MV Quiz


Bible Quiz am MV Quiz , erstellt von Mallory Mitchen am 22/08/2019.
Mallory Mitchen
Quiz von Mallory Mitchen, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mallory Mitchen
Erstellt von Mallory Mitchen vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

[blank_start]So[blank_end] in [blank_start]everything[blank_end], do to [blank_start]others[blank_end] what you would have [blank_start]them[blank_end] do to you, for this [blank_start]sums[blank_end] up the [blank_start]Law[blank_end] and the [blank_start]Prophets[blank_end]. [blank_start]Matthew[blank_end] 7:[blank_start]12[blank_end]
  • So
  • Because
  • Do
  • all things
  • all of the above
  • everything
  • others
  • people
  • yourself
  • them
  • him
  • her
  • sums
  • completes
  • adds
  • Law
  • Wall
  • Book
  • Prophets
  • Teachers
  • Kings
  • Matthew
  • Mark
  • Psalms
  • Proverbs
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15

Frage 2

Now to Him who is [blank_start]able[blank_end] to do [blank_start]immeasurably[blank_end] more that all we [blank_start]ask[blank_end] or [blank_start]imagine[blank_end], according to His [blank_start]power[blank_end] that is at [blank_start]work[blank_end] [blank_start]within[blank_end] us, to HIm be [blank_start]glory[blank_end] in the [blank_start]church[blank_end] and in Christ [blank_start]Jesus[blank_end] throughout all [blank_start]generations[blank_end], [blank_start]forever[blank_end] and [blank_start]ever[blank_end]! [blank_start]Amen[blank_end]. [blank_start]Ephesians[blank_end] 3:20-21
  • able
  • immeasurably
  • ask
  • imagine
  • power
  • work
  • within
  • glory
  • church
  • Jesus
  • generations
  • forever
  • ever
  • Amen
  • Ephesians

Frage 3

But the [blank_start]Lord[blank_end] said to [blank_start]Samuel[blank_end], " Do not consider his [blank_start]appearance[blank_end] or his [blank_start]height[blank_end], for I have [blank_start]rejected[blank_end] him. The [blank_start]Lord[blank_end] does not look at the things [blank_start]man[blank_end] looks at. Man looks at the [blank_start]outward[blank_end] appearance, but the Lord looks at the [blank_start]heart[blank_end]." I [blank_start]Samuel[blank_end] 16:7
  • Lord
  • Prophet
  • King
  • Saul
  • David
  • Samuel
  • looks
  • appearance
  • clothing
  • height
  • length
  • charm
  • forgiven
  • rejected
  • chosen
  • King
  • Prophet
  • Lord
  • man
  • men
  • people
  • inward
  • outward
  • outer
  • mind
  • soul
  • heart
  • Samuel
  • Corinthians
  • Peter

Frage 4

By the [blank_start]word[blank_end] of the [blank_start]Lord[blank_end] were the [blank_start]heavens[blank_end] made, their [blank_start]starry[blank_end] [blank_start]host[blank_end] by the [blank_start]breath[blank_end] of his [blank_start]mouth[blank_end]. Let all the [blank_start]earth[blank_end] [blank_start]fear[blank_end] the Lord; let all the [blank_start]people[blank_end] of the [blank_start]world[blank_end] [blank_start]revere[blank_end] [blank_start]Him[blank_end]. Psalm 33: 6 and 8
  • word
  • Lord
  • heavens
  • starry
  • host
  • breath
  • mouth
  • earth
  • fear
  • people
  • world
  • revere
  • Him

Frage 5

For [blank_start]where[blank_end] your [blank_start]treasure[blank_end] is, there will your [blank_start]heart[blank_end] be also. [blank_start]Matthew[blank_end] 6:21
  • where
  • treasure
  • heart
  • Matthew

Frage 6

A [blank_start]man[blank_end] of many [blank_start]companions[blank_end] may come to [blank_start]ruin[blank_end], but there is a [blank_start]friend[blank_end] who [blank_start]sticks[blank_end] [blank_start]closer[blank_end] than a [blank_start]brother[blank_end]. Proverbs 18:24
  • man
  • companions
  • ruin
  • friend
  • sticks
  • closer
  • brother

Frage 7

[blank_start]Above[blank_end] all [blank_start]else[blank_end], [blank_start]guard[blank_end] your [blank_start]heart[blank_end], for [blank_start]it[blank_end] [blank_start]is[blank_end] the wellspring of [blank_start]life[blank_end]. [blank_start]Proverbs[blank_end] 4:23
  • Above
  • else
  • guard
  • heart
  • it
  • is
  • life
  • Proverbs

Frage 8

For the [blank_start]word[blank_end] of the [blank_start]Lord[blank_end] is [blank_start]right[blank_end] and [blank_start]true[blank_end]; He is [blank_start]faithful[blank_end] in all He [blank_start]does[blank_end]. The Lord [blank_start]loves[blank_end] [blank_start]righteousness[blank_end] and [blank_start]justice[blank_end]; the [blank_start]Earth[blank_end] is full of His [blank_start]unfailing[blank_end] love. Psalm 33: 4-5
  • word
  • Lord
  • right
  • true
  • faithful
  • does
  • loves
  • righteousness
  • justice
  • Earth
  • unfailing

Frage 9

Therefore I tell you, do not [blank_start]worry[blank_end] about your life, what you will [blank_start]eat[blank_end] or drink; or about your [blank_start]body[blank_end], what you will [blank_start]wear[blank_end]. Is not [blank_start]life[blank_end] more important than [blank_start]food[blank_end], and the body more important than [blank_start]clothes[blank_end]? Look at the [blank_start]birds[blank_end] of the [blank_start]air[blank_end]; they do not sow or reap or store away in [blank_start]barns[blank_end], and yet your heavenly [blank_start]Father[blank_end] feeds them. Are you not much more [blank_start]valuable[blank_end] than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single [blank_start]hour[blank_end] to his life? Matthew 6:25-27
  • worry
  • eat
  • body
  • wear
  • life
  • food
  • clothes
  • birds
  • barns
  • Father
  • valuable
  • hour
  • air
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