The Kapp Putsch


iGCSE History (Germany 1919 - 1945) Quiz am The Kapp Putsch, erstellt von Drew Bott am 26/10/2019.
Drew Bott
Quiz von Drew Bott, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Drew Bott
Erstellt von Drew Bott vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

When was the Kapp Putsch?
  • March 1919
  • March 1920
  • November 1923

Frage 2

Wolfgang Kapp was a petty Civil Servant with socialist political views
  • True
  • False

Frage 3

Which are 'true' reasons for the Kapp Putsch?
  • It was an attempt to save the Weimar government from a communist uprising
  • It was in response to the Government calling for the Freikorps to be disbanded as per the Treaty of Versailles

Frage 4

Which of the following are 'true' of the Kapp Putsch?
  • It was put down by armed communist militias
  • The Government called on the workers to have a general strike
  • Ebert's Government was forced to flee (again) to Dresden
  • The Army opened fire on the Kapp putschists and they quickly dispersed
  • The Army refused to fire on the Freikorps as they were all ex-army

Frage 5

The general strike had an immediate impact, bringing Berlin to a standstill with no supplies of water, gas or electricity the putsch collapsed within 5 days
  • True
  • False

Frage 6

Which statement 'best' describes the Kapp Putsch?
  • It was a serious threat to the authority of the Government and very nearly succeed
  • It was a serious threat to the authority of the Government but failed because of the support of the workers in carrying out a General Strike
  • It was an insignificant event that had no impact on the reputation of the new democratic republic

Frage 7

What was the name of the General who supported Kapp and the decision not to disband their units?
  • General Luddendorf
  • General Hindenburg
  • General Luttwitz

Frage 8

What 'positives' could the Ebert Government take from the attempted Kapp Putsch?
  • That they had stood firm in the face of an attempted coup
  • That they had the full support and backing of the Army
  • That ordinary German workers had come to the 'rescue' of the Republic by carrying out a General Strike.
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