Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
The school would go into a lockdout situation if there was criminal activity in the area.
Frage 2
In a lockdown situation the bells rings to go to lunch, you should release the students.
Frage 3
Students are NOT able to move about the campus during a lockout situation.
Frage 4
The school would go into a lockdown situation because of threats in the area.
Frage 5
The four actions a teacher must take during a lockdown are: Cover window, Turn off lights, lock door, Remain silent
Frage 6
Run, Hide, or Fight is the procedure you should use if a bad guy is trying to get into your room during a lockdown.
Frage 7
You know a lockdown situation is over when you hear the All Clear over the PA system.