
English Quiz am Gr 7 - ASSET MOCK TEST - 2, erstellt von Venicia Cardoza am 27/01/2021.
Venicia Cardoza
Quiz von Venicia Cardoza, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Venicia Cardoza
Erstellt von Venicia Cardoza vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Based on the passage, which of the following statements can be concluded?
  • A. Happy Feet won an award
  • B. Happy feet Two won an award
  • C. Happy feet was nominated for an award
  • D. Happy Feet Two was nominated for an award

Frage 2

"For, the excellent music and dancing leaves you in a tap dance mode yourself" This sentence in the passage can be called as _______________
  • A. suggestion
  • B. an opinion
  • C. an appeal
  • D. a fact

Frage 3

In the passage, what does "urge" mean?
  • A. desire
  • B. dream
  • C. anxiety
  • D. affection

Frage 4

4. How is Erik different from Mumble? ,
  • A. Erik is not bothered about melting ice caps but Mumble is.
  • B. Erik loves sailing skies while Mumble loves to dance.
  • C. Erik likes Sven a lot while Mumble dislikes him.
  • D. Erik is a krill but Mumble is a penguin.

Frage 5

5. This passage is mainly written to_______________.
  • A. summarize the story of a movie
  • B. promote tourism in the Antarctic region
  • C. . make audience aware of the quality of a movie
  • D. encourage viewers to vote for the movie to win an award

Frage 6

6. Which of the following statements is true about this movie?
  • A. It is based on a real life story.
  • B. It is the only movie made on penguins.
  • C. It talks about important environmental issues.
  • D. It provides solutions to solve common conflicts in families.

Frage 7

"Of course, the ones to stand out are Will Krill (Brad Pitt) and Bil Krill (Matt Damon).." Which of the following phrases is OPPOSİTE in meaning to the phrase - STAND OUT ?
  • Á. be separated
  • B. go unnoticed
  • C. stand united
  • D. get involved

Frage 8

8. What does " calling the shots" mean, as used in the passage?
  • A. making decisions
  • B. guiding to the right path
  • C. expressing hopelessness
  • D. informing of the troubles to come

Frage 9

9. From among the following people, whose voice CANNOT be heard in the movie?
  • A. Brad Pitt
  • B. Ava Acres
  • C. Hank Azaria
  • D. George Miller

Frage 10

Read " Brother Bent- Nose" and answer questions 10 - 15 10. The tone of the poem can be best described as ___________________________
  • A. playful
  • B. regretful
  • C. thoughtful
  • D. respectful

Frage 11

Which of the following two stanzas from the poem have the same rhyming pattern?
  • A. stanza 2 and 3
  • B. stanza 3 and 6
  • C. stanzas 4 and 5
  • stanzas 6 and 7

Frage 12

Read the lines given below. His face is round and His shoulders are broad. Beside him, I look like A small and thin rod. Where can the above stanza best fit in the poem?
  • A. before stanza 1
  • B. after stanza 2
  • C. after stanza 3
  • D. before stanza 7

Frage 13

13. "He's very tall, just like a palm, Towering over me: " The purpose of the above lines is to _____________________________
  • A. talk about the elder brother's age
  • B. make fun of the elder brother's features
  • C. draw comparisons between the two brothers
  • D. show the kind of relationship the two brothers share

Frage 14

14. Why did the brothers grin after the fall?
  • A. They were thrilled by the fall
  • B. They fell without getting hurt.
  • C. They had broken a big branch.
  • D. They learnt a lesson from the fall.

Frage 15

15. In stanza 3, by using "Phutaaak!", the poet mainly intends to ____________________
  • A. produce a dramatic effect
  • B. describe the surroundings
  • C. explain that both brothers were naughty
  • D. provide examples of the brothers' strength

Frage 16

Read the following excerpt from " An interview with Rathika Ramasamy" and answer the questions 16 to 18. Which of the following words best describes Rathika's tone in her response to the first question?
  • A. hope
  • B. admiration
  • C. enthusiasm
  • D. contentment

Frage 17

17. What does Rathika consider as the most important requirement for one to become a wildlife photographer?
  • A. interest in exploring forest regions
  • B. technical knowledge of photography
  • C. experience in the field of photography
  • D. love for photographing the wild and nature

Frage 18

18. What does the word " nascent" mean, as used in the passage?
  • A. in the early stages
  • B. not being encouraged
  • C. not requiring expertise
  • D. completely unheard of

Frage 19

Read " Ornithology : Manipal's New Major " and answer questions 19 to 21. 19. In the passage, "pathbreaking" has been used to indicate
  • A. an accomplishment
  • B. an announcement
  • C. an expectation
  • D. an objection

Frage 20

20. Based on the passage, which of the following statements is true?
  • A. Ramit came to Manipal to write a book on birds.
  • B. Ramit developed a love for birds after coming to Manipal.
  • C. Ramit wrote a book to attract international students to Manipal.
  • D. Ramit gave importance to both his studies and his book while at Manipal.

Frage 21

21. Which of the following is the most likely reason that the Pro-Chancellor of Manipal considers the book important?
  • A. It can help promote tourism in Manipal.
  • B. It serves as an inspiration for him to write a book.
  • C. helps him to enjoy the natural beauty of Manipal.
  • D. It will help improve the teaching quality at the University.

Frage 22

22. Farida lit some scraps of wood and started a fire, but its MEARGE warmth could not drive away the cold seeping into the house. Which of the following words mean the same as the word MEAGRE ?
  • A. blazing
  • B . terrible
  • C. insufficient
  • D. invaluable

Frage 23

23. I don't know swimming. l jumped into the water. I managed to reach the other side. Which of the following options best combines the above sentences?
  • A. Before I managed to reach the other side, I could not swim and jumped into the water.
  • B. Despite not being able to swim, I jumped into the water and managed to reach the other side.
  • C. Although I jumped into the water, I managed to reach the other side, not being able to swim.
  • D. When I jumped into the water, I could not swim, and so, I did not manage to reach the other.

Frage 24

24. Although Naveen had fought bitterly with his cousin Sheryl during their last vacation, he was very happy to see her this year! Which of the following options best describes the above situation?
  • A. Once bitten, twice shy.
  • B. Home is where the heart is.
  • C. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
  • D. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Frage 25

The pictures in the comic strip are in jumbled order. Which of the following options shows the correct order for the pictures?
  • A. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
  • B. 1 - 3 - 4 - 2
  • C. 3 - 4 - 2 - 1
  • D. 3 - 4 - 1 - 2

Frage 26

26. In picture 4, we can say that the boy is _______________________
  • A. irritated
  • B. shocked
  • C. panicking
  • D. dreaming

Frage 27

27. The boy in the comic thinks that librarians are quite __________________
  • A. silly
  • B. miserly
  • C. stubborn
  • D. threatening

Frage 28

28. Which of the following titles is best suited for the comic strip?
  • A. Scary Stories
  • B. Punishment Fears
  • C. Books and Nightmares
  • D. Little Boy's Confessions

Frage 29

Read ' Smart Bikes' and answer question 29 to 36. 29. Which of the following accessories is used to Indicate that a cycle is braking?
  • A. Helios handlebar
  • B. ORP Smart Horn
  • C. Xfire Lighting System
  • D. Buztronics' turn signal

Frage 30

30. One of the characteristics that makes the ORP Smart Horn special is that it ______
  • A. needs no wires
  • B. can honk by itself
  • C. fits on the handlebars
  • D. lights up with each beep

Frage 31

31. What does the product from Bicygnals function as?
  • A. a navigation system to guide cyclists
  • B. headlights to provide visibility when dark
  • C. indicators to show where the cycle will turn
  • D. emergency brakes when the regular brakes fail

Frage 32

32. Who will find the Helios handlebar most useful?
  • A. a person who is training for a cycle race
  • B. a person who finds it tough to cycle for long
  • C. a person who commutes to school on a cycle
  • D. a person who is riding a cycle for the first time

Frage 33

33. What does the word " illusion " mean as used In the passage?
  • A. a set of directions one needs to follow
  • B. a warning about some danger that is ahead
  • C. a sense of something that is not actually there
  • D. a feeling of comfort when one is on the right path

Frage 34

34. Based on the information in the passage, we can say that "blind spots" are areas ___________
  • A. which do not have streetlights
  • B. where the traffic is not in view
  • C. where honking is not permitted
  • D. which are not allotted for cycling

Frage 35

34. Who is involved in the making of innovative horns?
  • A. Xfire
  • B. Burtronics
  • C. Kickstarter
  • D. ORP Smart Horn

Frage 36

36. What can be an alternative title for this passage?
  • A. Cycling - New Generation Hobby
  • B. Improved Trails for New Cyclists
  • C. A Wiser Cycle is a Better Cycle
  • D. New Cycles, Old Horns

Frage 37

Read 'Clipperton Island' and answer questions 37 to 41. What is the meaning of "prodigious" as used in (1)?
  • A. common
  • B massive
  • C. varied
  • D. fixed

Frage 38

38. Which of the following words is similar in meaning to "incessant" as used in (2)?
  • A. harmful
  • B. unusual
  • C. seasonal
  • D. continuous

Frage 39

39. In (3), the word "reek" is used to indicate ______________ .
  • A. blazing heat
  • B. colourful look
  • C. shabby growth
  • D. unpleasant smell

Frage 40

40. Which word is closest in meaning to "abruptly" as used in (4)?
  • A. gradually
  • B. suddenly
  • C. weirdly
  • D. easily

Frage 41

41. Which of the following words is OPPOSITE in meaning to "uninhabited" as used in (5)?
  • A. ignored
  • B. cultivated
  • C. populated
  • D. unexplored

Frage 42

Choose the correct option for the blanks 42 to 47 to complete the passage below.
  • A. developed
  • B. had developed
  • C. have developed
  • D. will have developed

Frage 43

43. Choose the correct option to complete the blank.
  • A. and into it
  • B. but inside it
  • C. but into this
  • D. and inside this

Frage 44

44. Choose the correct option to complete the blank.
  • A. allow the pen to recognise
  • B. allows the pen to recognise
  • C. allow the pen for recognising
  • D. allows the pen for recognising

Frage 45

45. Choose the correct option to complete the blank.
  • A. If the word isn't
  • B. If the word wasn't
  • C. Unless the word isn't
  • D. Unless the word wasn't

Frage 46

46. Choose the correct option to complete the blank.
  • A. co-founder of Lernstift, by Munich
  • B. co-founder in Lernstift, by Munich
  • C. co-founder of Lernstift, from Munich
  • D. co-founder in Lernstift, from Munich

Frage 47

47. Choose the correct option to complete the blank.
  • A. for a pen while
  • B. for the pen while
  • C. about a pen while
  • D. about the pen while

Frage 48

Now that we have finished the planning for the surprise party, we must make sure no one knows about it in advance. So take care not [blank_start]to let the cat out of the bag[blank_end].
  • A. to let the cat out of the bag
  • B. to talk to a brick wall
  • C. let the cat got your tongue
  • D. to speak with a forked tongue

Frage 49

The human body is an amazing machine. It is more complicated than [blank_start]any man made device created.[blank_end]
  • A. all man-made device ever created
  • B. any man made device created.
  • C. all man-made device always created
  • D. any man made device always created

Frage 50

Priya and Anil were working in the garden all afternoon. Priya wiped her forehead and said, " We have weeded enough. Now, let us [blank_start]call it a day[blank_end].
  • A. call it a day
  • B. call for a day
  • C. call out a day
  • D. call that a day

Frage 51

51. Which of the following sentences has a grammatical mistake?
  • A. Either Aryan or his sister drives the car these days.
  • B. A range of mobile phones was displayed in the shop.
  • C. Keerti, not Priya, loves going to the Italian restaurant.
  • D. A big packet of chips were ordered for the birthday party

Frage 52

52. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
  • A. The teacher asked, "Have all students completed the test"?
  • B. The teacher asked: "Have all students completed the test."
  • C. The teacher asked, "have all students completed the test?
  • D. The teacher asked, "Have all students completed the test?"

Frage 53

53. Which of the following sentences shows comparison?
  • A. The howling winds caused terrible pain.
  • B. My elder brother is a walking encyclopedia.
  • C. The cold, icy hands of darkness pulled me into it.
  • D. All the men and women enjoyed the party yesterday.

Frage 54

54. Which of the following sentences is written correctly?
  • A. My parents found from school full of the roads traffic when they arrived to pick me up.
  • B. My parents arrived to pick me up from school full of traffic when they found the roads.
  • C. When they pick me up from school, my parents arrived to found the roads full of traffic.
  • D. When my parents arrived to pick me up from school, they found the roads full of traffic.

Frage 55

55. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
  • A. Mohan Bhatnagar an Investigative Journalist is getting a promotion this year.
  • B. Mohan Bhatnagar an investigative Journalist, is getting a promotion this year.
  • C. Mohan Bhatnagar, an investigative journalist, is getting a promotion this year.
  • D. Mohan Bhatnagar, an investigative journalist, is getting a promotion, this year.

Frage 56

56. Secrets are invaluable till they remain secrets. Which word can replace the word 'INVALUABLE' in the above sentence?
  • A. boring
  • B. priceless
  • C. worthless
  • D. interesting

Frage 57

57. My dad loves to watch the news. My mom loves to watch movies. Which of the following options correctly combines the sentences above?
  • A. Either my dad loves to watch the news or my mom loves to watch movies.
  • B. Neither my dad loves to watch the news nor my mom loves to watch movies.
  • C. Just as my dad loves to watch the news, so does my mom love to watch movies.
  • D. Not only does my dad love to watch the news, but my mom also loves to watch movies.

Frage 58

58. She eats ice cream on cold rainy days. She does not fall sick. Which of the following options correctly combines the sentences above?
  • A. She does not fall sick, but she eats ice cream on cold rainy days.
  • B. She eats ice cream on cold rainy days while she does not fall sick.
  • C. She eats ice cream on cold rainy days, although she does not fall sick.
  • D. She does not fall sick, even though she eats ice cream on cold rainy days.

Frage 59

59. I will look for a dozen rats and hundreds of cockroaches. My landlord wants me to leave the apartment in the exact condition as i found it in. Which of the following words best describes the tone in the above sentence?
  • A. impatient
  • B. humourous
  • C. sentimental
  • D. threatening

Frage 60

60. Due to floods in this region, food and medical supplies have become scarce. People have to make do with whatever is left. What does the word 'SCARCE' mean?
  • A. limited
  • B. damaged
  • C. borrowed
  • D. distributed
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