From the War of Independence


Sexto Ciencias Sociales 6 Flashcards on From the War of Independence, created by Diego Cintas on 10/03/2019.
Diego Cintas
Flashcards by Diego Cintas, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Diego Cintas
Created by Diego Cintas almost 6 years ago
Diego Cintas
Copied by Diego Cintas almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Popular uprising of May 2 in Madrid. («El levantamiento popular del dos de mayo de 1808 en Madrid» painted by Goya)
Executions of May 3rd. (Fusilamientos del 3 de mayo by Goya)
March 19 1812, First Spanish Constitution. It was a liberal text. (La promulgación de la Constitución de 1812, painted by Salvador Viniegra)
1788-1808 Carlos IV (Fernando's father) (Portrait by Goya, 1789)
1844-1833 Fernando VII (Ferdinand VII in Court Dress by Goya, 1815)
1804-1815 Napoleon Bonaparte (The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries by Jacques-Louis David, 1812)
1808-1813 Jose I Bonaparte (Napoleon's brother) (painted by François Gérard)
1833 Carlos de Borbón (Fernando's brother) wanted to return to an absolute monarchy, supported by the Absolutists in the Carlist War 1833-1840. (painted by Vicent López Portaña)
1843-1868 Isabel II supported by the liberals called Isabelinos, . (photo portrait by Jean Laurent, 1860)
1833-1840 First Carlist War 1833-1840 won by the Isabelinos. (Calderote- Primera Guerra Carlista painted by Ferrer Dalmau)
1833-1840 Regency of Maria Cristina de Borbón Maria Cristina de Borbón, Queen regent of Spain from 1833 to 1840. María Cristina of Bourbon was Queen Isabel’s mother and had to assume regency while her daughter was underage. (Portrait by Vicente López y Portaña, 1830)
Carlist Flag
1840-1843 Regency of General Baldomero Espartero Regency of General Baldomero Espartero (1840-1843). (painted by José María Casado del Alisal)
1871-1873 Amadeo I of Savoy (painted by Vicente Palmaroli)
1873-1874 First Spanish Republic 1873-1874 Allegory of the Spanish Republic, published in a satirical and liberal magazine.
1874-1884 Restoration of the monarchy Reign of Alfonso XII 1874-1885
1885-1902 Regency of Maria Cristina of Habsburg She was Alfonso XII’s wife. When he died she had to rule as regent while her son Alfonso XIII was underage. (Photographical portrait by Christian Franzen)
1902-1931 Reign of Alfonso XIII 1902-1931 (photograph by Kaulak)
1837 It was also liberal and was approved with the support of Queen Maria Cristina of Bourbon.
Constitution of 1869 This constitution established a parliamentary monarchy.
Constitution of 1876 (during the reign of Alfonso XII) It was more conservative than the previous one and allowed alternating the two main political parties (Conservatives and Liberals).
Regency a period of time when a country is ruled by a regent, because the king or queen is too young or too ill.
Republic it is a governmental form in which there is no king. The head of state is the president of the republic.
Parliamentary monarchy a monarch reigns but does not rule the country.
Absolutism a system of government in which the king has absolute power. There is no constitution.
Liberalism a political philosophy that defended rights and liberties for citizens against absolutism.
Moderate liberals liberal political party during the reign of Isabel II. They defended conservative liberalism and approved the Constitution of 1845.
Progressives liberal political party during the reign of Isabel II. They wanted to bring greater liberties for more sectors of the population.
Carlists absolutist supporters of Infante Carlos, who claimed the throne after King Fernando VII died.
A military coup taking of government power, especially by part of an army
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