Surah al-Ghashiyah Quiz

Al Huda Canada
Quiz von Al Huda Canada, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Al Huda Canada
Erstellt von Al Huda Canada vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

When would Rasul Allahﷺ recite this Surah?
  • In Fajr Prayer on Friday
  • In Jumu'a Prayer on Friday
  • In Eid Prayers
  • In Istikharah Prayer
  • Before going to Sleep
  • Before leaving the House

Frage 2

Why would he ﷺ recite this Surah at Public Gatherings?
  • As a reminder for everyone
  • As a Ruqya to save them from evil effect
  • As a Blessing Invoker on the people
  • As He was commanded to do so

Frage 3

Root letters for ضَرِيعٍ are __________ and it refers to _____________.
  • ع ض ر | Cactus Plant
  • ض ر ع | Thorny Plant in Hell Fire
  • ل ض ر | Thorny Plants
  • ض ر ی | Cactus in Hell Fire

Frage 4

The fire of Hell is ___________ times more severe than the fire of this World.
  • 100
  • 70
  • 50
  • 10
  • 80

Frage 5

Our grave can be ___________________ or ____________________ depends on how we live our life.
  • A Pit from the Pits of Hell Fire
  • A Garden from the Gardens of Jannah
  • A Valley from the Valleys of Jannah
  • A Torture Cell
  • A Party of Righteous Ones
  • A Mansion from the Mansions of Jannah

Frage 6

Which faces will enjoy the Bliss of Jannah?
  • وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ نَّاعِمَةٌ
  • وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ خَاشِعَةٌ

Frage 7

What would Aishah رضي الله عنها do with her Sadaqah?
  • Leave it outside her house for the needy
  • Perfume it and make it look nice before giving it
  • Dump it in Donation Box in the Masjid
  • Give it to her personal servants only as they deserve more

Frage 8

Allahﷻ wants us to observe His creation around us, which of them are mentioned in this Surah?
  • Camel
  • Earth
  • Mountain
  • Sky
  • Clouds
  • Sea
  • Fruits
  • Trees

Frage 9

Who is supposed to remind others about our Purpose of life, our duties towards our Creator and the Blessings we enjoy?
  • We
  • Our Scholars
  • Our Presidents
  • Rasul Allah ﷺ

Frage 10

Translation of بِمُصَيْطِرٍ is _____________.
  • Definitely One who Governs
  • Absolutely A Warner
  • With The One who Governs
  • With A Writer
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