Spain in the 19th Century


Revision of the main concepts and events related to the history of Spain in the 19th century.
Diego Cintas
Quiz von Diego Cintas, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Diego Cintas
Erstellt von Diego Cintas vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Why did Fernando VII want to change the Law of Succession?
  • Because he wanted his daughter to be the Queen.
  • Because he wanted his wife to be the Queen.
  • Because he wanted his brother to be the King.
  • Because he wanted his son to be the King.

Frage 2

The Cortes de Cádiz took place during the French Revolution.
  • True
  • False

Frage 3

In [blank_start]1814[blank_end] Spain won the war, and Fernando VII returned to the Spanish throne. He abolished the [blank_start]Constitution[blank_end] and restored [blank_start]absolutism[blank_end]. He ruled till his death in [blank_start]1833[blank_end].
  • absolutism
  • Constitution
  • 1814
  • 1833

Frage 4

What happened to the colonies after the death of Fernando VII? They proclaimed their [blank_start]independence[blank_end].
  • independence
  • loyalty to the king
  • support to the liberals

Frage 5

What do you think this painting represent?
  • Carlist Wars
  • The Constitution of 1812

Frage 6

In Spain during the 19th Century there were some Constitutions. But only one was called "la Pepa". Which one?
  • The first one, on March 19 1812, was a liberal text.
  • In 1837 there was another one, which was also liberal, that was approved with the support of Queen María Cristina of Bourbon.
  • In 1869, the third one established a parliamentary monarchy.
  • The last one, in 1876, was more conservative than the previous one and allowed alternating the two main political parties (Conservatives and Liberals).

Frage 7

In 1868, a group of soldiers protested against Isabel II, who went into exile in France.
  • True
  • False

Frage 8

Which were the last two colonies that Spain lost?
  • Cuba and Philippines.
  • Cuba and Mexico.
  • Mexico and Philippines.

Frage 9

In 1808, [blank_start]Napoleon[blank_end] Bonaparte ruled over France and his empire extended throughout Europe. In Spain, there was a confrontation between King [blank_start]Carlos IV[blank_end] and his son [blank_start]Fernando VII[blank_end]. This allowed the French emperor to invade the kingdom and put his brother, [blank_start]José I[blank_end] Bonaparte, on the throne. Spaniards then rose in arms against the French army and fought a War of Independence.
  • Napoleon
  • Carlos IV
  • José I
  • Fernando VII

Frage 10

A new [blank_start]military uprising[blank_end] took place, which led to the restoration of the monarchy in 1874. In 1875 Alfonso XII of Bourbon came to the Spanish throne. The Constitution of 1876 was approved during that period.
  • military uprising
  • military parade
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