Driving School Test


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Livenie Ellis
Quiz von Livenie Ellis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Livenie Ellis
Erstellt von Livenie Ellis vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Drivers must yield to pedestrian:
  • During inclement weather
  • At all times
  • Only on private property
  • Only in a crosswalk

Frage 2

Speed limit signs
  • Represents the maximum speed for ideal driving conditions
  • Represents the suggested speed for the road or highway
  • Represents the maximum speed for all driving conditions
  • Maybe disregarded if the traffic flow is fater

Frage 3

If your vehicle has a two part safety belt system you should:
  • Use both lap and shoulder belt
  • Use only shoulder belt
  • Use only lap belt
  • Use which ever you are most comfortable with

Frage 4

If you feel like your tires have less traction with the road during rain:
  • Ease your foot of the gas pedal
  • Try to make the steering wheel staright
  • Do not try to stop or turn until the tires grips the road
  • All of the above

Frage 5

The blind spots where trucks will not be able to see you are:
  • Directly behind the body
  • The left side of the car from the rear tractor wheels outward and around in front of the truck
  • The immediate right of the car
  • All of the above

Frage 6

Which of the following about blind sports is true?
  • They are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle
  • Large trucks have bigger blind spots then most passenger vehicles
  • Blind spots be checked by looking in rear view mirror
  • None of the above

Frage 7

You are approaching a school bus that has stopped on the road you should;
  • Stop and wait for it to load and unload children
  • Stop and check for children then proceed
  • Watch for children and be ready to stop
  • Stop and wait until the flashing red lights go off

Frage 8

To avoid being blinded by oncoming cars at night, you should:
  • Look at the left side of the road
  • Wear polarizing anti-glare glasses
  • Concentrate on the center line
  • Squint to reduce glare

Frage 9

When you are behind a motorcycle you should
  • Ride the brake
  • Allow more following distance
  • Drive more slowly
  • Be ready to use the horn

Frage 10

There is an emergency vehicle coming from behind you, you should
  • Slow down and keep moving
  • Speed up and get out of the way
  • Maintain your speed
  • Pull over to the left and stop

Frage 11

You must pull over to the left and stop for an emergency vehicle with lights and siren on;
  • If it is behind you
  • If it's coming towards you
  • If it's approaching from the side street
  • All of the above

Frage 12

Reaction time is slower after:
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Exercising
  • Sleeping
  • Working hard

Frage 13

If you get angry, upset, you should
  • Put some relaxing music on the stereo as you drive
  • cool off before you drive
  • Breathe deeply as you drive to get your self control
  • Concentrate and be cautious as you drive

Frage 14

While being passed on a passing zone, you should
  • Speed up to stay ahead of he vehicle
  • Maintain your speed and position
  • Pull of the road
  • Slow down and let them safely return to the drive lane

Frage 15

When you approach a traffic signal displaying a steady yellow alight, you should
  • Go through the intersection before it turns red
  • Stop if it is safe to do so
  • Be prepared to stop
  • Slow down and proceed with caution

Frage 16

You may not park within how many feet of a fire hydrant
  • 5 feet
  • 10 feet
  • 15 feet
  • 20 feet

Frage 17

You should stop for a stopped school bus:
  • Even when the red lights are not flashing
  • In school zones
  • When the red lights are flashing
  • On schools days

Frage 18

On a road with two or more lanes travelling in the same direction you should:
  • Drive in any lane
  • Drive in the right lane
  • Stay in the left lane except to pass
  • None of the above

Frage 19

If you are being tailgated, the best thing to do is:
  • Move to the left lane and let the vehicle pass, if possible
  • Speed up
  • Maintain your speed
  • Brake quickly

Frage 20

The traffic signal turns green signalling you to proceed, you should
  • Look left and right before proceeding
  • Tap horn lightly to let other know you are moving forward
  • Accelerate immediately so you do not hold up traffic behind you
  • None of the above

Frage 21

A solid yellow line on your side mean:
  • You may pass with caution
  • You may pass on the right
  • Reduce speed
  • You may not pass

Frage 22

This intersection has a stop sign, a stop line, and crosswalk you should stop;
  • At the corner
  • At the crosswalk
  • At the stop sign
  • At the stop line

Frage 23

In bad weather, you should make car easier for other to see by;
  • Turning on your headlights
  • Turning on your emergency flashers
  • Turning on your parking lights
  • Flashing your high beam

Frage 24

Your vehicle has mechanical problem, you should;
  • Signal and pull into the slow lane
  • Stop in your lane and put on your hazard lights
  • Stop in your lane, get out , and direct traffic around your car
  • Put on your hazard lights and pull of the road

Frage 25

if you drive too fast on a wet road, there is a danger that;
  • Your own spray will obscure your vision
  • Your vehicle may pull to the right
  • Other vehicle may not be able to see you
  • Your vehicle might hydroplane

Frage 26

The following statements regarding the use of seat-belts are true, with the exception;
  • They are not necessary if your vehicle has an air bag
  • They keep you from being thrown from the vehicle in the event of an accident
  • They prevent a human collision by holding you in place
  • They prevent head injuries, helping you remain conscious and in control of the vehicle

Frage 27

The first thing that a drink of alcohol affects is;
  • Vision
  • Judgement
  • Balance
  • Speech

Frage 28

To pass a truck you must
  • Make sure you have room to complete the pass without excessive speed
  • Pass on a down grade
  • Go as fast as possible to race the truck
  • Honk your horn at the driver

Frage 29

You may not stop within how many feet of a stop sign?
  • 10 feet
  • 25 feet
  • 15 feet
  • 20 feet

Frage 30

If a traffic light is green and a traffic police officer signals you to stop you should
  • Obey the traffic signal
  • obey the traffic police officer
  • First obey the traffic officer, then the signal
  • Do what the vehicle in front of you does

Frage 31

Diver’s distraction affects driver performance, how do you know when you are distracted.
  • you ran a stop sign or stoplight without knowing
  • you missed your usual exit on the highway
  • you swerved suddenly to avoid an object in the roadway
  • all of the above

Frage 32

What time of the day is it legal to drive 20MPH in a school zone
  • 2pm
  • 3pm
  • 4pm
  • 6pm

Frage 33

Right-of-way is the of one vehicle or pedestrian to proceed in a lawful manner and the reference of another vehicle or pedestrian, which among the statement is false:
  • if you have the right-of-way and others yield it to, proceed immediately
  • authorized emergency vehicles such as police cars, ambulance,and fire trucks have the right-right-way all the time even if there's no signal either audible (siren) or visual (flashing light)
  • if you are about to turn right at an intersection, alley,private road, or driveway, you must yield the right -of-way to other vehicle or pedestrian until it is safe to turn
  • IF traffic light turns green for you, you must still yield to vehicles and pedestrians in the intersection. watch out for red-light runners

Frage 34

Which of the following is not an emergency vehicle?
  • A fire brigade
  • An ambulance
  • A security vehicle
  • A police vehicle with siren sounding

Frage 35

You may drive off the paved road to pass another vehicle
  • If the shoulder is wide enough to accommodate your vehicle
  • If the vehicle ahead of you is turning right
  • Under no circumtances
  • As long as no vehicles are passing in the opposite direction

Frage 36

When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street
  • Your front wheels must be turned toward the street
  • Your wheels must be within 18 inch of the kerb
  • One of your rear wheels must touch the kerb
  • your front wheels must be turned toward the kerb

Frage 37

When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving
  • At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway
  • 5 to 10 mph slower than the traffic on the freeway
  • 5 to 10 mph faster than the traffic on the freeway
  • At the posted speed limit to traffic on the freeway

Frage 38

When driving in fog, you should use your:
  • fog lights only
  • Hight beams
  • low beams
  • Hazard lights

Frage 39

A school bus ahead of you in your lane is stopped with the red lights flashing you should:
  • Stop than proceed when you think all of the children have existed the bus
  • Slow to 25 mph and pass cautiously
  • Stop as long as red lights are flashing
  • Continue driving at the speed limit

Frage 40

You are about to make a left turn,. you must signal continuously during the last _ feet
  • 25
  • 50
  • 75
  • 100

Frage 41

You have been involved in a minor collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner you must:
  • Leave a note on the vehicle
  • Report the accident without delay to the police
  • Both of the above
  • wait until the owner arrives

Frage 42

Unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a residential area is___ mph:
  • 20 mph
  • 25 mph
  • 30mph
  • 40 mph

Frage 43

You may legally block an intersection:
  • When you entered the intersection on the green light
  • During rush hour traffic
  • If you are in a hurry
  • Under no circumstances

Frage 44

When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, you front wheel should be:
  • Turned to the right (toward the street)
  • Turned to the left (away from the street)
  • Parallel with the pavement
  • It doesn't matter (as long as your emergency brakes are on)

Frage 45

Which two of these sign means the same thing?
  • stop and pedestrian crossing
  • Give way and no waiting
  • No entry and no stopping
  • yield and Give way

Frage 46

To turn right from a multi lane one- way street onto a one-way street, you should start your turn:
  • any lane (as long as it is safe)
  • The lane closest to the right kerb
  • The lane closest to the left kerb
  • the lane in the center on the road

Frage 47

To turn right a four lane street around a roundabout onto a two-lane street, you must turn from:
  • Any lane (as long as it is safe)
  • The lane closest to the kerb
  • The inner lane
  • Any lane ( you have the right of way)

Frage 48

To go straight ahead from a four lane street around a roundabout onto a two lane street , you must not enter the roundabout in:
  • The outer lane
  • The inner lane
  • any lane (as long as it is safe)
  • Right lane

Frage 49

To turn left at roundabout from a four lane street onto a two lane street you must inter the roundabout from
  • The outer lane
  • The inner lane
  • Any lane ( as long as it is safe)
  • Right lane

Frage 50

To go opposite direction from a four lane street around a roundabout you must inter the roundabout from:
  • The outer lane
  • The inner lane
  • Any lane (as long as it is safe)
  • Left lane

Frage 51

Roadways are the most slippery:
  • During a heavy downpour
  • After it has been raining for a while
  • During a light drizzle
  • The first rain after a dry spell

Frage 52

The legal maximum speed of a motor vehicle in a school zone is ___ mph
  • 10 mph
  • 25 mph
  • 30 mph
  • 15 mph

Frage 53

Hazard light are use to warn other drivers of the dangers ahead:
  • True
  • False

Frage 54

You want to make a left turn at an upcoming intersection, you should:
  • Move towards the left side of your lane
  • Move towards the right side of your lane
  • Avoid driving in the bicycle
  • Signal 100 feet before turning

Frage 55

You are travelling on a highway posted 40 mph, the traffic is travelling 50 MPH, you should drive:
  • 50 mph or faster to keep up with the speed of traffic
  • Between 40 mph and 50 mph
  • No faster than 40 mph
  • At the speed you are most comfortable

Frage 56

It is legal to park your vehicle
  • In bays marked out with white lines
  • In an unmarked crosswalk
  • Within three feet of a private driveway
  • In a bicycle lane

Frage 57

In the use of cell phones it is better to:
  • Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel
  • Keep you phone within easy reach so you won't need to take your eyes off the road
  • Review the number before answering the call
  • All of the above

Frage 58

If you have a green light nut traffic is blocking the intersection, you should:
  • Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears
  • Enter the intersection and wait until traffic clears
  • Honk your horn for the traffic to move quickly
  • Merge into another lane and try to go around the traffic

Frage 59

You are getting ready to make a left turn, you should:
  • Stop first and then proceed when it is safe
  • Stop before entering the left lane and let all other traffic go frist
  • Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn
  • Turn as soon as you get to the corner
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