Frage 1
Test 4 Question 1. Which one of the following is false regarding Freud’s theories of human development?
During development, sexual energy shifts to different areas of the body that are usually associated with eroticism
The anal phase is from 1 to 3 years of age
Latency is marked by a sharp increase in sexual interest
Freud thought that resolution of his stages was essential to normal adult functioning
The phallic stage is from 3 to 5 years of age
Frage 2
Test 4 Question 11. Object permanence develops during which one of Piaget’s developmental stages?
Preoperational thought
Concrete operations
Formal thought
Frage 3
Test 4 Question By what age should a child have a six-word vocabulary, be able to self-feed, and be able to walk up steps with its hand being held?
6 months
9 months
12 months
18 months
24 months
Frage 4
Test 4 Question 127. Which one of the following answer choices is central to Kohut’s theories of self psychology?
The theory of Oedipal conflict
The concept of the good enough mother
The paranoid–schizoid position
The necessity for parental mirroring and empathic responsiveness to the child
The importance of the depressive position
Frage 5
Test 5 Question 15. Which one of the following statements is false concerning development during the school-age years (ages 5 to 12)?
Children develop the ability to empathize with others during these years
Children have a basic grasp of grammar and syntax and can understand word play
Children learn social cues, rules, and expectations
Children become motivated by desire for approval and positive feedback
Children have developed the capacity for abstract thinking
Frage 6
Test 5 Question 37. Robert is arrested for assault and held in prison. Because of disorganized behavior a psychiatric evaluation is conducted by a forensic psychiatrist to determine Robert’s fitness to stand trial for the charges. Robert reports that 1 month earlier he was evaluated in a local emergency room for hearing voices. What is the difference between the evaluation done by the forensic psychiatrist and the evaluation done by the emergency room (ER) psychiatrist?
Only the ER evaluation requires a full medication history
Only the forensic evaluation contains details on Robert’s memory
The forensic psychiatrist does not have a doctor–patient relationship with Robert
The ER evaluation will be the only one to contain recommendations
Only the ER evaluation contains details on Robert’s memory
Frage 7
Test 5 Question 82. Which of the following is achieved during Piaget’s developmental stage of concrete operations?
Animistic thinking
Deductive reasoning
Object permanence
Frage 8
Test 5 Question 84. Infantile secure attachment is associated with which of the following outcomes?
Higher intellectual ability in adolescence and adulthood
Educational success throughout childhood and adolescence
Physical coordination and later athletic ability
Emotional and social competence
Easy temperament in childhood
Frage 9
Test 5 Question 85. A young girl performs in a school play and revels in the praise and pride displayed to her by her mother. In Kohut’s theory of self-psychology, this child is experiencing:
Good enough mothering
Primary narcissism
Frage 10
Test 5 Question 86. According to Margaret Mahler’s stages of separation–individuation, the period from 10 to 18 months of age, during which the infant’s ability to move autonomously increases its exploration of the outer world, is known as:
Object constancy
Frage 11
Test 5 Question 88. The “addictive” nature of gambling behavior and the disorder of pathological gambling can best be explained by theories of:
Operant conditioning
Classical conditioning
Drive and neurotic impulses
Self psychology and pathological narcissism
Habituation and sensitization
Frage 12
Test 5 Question 89. A patient with depression tells the therapist about a variety of unpleasant personal circumstances that have occurred in the past week, worries about friends being sad and withdrawn, and a reluctance to watch the news on television because “the only news on television is bad news.” In the theory of cognitive psychology, this type of behavior is best formulated as:
Frage 13
Test 5 Question 107. Which one of the following statements is false concerning motor development during infancy?
The cerebellum is not fully formed until 1 year of age
Myelination of peripheral nerves is not complete until 2 years of age
The grasp and tonic neck reflexes begin to develop between 2 and 6 months
Fine pincer grasp develops around 9 to 12 months
The ability to sit without support occurs at 6 months
Frage 14
Test 6 Question 26. A 32-year-old patient was referred for neurologic evaluation owing to hand shaking. The history reveals that the shaking is present only when using the hands and is particularly bad when writing or bringing a cup to the mouth while drinking. Stress worsens the shaking. The shaking improves when the patient drinks a glass of wine. The patient’s older sibling also suffers from a similar disorder. From this history, the most likely diagnosis is:
Frage 15
Test 6 Question 37. Which of the following famous therapists developed the “epigenetic principle”?
Erik Erikson
Melanie Klein
B.F. Skinner
Harry Stack Sullivan
Heinz Kohut
Frage 16
Test 6 Question 114. A female therapist is doing psychodynamic psychotherapy with a 29-year-old woman. She has been discussing issues surrounding her marriage and her relationship with her mother, who was distant emotionally when the patient was growing up. The patient becomes angry with the therapist when she requests therapy sessions three times per week and the therapist states that she cannot accommodate that with her schedule. She accuses the therapist of disliking her. This is an example of which of the following?
Rejection by the therapist
Delusion of an erotomanic nature
Transference on the part of the patient
A precursor to stalking by the patient
Displacement of anger onto the therapist
Frage 17
Test 6 Question 118. Which of the following is not one of the psychological issues of pregnancy?
Pregnancy as a means of self-realization
Fear of inadequate mothering
Projection of hope onto the child to be
Absence of desire for sexual activity
Unconscious ambivalence about the effect on the dyadic relationship
Frage 18
Test 6 Question 129. You have to interview a patient using an interpreter. Which of the following is the best way to proceed?
Speak in English but very loudly
Look at the patient while speaking
Look at the interpreter while speaking
Address all questions to the interpreter and let the interpreter ask the patient
Make sure you have not only an interpreter but also the patient’s family in the room so that they can all translate
Frage 19
Test 6 Question 130. In which of the following theories does human development move through predetermined steps and stages wherein each stage has its own characteristics and needs that must be negotiated before moving forward?
Levinson’s developmental theory
The epigenetic view of development
Vaillant theory of happy childhood
Neurodevelopmental theory
Normality as process
Frage 20
Test 6 Question 146. Regularly scheduled primary care appointments are a crucial and standard part of treating which one of the following diagnoses?
Panic disorder
Major depressive disorder
Illness anxiety disorder
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Delusional disorder somatic type