3.2 Hooks, Signals/Slots and XCLASSes


TYPO3 CD 2020 (zweite Auflage) Quiz am 3.2 Hooks, Signals/Slots and XCLASSes, erstellt von Pascal Bartl am 29/03/2021.
Pascal Bartl
Quiz von Pascal Bartl, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Pascal Bartl
Erstellt von Pascal Bartl vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

What are “signals/slots” and how do you use them? (2)
  • Signals notify developers about security risks in their code
  • The signal/slot concept can be used to extend TYPO3 core functionality
  • The signal/slot dispatcher is required to emit a signal
  • Slots are an abstract instance of a signal class

Frage 2

What are “signals”? (1)
  • Signals are classes located in directory Classes/Signals/
  • Signals are used to write entries to the internal log
  • Signals are building blocks for domain driven design
  • Signals are used to connect external data sources to Extbase
  • Signals are emitted by the TYPO3 core or by extensions to extend existing functionality

Frage 3

What are typical benefits of “signals/slots”? (2)
  • Signals/slots extend the TYPO3 core without the need to edit core files
  • Signals/slots are meant to simulate SQL procedures using pure PHP code
  • Signals are never marked deprecated and will remain in the TYPO3 core forever
  • One signal can trigger multiple slots

Frage 4

How do you connect a slot to a signal when using TYPO3’s SignalSlotDispatcher? (1)
  • join()
  • connect()
  • attach()
  • insert()
  • slot()

Frage 5

Which statements about XCLASSes are correct? (2)
  • XCLASSes prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks
  • XCLASSes extend core classes and/or overwrite core methods
  • XCLASSes need to be registered in the file Configuration/Overrides/xclasses.php
  • XCLASSes need to be registered in the following global array: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['Objects']
  • XCLASSes replace files from TYPO3 source package which possibly impacts the TYPO3 update process

Frage 6

What are typical limitations of XCLASSes? (3)
  • XCLASSes only work on core classes that are instantiated using the GeneralUtility::makeInstance() method
  • XCLASSes do not work on static classes, static methods or final classes
  • There can only by one XCLASS per base class
  • XCLASSes only work in Composer-based TYPO3 installations
  • The visibility of all properties of an XCLASS must be private
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