League of Nations - Formation


iGCSE History Quiz am League of Nations - Formation , erstellt von Drew Bott am 13/02/2021.
Drew Bott
Quiz von Drew Bott, aktualisiert vor 7 Monate
Drew Bott
Erstellt von Drew Bott vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

The League of Nations was set up by the Treaty of [blank_start]Versailles[blank_end]. The League was Wilson's dream for a [blank_start]new world order[blank_end] - a new way of conducting foreign affairs that would abolish [blank_start]war[blank_end] and keep the world safe, but less than a quarter of a century later Wilson's dream lay in ruins. Its aims to stop wars to encourage [blank_start]disarmament[blank_end] to make the world a better place by improving people's working conditions and by tackling disease Its organisation an [blank_start]assembly[blank_end], which met once a year a council, which met more [blank_start]regularly[blank_end] to consider crises a small secretariat to handle the paperwork a Court of International [blank_start]Justice[blank_end] a number of committees such as the International Labour Organisation and the Health Committee to carry out its [blank_start]humanitarian[blank_end] work Its main strengths (in theory) set up by the Treaty of Versailles, which every nation had signed. [blank_start]58[blank_end] nations as members by the 1930s. to enforce its will, it could offer [blank_start]arbitration[blank_end] through the Court of International Justice, or apply trade [blank_start]sanctions[blank_end] against countries that went to war. Its main weaknesses (In practice!) set up by the Treaty of Versailles (which every nation hated) aims were too [blank_start]ambitious[blank_end] [blank_start]Germany[blank_end], Russia and the USA were not members no army organisation was [blank_start]cumbersome[blank_end] decisions had to be [blank_start]unanimous[blank_end]
  • Versailles
  • Paris
  • Washington
  • new world order
  • the US being a world policeman
  • another world war
  • war
  • poverty
  • communism
  • disarmament
  • rearmament
  • assembly
  • council
  • secretariat
  • regularly
  • infrequently
  • when they felt like it
  • Justice
  • hope
  • injustice
  • humanitarian
  • political
  • economic
  • 58
  • 38
  • 18
  • arbitration
  • punishment
  • money
  • sanctions
  • incentives
  • wars
  • ambitious
  • realisitic
  • pessimistic
  • Germany
  • France
  • Britain
  • cumbersome
  • efficient
  • effective
  • unanimous
  • equitable
  • perfect
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