What Type of Teacher Are You?


Discover your teaching style with this simple test.
Andrea Leyden
Quiz by Andrea Leyden, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Luiz Fernando
Created by Luiz Fernando over 10 years ago
Diego  Santos
Copied by Diego Santos over 10 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

How do you like to use the time in class with your students?
  • Explaining new materials and correcting homework
  • Working with students in groups
  • Explaining new materials and solving doubts

Question 2

What would you include in a study guide to help your students?
  • Nothing. Study must be carried out by students
  • A list of exam questions
  • A list of the main concepts that should be covered for exams

Question 3

What kinds of tasks do you prefer to give your students?
  • Activities which help students understand key concepts
  • None
  • Tasks that are not too difficult but require a lot of time so that students learn to work hard

Question 4

After correcting an exam, you realise that the average score is very low. What do you do?
  • Change the format of the overall exam to improve the overall results. After all, it was quite difficult
  • Nothing, students should have studied more
  • Review the exam in the classroom with students to help them learn from the experience

Question 5

Two students are talking during class when you are explaining something. What do you do?
  • Throw them out of class and assign extra homework to them
  • Stop explaining until the students finish their conversation
  • Politely ask the students to stop talking as they are disturbing the rest of the class

Question 6

You are editing a student's assignment and you find a completely illegible answer. What do you do?
  • You ask the student in person and give them a good score if the answer is correct
  • You give the student half the marks if they are capable of explaining the answer well in class and warn them to beware of their handwriting in future
  • You mark it as wrong

Question 7

The best student in the class fails a test that most others pass. What do you do?
  • Nothing
  • You give them a good grade anyway. After all, he/she is the best student in the class DESPITE this poor result
  • You mark the result as they scored and decide to talk to him/her to see what happened

Question 8

You walk into the classroom and students are behaving like zoo animals. What do you do?
  • You scream at them to stop and then give them more work
  • You ask for silence. If they do not obey, warn them about a possible exam the next day
  • Wait. It's no problem if the class starts a few minutes late

Question 9

During class, a student asks a question you do not know the answer to. What do you do?
  • You try to answer the question as best you can. You have to demonstrate your knowledge in front of students
  • You say something like "good question, I will research the answer for another day to share in class"
  • You say something like "I'm not sure but it is not important for our agenda"

Question 10

During class, a student asks a silly question showing that they have not paid attention all week. What do you do?
  • Say something like, "We talked about this concept throughout the week If you still have questions, I will gladly help you after class"
  • Say something like, "You can not sleep in my class and then expect me explain something new just for you. Pay more attention in my class"
  • Answer the question and explain the concept again, even if it means using the time allocated to something else
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