Abschluss Test


Quiz am Abschluss Test, erstellt von Ma Hi am 13/07/2015.
Ma Hi
Quiz von Ma Hi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ma Hi
Erstellt von Ma Hi vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Who invented TYPO3? (1)
  • The TYPO3 Association
  • Robert Lemke
  • Kasper Skårhøj
  • The TYPOlight company
  • Michael Stucki

Frage 2

Which events are organized by the TYPO3 Association? (4)
  • TYPO3 User Day
  • TYPO3 Conference
  • TYPO3 Conference North America
  • TYPO3camp
  • T3DD
  • TYPO3 Academy

Frage 3

What does it mean if a function in TYPO3 Version 6.2 is described as “deprecated”? (2)
  • The function is no longer available in Version 6.2.
  • The function should no longer be used in Version 6.2.
  • The function will be removed in Version 6.3.
  • The function will be removed in Version 6.4.
  • The function will be removed in Version 6.5.

Frage 4

You install TYPO3 (or an extension) and then see only a white page (in the backend and in the frontend) – what do you do? (2)
  • Delete the cache files, and the page is visible again.
  • Check the PHP error log.
  • Enter the line $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['displayErrors'] = '1' into the file typo3conf/localconf.php and call up the page again to view an error message.
  • Enter the line $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['displayErrors'] = '1' into the file typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php and call up the page again to view an error message.
  • Log in to the backend and analyze the error message there.
  • Go to the Install Tool and consult the TYPO3 error log to find the cause of the error.

Frage 5

What are your rights and obligations when you write your own code for TYPO3? (3)
  • As TYPO3 is subject to the GPL, I may not invoice customers for my own extensions to the code.
  • I may distribute the code, but I have to replace all copyright notices with my own.
  • If I changed the code, I may no longer install the system on a customer’s server.
  • I may use TYPO3 commercially.
  • If I modify the system, I am permitted to distribute it but have to retain the original copyright notices.
  • I may not modify the system in any way.
  • I may invoice customers for my own developments.

Frage 6

Which directories are absolutely required so that TYPO3 can be called up in the frontend? (3)
  • typo3conf/
  • typo3temp/
  • t3lib/
  • typo3/
  • fileadmin/
  • uploads/

Frage 7

What happens when a data record such as a content element or a page is deleted in the backend? (1)
  • The data record is deleted from the table.
  • The data record is deleted from the table, but first a backup is created.
  • A 1 is entered in the deleted field of the data record.
  • The data record is saved in a text file and then deleted from the database.
  • A cleared field is created in the data record and the value of the field is set to true.

Frage 8

What is cached in TYPO3? (4)
  • Images in the /fileadmin directory
  • The HTML output of static pages
  • The thumbnails of files in the /fileadmin directory that can be displayed in the Filelist module.
  • Configuration settings
  • TypoScript templates
  • Files that are loaded onto the server using a backend form

Frage 9

Where exactly are cached pages saved? (2)
  • In the typo3temp/ directory, if the following options are set: pageCacheToExternalFiles
  • In the typo3conf/ directory
  • In the cache_* tables in the database
  • In the cache_* fields of the respective table in the database
  • In the location stored in the following key: ['SYS']['caching']['cacheConfigurations']['cache_pages']

Frage 10

Where can you find the official documentation for the TYPO3 backend? (1)
  • In the typo3/doc directory
  • At http://www.typo3.org
  • At http://documentation.typo3.org
  • In the Manual module
  • In the Documentation module

Frage 11

What is the easiest way to display a list of all the extensions installed in your system, along with the names and e-mail addresses of the authors? (1)
  • There is no simple way to obtain such a list.
  • Using the Help ‣ About modules module
  • Using the Help ‣ About TYPO3 CMS module
  • Using the Info ‣ Extensions module
  • Using the Extension Manager

Frage 12

You have decided that the BODY tag of the pages created by TYPO3 should contain an attribute with the current page ID. Where in the TSref would you look up the necessary option? (1)
  • In TLO config
  • In the TEMPLATE content object
  • In the HMENU content object
  • In the Page TSconfig section

Frage 13

You want to hide a field in the backend – where would you find out how to do this (assuming you have forgotten)? (1)
  • TSref
  • TSconfig
  • Core API
  • TYPO3 Coding Guidelines
  • TYPO3 Services

Frage 14

How can you download the data that are installed in the database table(s) of an installed extension? (2)
  • Click on the Download SQL Dump symbol in the Extension Manager to download them.
  • This is only possible using the phpMyAdmin tool.
  • The table for the dump can be selected in the SQL Dump module.
  • Run the .t3d Export Tool.
  • The SQL dump is already contained within the download of an extension using the T3X file.

Frage 15

You have updated your TYPO3 version (or have had it updated), and now detect problems with an extension such as RealURL. How do you approach this problem? (2)
  • You update the extension.
  • You uninstall the extension and install it again in the same version.
  • You delete individual files in the typo3temp directory.
  • You select the faulty extension in the update manager.
  • You delete the key in the LocalConfiguration.php file.

Frage 16

Which sub-module in the Extension Manager allows you to update extensions that exist in your system? (2)
  • Loaded extensions
  • Install extensions
  • Import extensions
  • Update extensions
  • Check for extension updates
  • Manage extension
  • Get extensions
  • Symbol Update in the Manage extensions menu

Frage 17

You have installed or updated an extension and are now unable to call up your TYPO3 installation. Instead, you see an error message or an empty page (in the backend or frontend). What should you do? (2)
  • You use the Extension Manager to uninstall the extension.
  • You use the Install Tool to uninstall the extension.
  • You reinstall TYPO3.
  • You delete the extension key in the localconf.php file from the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extList'] variable.
  • You delete the extension key in the LocalConfiguration.php file.
  • You delete the extension key in the PackageStates.php file.
  • You delete the temp_CACHED_<...>_ext_localconf.php file.
  • You delete the typo3temp/Cache directory.
  • You delete the extension directory.

Frage 18

Which methods can you use to access the list view? (3)
  • You click on the Web ‣ List module on the left in the backend.
  • You click on the appropriate icon on the top right in the submodules of the Web module.
  • In the Info sub-module, select the Pagetree overview function and click the appropriate page icon. Then select Web ‣ Edit.
  • In the Info sub-module, select the Pagetree overview function and click the pen icon.
  • You right-click a page in the page tree and select Web ‣ List.

Frage 19

By default, the backend has exactly four columns in the page view. How can you hide all but the “Normal” column from your editors? (1)
  • You switch off the three other columns in the Install Tool.
  • You enter the following TypoScript code in the Page TSconfig of the root page: mod.SHARED.colPos_list = 0
  • You enter the following TypoScript code in the TypoScript setup: mod.SHARED.colPos_list = 0
  • You enter the following TypoScript code in the User TSconfig of the editor: mod.colPos_list.SHARED = 0

Frage 20

A user has edited a content element, and now it contains grave content errors. What can you do in this situation? (2)
  • The only option is to overhaul the contents manually.
  • You can get an overview of all changes in the List module.
  • You can get an overview of all changes in the Admin tools module.
  • You can get an overview of all changes in the Info module.
  • The only way to rectify this is by looking in the database and undoing the changes made there.

Frage 21

You want to configure the RTE (Rich Text Editor). Where do you start? (3)
  • Page TSconfig
  • User TSconfig
  • In RTE extension settings
  • TypoScript-Setup
  • TypoScript constants

Frage 22

Which TLO allows you to specify settings in the User Settings sub-module by means of TypoScript? (1)
  • admPanel
  • options
  • mod
  • setup
  • user
  • auth

Frage 23

Every now and then you need to specify the ID of a page. How do you do this? (5)
  • You memorize the name and specify the corresponding ID in the phpMyAdmin extension.
  • You enter the following code in the User TSconfig: options.pageTree.showPageIdWithTitle = 1
  • You move the mouse over the page icon in the page tree and wait for the ID to appear as a tool tip.
  • You click the page (in Listview or Pageview), and find the ID on the top right.
  • You select Web ‣ Info, click on a page and choose the Pagetree overview entry from the pull down menu. You then receive a list with page information on the current page and its subpages. The ID is also listed there.
  • You can activate displaying the IDs via the page tree.

Frage 24

The backend is in English, and you want to switch it to another language. How do you proceed? (3)
  • You can change the language easily in the User Settings module.
  • You have to add the language in the Language module.
  • You have to check in the Language module to find out which translations you need to transfer because they are still in the repository.
  • You have to transfer the new translations to your server from the repository in the Language module.
  • You have to activate the use of further languages in the Install Tool.

Frage 25

Usually, TYPO3 displays translations when requested and the original content if there is no translation. How can you prevent the original contents from ever being displayed in this case? (1)
  • By translating all contents.
  • By hiding the page.
  • You select Hide default translation of page in the page properties.
  • By selecting Hide page if no translation for current language exists in the page properties.
  • By selecting Hide permanent in the page properties.

Frage 26

If you want to operate a website with languages both from the European and the Asian regions, you have to switch to UTF-8 character coding. How do you proceed? (1)
  • You use the following Install Tool setting to change the backend: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE'][forceCharset]
  • You use the following Page TSconfig setting to change the backend: config.forceCharset
  • To allow files to be given UTF-8 file names, the following settings are necessary in the Install Tool: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE'][UTF8filesystem]
  • You have to set the following TypoScript option for the frontend output: config.metaCharset = utf-8
  • You set the following TypoScript option for the frontend output: config.additionalHeaders = Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8

Frage 27

What does the Admin Panel do? (2)
  • It is the administrator’s control center for user settings.
  • It can be used to configure TYPO3 in the backend.
  • The panel can be used to analyze the frontend output.
  • It provides administrators with an admin area in the frontend.
  • The panel controls frontend editing.
  • Once you have activated frontend editing, an administrator can use the panel to monitor the entry of contents.

Frage 28

How do you delete multiple pages at once? (2)
  • You use the Delete Multiple Pages extension.
  • For safety reasons, you can only delete one page at a time.
  • You right-click the corresponding page and then select Delete.
  • You use the clipboard.
  • You have to change the User Settings to allow deleting more than one page at once.

Frage 29

You can delete pages in the page tree by rightclicking a page and selecting Delete. This procedure fails by default if the page to be deleted contains subpages. Why is this? (2)
  • Recursive deletion is not possible in TYPO3 for reasons of safety.
  • The ability to delete recursively has to be configured in User settings.
  • Recursive deletion is only possible using a DELETE database command.
  • The recursive delete function has to be activated in the User TSconfig.
  • Recursive deletion does not work in the page tree, but only in the Web ‣ List module.

Frage 30

When you call up your website in the frontend, the following error message appears: “The page is not configured!” Why is this? (1)
  • No HTML template was specified.
  • No TypoScript root template was specified.
  • No extension template was created.
  • There is no PAGE object.
  • The RootLevel check box in the root template was not activated.

Frage 31

How can you display a site name in the title line of the browser? (1)
  • The Install Tool contains a parameter for this purpose $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['sitename']
  • You can enter the site name in the Basic Configuration view in the Install Tool.
  • By using Sitetitle in the Template module to specify the title in the TypoScript template.
  • By using the TypoScript option config.pageTitle = <...>.
  • By using the TSconfig option config.pageTitle = <...>.

Frage 32

The previous question demonstrated that it is possible to include a TypoScript file called filename.typoscript in a TypoScript template. However, by default it is not possible to edit or create this file in the File ‣ Filelist module. Why is this? (1)
  • Only image and PDF files can be uploaded in the File ‣ Filelist module.
  • You first have to permit the use of *.typoscript files in the Install Tool.
  • The File ‣ Filelist module cannot be used for this purpose either; you have to use the Quixplorer extension.
  • You first have to permit the use of *.typoscript files in the Page TSconfig.
  • The file extension can only have two characters, e.g. filename.ts.

Frage 33

You are presented with the following HTML template and TypoScript setup. which code do you need to put in place of the question marks so that ###HEADLINE### is replaced with the phrase Hello World!? (1) <!-- ###DOCUMENT### begin --> <h1>###HEADLINE###</h1> <!-- ###DOCUMENT### end --> page = PAGE page.10 = TEMPLATE page.10 { template = FILE template.file = fileadmin/template.html workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT ??? { HEADLINE = TEXT HEADLINE.value = Hello World! } }
  • subparts
  • subpart
  • markers
  • marker
  • marks

Frage 34

You want to replace the subpart with Hello World! and the marker with Is there anybody out there? in the HTML template below. Which line do you need to add to the TypoScript code? (1) <!-- ###SUB### begin --> ###MARKER### <!-- ###SUB### end --> page = PAGE page.10 = TEMPLATE page.10 { template = FILE template.file = fileadmin/templates/test.html workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT ??? subparts { SUB = TEXT SUB.value = Hello World! ###MARKER### } marks { MARKER = TEXT MARKER.value = Is there anybody out there? } }
  • nonCachedSubst = 1
  • substMarksSeparately = 1
  • useMarksInSubparts = 1
  • There is nothing missing, the output will be correct.
  • That is not possible.

Frage 35

Which of the following Fluid ViewHelper do not exist? (2)
  • <f:if>
  • <f:base>
  • <f:render>
  • <f:partial>
  • <f:else>
  • <f:format.raw>
  • <f:switch>
  • <f:format.html>
  • <f:format.translate>

Frage 36

Which of these statements about TypoScript is true? (2)
  • TypoScript is a programming language like ActionScript or Java-Script.
  • TypoScript is an extension for TYPO3.
  • TypoScript can be used to configure TYPO3.
  • TypoScript mainly controls the output of the website in the frontend.
  • Extensive knowledge of PHP is required to use TypoScript.

Frage 37

What is the output produced by this TypoScript code? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = COA page.10 { 30 = TEXT 30.value = A 40 = TEXT 40.value = B 20 = TEXT 20.value = C 20.stdWrap.append < .30 10 = TEXT 10.prepend < .40 10.value = D }
  • ABCD

Frage 38

What is the output produced by this TypoScript code? (1) temp.text1 = TEXT temp.text1.value = Integrator page = PAGE page.10 =< temp.text1 temp.text1.wrap = TYPO3-|!
  • Integrator
  • TYPO3-!
  • TYPO3-Integrator!
  • There is no output.
  • !

Frage 39

What is the output produced by this TypoScript code? (1) object1 = TEXT object1.value = value3 page = PAGE page { 10 <= object1 15 < object1 15.value = - 20 < object1 } object1.value = value1
  • value1
  • -value1
  • value1-value1
  • value1-value3
  • value3-value1
  • -value3

Frage 40

Which condition allows you to determine in the frontend whether a user is logged into the backend at the same time? (1)
  • [belogin = true]
  • [BEloginUser = *]
  • [globalVar = TSFE : beUserLogin > 0]
  • [globalVar = TSFE : beLogin > 0]
  • [TSFE:beUser > 0]

Frage 41

Which condition can you use to check whether it is later than 2 p.m.? (1)
  • [time > 14]
  • [time >= 14]
  • [time => 14]
  • [hour > 14]
  • [hour >= 14]
  • [hour => 14]

Frage 42

Which of the following conditions have the correct syntax? (6)
  • [language = *de][language = *en]
  • [language = *de]or[language = *en]
  • [language = *de]OR[language = *en]
  • [language = *de]NOT[language = *en]
  • [language = *de]||[language = *en]
  • [language = *de]AnD[language = *en]
  • [language = *de]&[language = *en]
  • [language = *de]&&[language = *en]

Frage 43

Which condition would you use to check whether the current day is Christmas Eve? (2)
  • This is not possible; Christmas Eve falls on a different day of the week every year.
  • You can write your own condition.
  • [dayofmonth = 24]AND[dayofweek = 12]
  • [dayofmonth = 24]AND[month = 12]
  • [day = 24]AND[month = 12]

Frage 44

You want to use TypoScript to specify a background image. Which content element needs to replace the question marks? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = ??? page.10 { file = fileadmin/backgroundimg.jpg file.width = 100 file.height = 100 stdWrap.wrap = <div style="background-image:url(|); width:100px; ↩ height:100px;">Text</div> }
  • IMG

Frage 45

You want to display the data records from the tt_content table that have the IDs 2 and 3. What should be in place of the question marks? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = ??? page.10 { table = tt_content select { pidInList = this orderBy = sorting } }
  • TEXT
  • HTML
  • COA
  • DATA

Frage 46

You see CType=list and list_type=9 (plugin tt_news). How do you address the body text of the output? (2)
  • plugin.tt_news
  • plugin.tx_ttnews_pi1
  • plugin.tx_ttnews_pi1.9
  • tt_content.list.9
  • tt_content.plugin.9
  • tt_content.plugin.tt_news
  • tt_content.list.10.9
  • tt_content.list.20.9

Frage 47

How can you automatically replace specific strings with other strings in the output of the tt_content text content? (1) tt_content.text.20 { ??? }
  • parseFunc.string1 = string2
  • parseFunc.short.string1 = string2
  • parseFunc.tags.string1 = string2
  • string1 = string2
  • HTMLparser.string1 = string2
  • HTMLparser.replace.string1 = string2

Frage 48

You have added a Bullet list content element to a page, but you do not like the way it is displayed. How can you change it? (2)
  • The content element is a core function, so you have to modify the appropriate core files directly.
  • The content element is a core function, so you have to find an extension that implements an unsorted list.
  • You modify the tt_content.bullets.20 object.
  • You modify the tt_content.bulletlist.20 object.
  • You use CSS to modify the appearance of the csc-bullets class.
  • You use CSS to modify the appearance of the csc-bulletlist class.

Frage 49

Which of the following are not menu states? (2)
  • CUR
  • USR
  • SPC

Frage 50

Your website has five pages A, B, C, D and E. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1||2 |*| 3 |*| 4 page.10.1.NO.allWrap = |&nbsp;
  • 1A 2B 1C 3D 4E
  • 1A 2B 3C 3D 4E
  • 1A 2B 1C 2D 3E
  • 1A 2B 2C 3D 4E

Frage 51

You see the following TypoScript code. What is the output on the screen? (2) page = PAGE page { 10 = TEXT 10.value = Certification 10.override { required = 1 data = field:subtitle // field:nav_title } }
  • “Certification”, if field:subtitle and field:nav_title are empty.
  • “Certification”, if field:subtitle and field:nav_title are both not empty.
  • “Certification”, if field:subtitle is empty, but field:nav_title contains a value.
  • “Certification”, if field:subtitle contains a value, but field:nav_title is empty.
  • field:subtitle, if field:subtitle contains a value, but field:nav_title is empty.

Frage 52

What is the page whose navigation title is returned in the following TypoScript code? (2) page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10.data = levelfield:-2, nav_title, slide
  • The navigation title of the current page is output.
  • The navigation title of the root page is output.
  • The navigation title of the parent page is output.
  • The navigation title of the parent page’s parent page is output.
  • If the page to be output has no navigation title, the system will search upwards along the root line until it finds a page with a navigation mtitle, and then output this title.
  • If the page to be output has no navigation title, the title of the root page is used, along with all titles along the root line (if any exist).

Frage 53

You want the following TypoScript code to display the “Print version” button, but only if the website is called using the print=1 GET parameter. What should be in place of the question marks? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { value = Print version <bf>???</bf> }
  • You do not need to add anything, the function is already provided.
  • if.isTrue.data = GPvar:print
  • if.value.data = GPvar:print if.equals = 1
  • if.isPositive.data = GPvar:print
  • if.value.data = GPvar:print if.isGreaterThan = 2 if.isTrue.data = GPvar:print
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