showing depressed area in its middle part, which is 3x4cm in size, with pale color, firm texture and triangular shape.
  • chronic pyelonephritis
  • anemic infarction of the kidney
  • chronic glomerulonephritis
  • abscess of the kidney

Frage 55

The following microscopic description of the heart is indicative for: H-E staining: Among the myocardium are found cavities filled with purulent exudate. In the centre of some of them are seen groups of microorganisms, stained in dark blue. The adjacent cardiomyocytes are with dystrophic changes, multitude neutrophiles are seen in the interstitium
  • acute purulent pericarditis
  • acute absceding myocarditis
  • acute viral myocarditis
  • rheumatic myocarditis

Frage 56

What is the described disease in the liver? H-E staining “Description of the wall of a cyst. Pink slender membrane is pathognomonic for the disease. It represents tick, multilayered acellular band which looks like “cigarette smoke”. There is a fibrous capsule between the membrane and the normal liver tissue, compoused of collagen connective tissue. Single bile ducts and chronic inflammatory cells are included among the collagen fibres."
  • actinomycosis
  • amebiasis
  • chronic abscess
  • echinococcus

Frage 57

Indicate the correct answer for the following description: “Tumor-like process located on the gingiva. Histologically, under the stratified squamous gingival epithelium are found fibroblast-like cells and giant cells looking like osteoclasts, located in optically empty spaces. Light stripe of connective tissue separates the epithelium and the tumor-like process.
  • fibroma
  • giant cell epulis
  • adamantinoma
  • cementoma

Frage 58

Indicate the diagnosis according to the following microscopic description: H-E staining: The thyroid gland is lavishly infiltrated by the lymphocytes and plasma cells. Plenty of lymph follicles are also formed, they are with the wide light centres. The lymphoid infiltration disrupts the lymph follicles; in the preserved ones the colloid is scanty or missing. High cubic eosinophilic cells of Hurtle type can be seen.
  • Goiter
  • Riddle thyroiditis
  • Lymphoma in the thyroid gland
  • Hashimoto thyroiditis

Frage 59

Suggest the correct answer according to the following microscopic description. H-E staining: The tumor is composed of branches and nests of basal type cells - spindle, with scantycytoplasm and moderate atypia of nuclei. Mitoses are rarely seen. In the solid nests tumor cells have palisade peripheral arrangement The stromal reaction is presented by lymphocytes and plasma cells. The tumor nests infiltrate the deep dermal layers.
  • basal cell papilloma of the skin
  • squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
  • pigmented nevus
  • basal cell carcinoma of the skin

Frage 60

Suggest the correct diagnosis according to the following microscopic description. H-E staining: Unencapsulated intradermal tumor which is poorly distinguished from the adjacent tissue and covered by the atrophic epidermis. The tumor is composed of the capillary vessels with erythrocytes in their lumena.
  • cavernous hemangioma of the skin
  • capillary lymphangioma of the skin
  • capillary hemangioma of the skin
  • hygroma of the skin

Frage 61

Suggest the diagnosis according to the following microscopic description. H-E staining: Unencapsulated liver tumor which is well distinguished from the adjacent tissues. It is composed of the large vascular spaces resembling similar vascular structures in the penis. Erythrocytes and hemolyzed blood are seen in the lumina of these large vessels. The walls of these structures represent fibrous Septi covered with one or two lines of endothelial cells.
  • cavernous hemangioma
  • capillary hemangioma
  • angiosarcoma
  • lymphangioma

Frage 62

Suggest the diagnosis according to the following microscopic description: H-E staining: Unencapsulated uterine tumor which Is composed of the spindle cells arranged in bundles. These bundles cross in different directions. Slight tissue atypia is seen, presented by chaotic bundles of spindle cells
  • leiomyosarcoma uteri
  • leiomyoma uteri
  • endometrial carcinoma
  • endometrial sarcoma

Frage 63

Suggest the diagnosis according to the microscopic description. H-E staining: The tumor is composed of highly differentiated tissue elements from the three germinal cell layers mesodermal layer (connective tissue, collagen fibres, fatty tissue, cartilage and others), endodermal layer (glands) and ectodermal layer (skin, columnar epithelium, stratified squamous epithelium, brain substance). They create a variety of the morphological picture. There isn’t any sign of cell atypia. Cystic changes are often seen.
  • teratocarcinoma
  • mature teratoma
  • dermoid cyst
  • pleomorphic adenoma

Frage 64

A resident in surgery is looking for a consultation with regard to a breast nodule in a young woman: can a morphological examination be done prior to surgery? How the specimen should be taken and in what fixative? Which are the other options for a routine examination? What addition morphological methods can be involved?
  • complete excision if the tumor is small in size and frozen section during surgery
  • incision biopsy if the tumor is bigger in size followed by frozen section during surgery
  • thin-needle biopsy followed by cytology examination
  • all of the listed above

Frage 65

52-year old woman with medical history of tonsillitis, developed heart valve defect. She complained of cough, sometimes with rusty expectoration and difficulties in breathing when she is lying in bed. Auscultation revealed small moist noises in both lung bases. What is the cause for all these complains and clinical findings?
  • mitral valve stenosis
  • tricuspidal valve stenosis
  • aortic valve stenosis
  • aortic valve insufficiency

Frage 66

Body of a man with total cachexia is sent for an autopsy. The skin is dark-bronze. The two suprarenal glands are entirely ruined by tuberculosis. Which is the disease?
  • Cohn’s disease
  • Addison’s disease
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Waterhouse-Fridricksen’s syndrome

Frage 67

Nodule measuring 2 cm from the parotid gland of a 32 year old male patient was sent are histological examination. Histological result showed jelly-like and at some areas chondroid substance which surrounds glandular structures and strands of flat cylindrical and spindle cells. Suggest the diagnosis.
  • adenocarcinoma of the parotid gland
  • acute syalodenitis
  • pleomorphic adenoma
  • mucinous carcinoma

Frage 68

A tumor from the left forearm in a 39-year old woman was resected. Grossly it is well circumscribed, with a diameter of 3 cm. On histology: tumor cells are spindle-shaped, grouped in bundles, nuclei form palisade structures. Set the diagnosis
  • fibroma
  • leiomyoma
  • myxoma
  • neurinoma

Frage 69

An autopsy of a 60-years all man revealed a thickened and soft wall of the stomach with indistinct layers. Cut surface showed presence of the dirty grayish -green pus-like material. What disease is this:
  • chronic gastritis
  • phlegmonous gastritis
  • acute gastric ulcer
  • chronic gastric ulcer

Frage 70

At an autopsy in the temporal lobe of the brain a cyst with a diameter of 2 cm, with smooth walls and clear pale yellow liquid was found. What can it be:
  • abscess of the brain
  • pseudocyst of the brain
  • tumor
  • encephalitis

Frage 71

A man of 68 years is complaining of severe pain in the muscles of the legs occurring when walking fast, which disappears after a short rest. Indicate the correct diagnosis
  • Varicose veins in the lower extremities
  • Intermittent claudication
  • Polio-encephalitis
  • Popliteal vein thrombosis

Frage 72

During an opera performance a singer suddenly lost consciousness and after a few hours died with the signs of hemorrhagic shock without clear source of bleeding. At the autopsy are found 2.5 L. blood in the abdomen from subcapsular rupture of an unencapsulated tumor formation in the liver, with spongy structure, cherry -red color and size - 15 x 15cm. Which are the causes of death?
  • ruptured cavernous hemangioma of the liver
  • mesenteric thrombosis and paralytic ileus
  • diffuse peritonitis due to hemorrhage
  • hemorrhagic ‘shock due to blood loss

Frage 73

The left hemisphere of brain demonstrates a well circumscribed tumor with a diameter of 3cm, greyish- brown color and a thick consistency, attached to the dura mater. The underlying brain tissue shows a compression pit. Point the most likely macroscopic diagnosis
  • meningioma
  • astrocytoma
  • neurinoma
  • medulloblastoma

Frage 74

On the plantar surface of a 35 year old woman there is a bluish-black tumor with lobulated uneven surface covered with bloody crusts. Histology shows epithelioid cells with different shapes and sizes with pigment granules in the cytoplasm. Infiltrative growth in respect to dermis and epidermis is present. Give a diagnosis:
  • nevus pigmentosus
  • efelides
  • melanoma malignum
  • basal cell carcinoma

Frage 75

At an autopsy in the upper area of the right lung are detected changes including two foci with stone-hard density. The cut-surface is whitish and is grinding like sand. How to explain the presence of these calcium salts?
  • calcium gout
  • deposits of uric acid crystals
  • degenerative calcification in old tuberculosis focus
  • metastatic calcification

Frage 76

68 year-old man complains of a face ulcer with thick edges and black base covered with brownish crusts. Histologically nests of round cells that form peripheral palisade structures are seen. Which is the correct diagnosis?
  • basal cell carcinoma
  • squamous cell carcinoma
  • malignant melanoma
  • nevus pigmentosus

Frage 77

A man of 62, smoker with obesity, treated in a dermatological clinic due to skin problems, dies suddenly after a severe chest pain. Clinicians set as the final diagnosis the skin disease for which he has been admitted to the hospital. At the autopsy a 3.5 cm clay-like area with irregular shape in the anterior wall of the left ventricle was seen. The descending left coronary artery was almost entirely occluded by atherosclerosis. What is the correct diagnosis?
  • rupture of the heart
  • myocardial infarction
  • acute heart failure
  • cerebral infarction

Frage 78

The autopsy of a 43 years old man reveals brain meninges covered by the thick yellowish exudate. Meningeal vessels are hyperemic, brain tissue is edematous. What is your diagnosis?
  • acute encephalitis
  • polio-encephalitis
  • cerebellar herniation
  • acute purulent meningitis

Frage 79

A 35 year old man felt his right parotid gland enlarged, with a nodule 2 cm in diameter, well demarcated and dense. Histology shows jelly-like structures and immature cartilage them glandular structures and strands of cubic, cylindrical cells and ducts. Specify the diagnosis:
  • pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland
  • adenocarcinoma of the parotid gland
  • myxoma of parotid gland
  • chondroma of parotid gland

Frage 80

During the autopsy in the temporal lobe of the brain is found a cyst 2cm in diameter, with smooth walls filled with a clear pale yellow liquid. Indicate what it is:
  • brain abscess
  • pseudocyst of the brain
  • tumor
  • encephalitis

Frage 81

At autopsy, in the abdominal cavity and on appendices epiploice, many “chalky” white spots are Clearly seen. The finding is the same in the pancreas. Point the diagnosis:
  • steatonecrosis in acute pancreatitis
  • fibrino-purulent peritonitis
  • scarcinomatosis of peritoneum
  • serous peritonitis

Frage 82

28 year old woman a year ago felt a ‘knot’ in the breast 2 centimeters in diameter, well demarcated, painless, mobile, thick. Histology shows concentric connective tissue around the ducts of the breast without compressing and distortion of the ducts. Specify the exact histologic diagnosis:
  • adenocarcinoma
  • pericanalicular fibroadenoma
  • intracanalicular fibroadenoma
  • scirrous cancer

Frage 83

Bilateral on the skin of the eyelids are seen bulging above the level of the skin nodules yellow color with the size of rice grains. What is it?
  • deposition of hemosiderin
  • common mole
  • nevus
  • xantelasmas

Frage 84

The autopsy of a deceased patient shows swollen and very soft meninges of the temporal area with greyish-green color. Microscopic examination reveals that the meninges are rich of leukocytes. What illness is concerned
  • purulent meningitis
  • brain abscess
  • tuberculous meningitis
  • encephalitis

Frage 85

39 year old female underwent surgery to remove a tumor from her left forearm. The tumor is 3cm in diameter, well demarcated and dense. Histology shows fusiform (spindle) cells which are grouped in bundles, with nuclej arranged in palisades (‘fence wall’ pattern). Set the diagnosis
  • fibroma
  • mixoma
  • leiomyoma
  • neurinoma

Frage 86

At autopsy in the frontal lobe of the brain is found well visible and demarcated area with 3 cm in diameter, with gray-green color, well circumscribed from the surrounding tissue, filled with decaying substance. What illness is described?
  • purulent meningitis
  • encephalitis
  • chronic abscess
  • tuberculous meningitis

Frage 87

Autopsy of a patient suffering from elevation of blood pressure, episodic diarrhea with abdominal pain, flushing, cyanosis, pulmonary stenosis with insufficiency, shows a thickened nodal end of the appendix the size of 2 cm, dense, with a characteristic yellowish color in the submucosa. Histologically the tumor is composed of rounded to polygonal cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. The granules do not reduce silver salts. Tumor stroma is hyalinized. Give the histological diagnosis of the tumor:
  • gangrenous appendicitis
  • lymphoma of the appendix
  • carcinoid
  • appendicocele

Frage 88

The autopsy of 65 - year-old woman shows absceding pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis. In the subarachnoid space, and on the surface of the brain is seen an exudate with dense yellowish color. Histology detects the presence of exudate rich in segmented leukocytes and fibrin. Diagnose the process!
  • tuberculous meningitis
  • serous meningitis
  • epidemic meningococcal meningitis
  • purulent meningitis

Frage 89

34 year-old presents with enlarged cervical lymph nodes on the right side of the neck that do not seem to be affected after antibiotic treatment. The biopsy of the lymph nodes shows entirely depleted structure with numerous large mononuclear and binuclear cells, eosinophils, plasma cells, lymphocytes, epithelioid macrophages. Give diagnosis of the pathological process in the lymph nodes!
  • Tuberculosis net
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  • Sarcoidosis

Frage 90

The upper outer quadrant of the breast shows dense node, well delimited and movable to the surrounding tissue and skin. Histological examination establishes proliferated and expanded ducts of the breast with a spherical shape and the surrounding connective tissue that does not deform them. Breast lobules are not seen. Give the diagnosis of the process!
  • chronic fibrocystic breasts
  • lipogranuloma
  • lipoma
  • pericanalicular fibroadenoma

Frage 91

Autopsy of a 67 year-old with cancer of the ascending colon. Skin, mucous membranes and internal organs are pale, the heart is a ‘tiger’ type, the bone marrow of flat bones is hyperplastic and in the long bones it is hyperplastic and ‘red’. Point out the correct diagnosis of the hematopoietic system!
  • iron deficiency anemia
  • hemolytic anemia
  • pernicious anemia
  • aplastic anemia

Frage 92

At an autopsy, a large part of one of the lungs is soft, grey color with an unpleasant odor and the surrounding lung tissue is atelectatic. Histologically is seen necrosis with many microorganisms. No inflammatory reaction is seen. Give the correct diagnosis!
  • emphysema
  • lung carcinoma
  • lung abscess
  • lung gangrene

Frage 93

18-year old girl is with tumor formation in the abdomen. An operation is done and a cystic tumor of the left ovary with the size of 10 cm is removed. Cutting of the tumor shows little protrusion at one pole of the cyst and the contents are fat and hair. Histologically are observed improperly mixed tissues from all three germ layers - ecto - , meso- and endoderm. Determine the type of tumor
  • serous cystadenoma
  • papillary cystadenoma
  • mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
  • mature teratoma

Frage 94

At necropsy the gastric mucosa is strongly hypertrophied. Gastric mucosal folds are large, curved , swollen resembling brain gyri. Which of the following is correct?
  • acute gastritis
  • chronic gastritis
  • carcinoma of the stomach
  • hypertrophic gastritis of Menetrier

Frage 95

Autopsy of 27 - year-old woman finds in the lungs numerous gray-yellowish nodules with the size of millet grain and dense texture. In the subaruchnoid space of the basal surface of the brain, between cruris cerebri around the optic chiasma is seen abundant gelatinous, yellowish exudate and along the blood vessels - nodules with the same characteristic as in the lungs. What is the disease of the nervous system?
  • purulent meningitis
  • encephalitis
  • serous meningitis
  • tuberculous meningitis

Frage 96

An elderly with complaints of severe chest pain that spread to the left arm was admitted in emergency cardiac surgery. A surgical intervention with placement of two bypasses was performed and the patient's life was saved. What disease caused the complaints?
  • angina pectoris
  • atherosclerosis
  • myoardial infarction
  • prinzmetal angina

Frage 97

If thrombosis occurs a few days after surgery of popliteal vein and causes death due to massive pulmonary embolism, the main disease is
  • what has given rise to surgery
  • the surgical operation
  • thrombosis of v. poplitea
  • massive pulmonary thrombosis

Frage 98

The autopsy of 27 years old woman revealed numerous grayish yellow nodules in the lungs with size of a grain and dense consistency. On the brain was found gelatinous yellowish exudate mainly on its base, around chiasm and Sylvian fissure. Around the vessels were visible single nodules with the same characteristics as in the lungs. What is the process in the lungs?
  • abscessing pneumonia
  • pneumonia crouposa
  • miliary tuberculosis
  • silicosis

Frage 99

A 50 year old male presents with angina pectoris. Coronary angiography reveals a 75% narrowing of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery. Which of the following cells is least likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of his coronary artery lesion?
  • monocytes
  • smooth muscle cells
  • platelets
  • neutrophils

Frage 100

During third trimester of pregnancy, a 28 year old woman discovers a lump in her right breast. It is a circumscribed, 2-cm, freely movable mass beneath the nipple. After delivery of a term infant the mass appears to decrease slightly In size. This breast lesion is most likely to be a (an)
  • intraductal papilloma
  • phyllodes tumor
  • fibroadenoma
  • lobular carcinoma in situ
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Clinical Pathology (101-200) MCQs- Year 4 PMU
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Clinical Pathology Test 3- 4th Year PMU
Med Student
Acute Abdomen- Surgical Diseases- 4th Year PMU
Med Student
Clinical Pathology (501-530) MCQs- Year 4 PMU
Med Student
Acute Peritonitis- Surgical Diseases- 4th Year- PMU
Med Student
Neurology Final MCQs- 4th Year- PMU
Med Student
Clinical Immunology Final MCQs- 4th Year- PMU
Med Student
Portal Hypertension- Surgical Diseases 4th Year- PMU
Med Student
Pleural Diseases- Surgical Diseases 4th Year- PMU
Med Student