Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics


Question taken form Week 11 Lecture slides and Tutorial Slides
ash elford
Quiz von ash elford, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
ash elford
Erstellt von ash elford vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

When shown a picture of a Dog, the patient says "Four Legs". This is an error at the .....
  • Lexical processing error (lexical semantic level)
  • Conceptual knowledge deficit (conceptual semantic level)
  • Phonological error (phonological level)

Frage 2

Which is INCORRECT about priming
  • Priming is used to investigate how words are stored and retrieved in the brain
  • If the target word is "Horse". The word "Cow" is given as a cue. This is considered a primed target
  • If the target word is "Green". The word "Grief" is given as a cue. This is not a primed target.
  • Positive priming is thought to be caused by spreading activation. This means that the first stimulus activates parts of a particular representation or association in memory just before carrying out an action or task. The representation is already partially activated when the second stimulus is encountered, so less additional activation is needed for one to become consciously aware of it.

Frage 3

What are the processes involved in naming a picture?
  • Acoustic analysis, phonological input lexicon, semantic system
  • Visual object recognition, semantic system, phonological output lexicon
  • acoustic analysis, phonological input lexicon, semantic system, phonological output lexicon.

Frage 4

Which best describes the use of knowledge of semantic and syntactic information to predict what is coming next when someone is talking e.g. the word 'the' suggests 'the dog'.
  • Top-down processing
  • Bottom-up processing
  • Semantic Priming
  • Lexical Decision

Frage 5

Humans are “pre-wired” with the ability to learn language. This is the basis of the....
  • Universal Grammar Theory
  • Critical Period Theory
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