Quiz - Cardiology #1 (Practice Quiz)


paramedic Cardiology Quiz am Quiz - Cardiology #1 (Practice Quiz), erstellt von Jake Anderson am 23/05/2023.
Jake Anderson
Quiz von Jake Anderson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jake Anderson
Erstellt von Jake Anderson vor etwa ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

According to current​ estimates, how many Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease​ (CVD)?
  • ​>80 million
  • ​>20 million
  • >40 million
  • >60 million

Frage 2

Which of the following factors that contributes to cardiovascular disease​ (CVD) is not the result of lifestyle​ choices?
  • Obesity
  • Family genetics
  • Type A personality
  • Smoking

Frage 3

What form of cardiovascular disease​ (CVD) is the single largest killer of Americans each​ year?
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Cerebral vessel disease
  • Coronary artery disease​ (CAD)
  • Renal artery disease

Frage 4

Long QT syndrome​ , also called prolonged QT​ syndrome, is a group of disorders that increases the risk for sudden death from an arrhythmia slightly more common​ in:
  • women
  • chronic drug abusers.
  • men
  • the elderly.

Frage 5

The two superior chambers of the heart are the​ _____ and they​ _____.
  • ​ventricles, pump to the atria
  • atria, pump blood to the ventricles
  • ventricles, receive blood from throughout the body
  • atria, pump throughout the bodies

Frage 6

The vascular system and the tissues are able to exchange​ gases, fluids, and nutrients through the very​ thin:
  • capillary walls.
  • venules
  • alveoli
  • arterioles

Frage 7

Intraventricular pressures are higher on the left than on the right​ because:
  • the systemic circulation offers less resistance to blood flow than the lungs
  • the right ventricle is a larger muscle mass than the left ventricle.
  • it is harder to pump blood through the aortic valve.
  • the lungs offer less resistance to blood flow than the systemic circulation.

Frage 8

The first sound auscultated​ (S1) when listening to heart sounds occurs during which of the following​ events?
  • Ventricular diastole
  • Opening of the atrioventricular​ (AV) valves
  • Ventricular systole
  • Closing of the semilunar valves

Frage 9

The three types of electrocardiogram​ (ECG) leads are​ bipolar, augmented,​ and:
  • implanted.
  • central.
  • tripolar
  • precordial

Frage 10

Which of the following is a cause for artifact appearing on the electrocardiogram​ (ECG)?
  • A patient placed supine
  • Loose​ electrodes/wires
  • Chamber enlargement
  • Quivering of the ventricles

Frage 11

The most common electrocardiogram​ (ECG) leads used for monitoring​ are:
  • aVF or v1.
  • lead I or lead III.
  • lead II or the modified chest lead 1​ (MCL1).
  • aVL and lead I.

Frage 12

When an impulse is traveling away from a positive​ electrode, this will appear as a wave on the electrocardiogram​ (ECG) tracing in which​ direction?
  • Null
  • Isoelectric
  • Upward
  • Downward

Frage 13

When looking at an electrocardiogram​ (ECG), the P wave is representative of​ what?
  • Sinus node discharge
  • Ventricular depolarization
  • Conduction through the atrioventricular​ (AV) node
  • Atrial depolarization

Frage 14

The total duration of ventricular depolarization is known as​ the:
  • PR interval.
  • QT interval.
  • QRS interval.
  • corrected QT interval.

Frage 15

While it can be present in cases of​ hypokalemia, this wave can also be a normal and nonpathological electrocardiogram​ (ECG) characteristic.
  • Absent P wave
  • Long​ P-R interval
  • Peaked T wave
  • U wave

Frage 16

When looking to determine the particular amplitude of an electrocardiogram​ (ECG) waveform, the paramedic should evaluate what aspect of the printed ECG​ strip?
  • Length of the waveform
  • Amplitude cannot be determined by evaluating the waveform
  • Morphology of the waveform
  • Height of the waveform

Frage 17

If a patient has a PR interval that is 7 mm​ (7 small​ boxes) in​ duration, what can be said about the overall electrocardiogram​ (ECG)?
  • There is heightened conductivity between the atria and ventricles.
  • The Purkinje fibers are not conducting properly.
  • The SA node is failing to discharge.
  • There is a conduction delay in the atrioventricular​ (AV) node.

Frage 18

A phasic variation of the​ R-R interval that is related to the respiratory cycle and changes in intrathoracic pressure produces which of the following rhythms on the electrocardiogram​ (ECG)?
  • Sinus bradycardia
  • Sinus arrhythmia
  • Sinus block
  • Sinus arrest

Frage 19

When a patient experiences a sudden increase in cholinergic tone or has intrinsic SA node​ disease, this may lead to the development of which of the following ECG​ rhythms?
  • Supraventricular tachycardia
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Sinus bradycardia
  • Wandering atrial pacemaker​ (WAP)

Frage 20

The electrocardiogram​ (ECG) rhythm you see is a​ regular, narrow-complex rhythm that has 1 upright P wave for every QRS​ complex; QRS complexes measure 0.08​ seconds, and the PR interval is 0.16​ seconds; heart rate is 140​ beats/minute. Which of the following best labels this​ rhythm?
  • Ventricular tachycardia
  • Normal sinus rhythm
  • Junctional tachycardia
  • Sinus tachycardia

Frage 21

What mechanism of abnormal impulse formation is responsible for sustaining rapid rhythms such as paroxysmal supraventricular​ tachycardia?
  • Excitability
  • Ectopic
  • Automaticity
  • Reentry

Frage 22

When evaluating an electrocardiogram​ (ECG), you note that in lead III the QRS complex duration is 0.16 seconds. What does this finding​ imply?
  • Delayed conduction through the atrioventricular​ (AV) node and bundle branches
  • Normality
  • Delayed conduction through the ventricular conduction system
  • Enhanced conduction from the SA node to the Purkinje fibers

Frage 23

You are looking at an electrocardiogram​ (ECG) that displays normal P waves at​ 80/min with a​ 1:1 relationship with the​ QRS, a PRI with a 0.24 second​ conduction, and the width of the QRS is 0.14 seconds. The T wave is positively deflected. What is the most likely name of this​ rhythm?
  • Normal sinus rhythm
  • Sinus rhythm with a Mobitz I heart block
  • Normal sinus rhythm with evidence of myocardial ischemia
  • Sinus rhythm with a​ first-degree atrioventricular​ (AV) block and a bundle branch block

Frage 24

You are managing a patient who has a supraventricular tachycardia​ (SVT) rhythm at a rate of​ 260/min. Which of the following best describes the​ rhythm's effect on the​ patient's hemodynamic​ status?
  • It results in peripheral vasodilation.
  • There will be an increase in coronary artery perfusion.
  • The rapid rate will result in myocardial infarction.
  • This results in decreased cardiac output.

Frage 25

How many people in the United States are estimated to have​ hypertension?
  • 50 million
  • 500 million
  • 150 million
  • 5 million

Frage 26

What form of cardiovascular disease is the single largest killer of Americans each​ year?
  • Renal artery disease
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Cerebral vessel disease

Frage 27

Which of the following factors that contributes to CVD is not the result of lifestyle​ choices?
  • Obesity
  • Family genetics
  • Smoking
  • Type A personality

Frage 28

Which of the following is NOT thought​ to, or proven​ to, increase the risk of cardiovascular​ disease?
  • Oral contraceptives
  • Obesity
  • Type A personality
  • Hypocholesterolemia

Frage 29

Which of the following risk factors are thought to increase the risk of cardiovascular​ disease?
  • Older age
  • Male gender
  • Smoking
  • Poor diet

Frage 30

Which of the following is a modifiable risk factor for developing cardiovascular​ disease?
  • Hypertension
  • Male gender
  • Family history
  • Older age

Frage 31

Which one of the following patients is most susceptible to developing cardiovascular​ disease?
  • A​ 64-year-old male,​ three-pack-per-day smoker
  • A​ 29-year-old female recreational smoker
  • A​ 19-year-old male with type A personality
  • A​ 40-year-old female taking oral contraceptives

Frage 32

Which of the following patients is least likely to develop cardiovascular​ disease, compared to the​ others?
  • ​44-year-old male smoker and cocaine abuser
  • 50-year-old male with chronic hypertension
  • 38-year-old obese female with type 1 diabetes
  • 25-year-old female taking birth control pills

Frage 33

The two superior chambers of the heart are the ____________________and they ___________.
  • ​atria, pump blood to the ventricles
  • atria, pump throughout the bodies
  • ventricles, receive blood from throughout the body
  • ventricles, pump to the atria

Frage 34

The two major components of the cardiovascular system are​ the:
  • heart and blood.
  • heart and peripheral blood vessels.
  • heart and lungs.
  • central and peripheral blood vessels.

Frage 35

The vascular system and the tissues are able to exchange​ gases, fluids, and nutrients through the very​ thin:
  • alveoli
  • arterioles
  • venules
  • capillary walls.

Frage 36

Intracardiac pressures are higher on the left than on the right because
  • it is harder to pump blood through the aortic valve.
  • the lungs offer less resistance to blood flow than the systemic circulation.
  • the systemic circulation offers less resistance to blood flow than the lungs.
  • the right ventricle is a larger muscle mass than the left ventricle.

Frage 37

The first sound auscultated ​(S Subscript 1​) when listening to heart sounds occurs during which of the following​ events?
  • Ventricular systole
  • Atrial systole
  • Increased atrial contraction
  • Ventricular diastole

Frage 38

The three types of ECG leads are​ bipolar, augmented, and
  • tripolar
  • central
  • implanted
  • precordial

Frage 39

Which of the following is a cause for artifact appearing on the​ ECG?
  • A patient placed supine
  • Loose​ electrodes/wires
  • Quivering of the ventricles
  • Chamber enlargement

Frage 40

The most common ECG leads used for monitoring​ are:
  • lead I or lead III.
  • aVL and lead I.
  • lead II or the modified chest lead 1​ (MCL1).
  • aVF or v1.

Frage 41

According to​ Einthoven's triangle, lead I is characterized​ by:
  • left arm​ positive, right arm negative.
  • right arm​ positive, left arm negative.
  • left leg​ positive, left arm negative.
  • Left leg​ positive, right arm negative.

Frage 42

When an impulse is traveling toward a negative​ electrode, this will appear as​ a(n) _________ deflection on the ECG.
  • upward
  • downward
  • positive
  • isoelectric

Frage 43

From the ECG​ graph, 1 small box​ =
  • 1.0 sec.
  • 0.04 sec.
  • 0.20 sec.
  • 0.01 sec.

Frage 44

When looking at an​ ECG, the P wave is representative of​ what?
  • Ventricular depolarization
  • Conduction through the AV node
  • Atrial depolarization
  • Sinus node discharge

Frage 45

The total duration of ventricular depolarization is known as​ the:
  • QRS interval.
  • corrected QT interval.
  • QT interval.
  • PR interval.

Frage 46

While it can be present in cases of​ hypokalemia, this wave can also be a normal and​ non-pathological ECG​ characteristic:
  • Absent P wave
  • Long​ P-R interval
  • U wave
  • Peaked T wave

Frage 47

When looking to determine the particular amplitude of an ECG​ waveform, the paramedic should evaluate what aspect of the printed ECG​ strip?
  • Morphology of the waveform
  • Length of the waveform
  • Amplitude cannot be determined by evaluating the waveform
  • Height of the waveform

Frage 48

Which of the following ECG lines is disturbed by myocardial​ infarction?
  • QRS interval
  • QT interval
  • ST segment
  • PR interval

Frage 49

If a patient has a PR interval that is 7 mm​ (7 small​ boxes) in​ duration, what can be said about the overall​ ECG?
  • The SA node is failing to discharge.
  • There is a conduction delay in the AV node.
  • The Purkinje fibers are not conducting properly.
  • There is heightened conductivity between the atria and ventricles.

Frage 50

A phasic variation of the​ R-R interval that is related to the respiratory cycle and changes in intrathoracic pressure produces which of the following rhythms on the​ ECG?
  • Sinus arrest
  • Sinus block
  • Sinus bradycardia
  • Sinus arrhythmia

Frage 51

The ECG monitor shows the​ following: no​ rate, no​ rhythm, P waves that are regular in​ spacing, no QRS complexes. What would you call this​ rhythm?
  • Cardiac standstill
  • Ventricular fibrillation
  • Idioventricular rhythm
  • Artificial pacemaker

Frage 52

If the patient is displaying a normal sinus rhythm in lead​ II, which of the following statements would be​ true?
  • The P to T wave interval should be​ >30 small boxes.
  • The QRS width should be 4 mm.
  • The​ R-R duration should be regular.
  • The T wave should be negatively deflected.

Frage 53

A tracing that you see on the ECG monitor has no discernible P​ waves, QRS width of 0.08​ seconds, a ventricular rate between 64 and​ 82, and has an​ irregular rhythm to it. What would you call this​ rhythm?
  • Ventricular fibrillation
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Ventricular tachycardia
  • Atrial flutter

Frage 54

When a patient experiences a sudden increase in cholinergic tone or has intrinsic SA node​ disease, this may lead to the development of which of the following ECG​ rhythms?
  • Wandering atrial pacemaker
  • Sinus bradycardia
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Supraventricular tachycardia

Frage 55

The ECG rhythm you see is a​ regular, narrow-complex rhythm that has 1 upright P wave for every QRS​ complex; QRS complexes measure 0.08​ seconds, and the PR interval is 0.16​ seconds; heart rate is 140​ beats/minute. Which of the following best labels this​ rhythm?
  • Junctional tachycardia
  • Sinus tachycardia
  • Normal sinus rhythm
  • Ventricular tachycardia

Frage 56

What is the best explanation of an ECG tracing that shows progressive changes in the morphology of the P wave from beat to beat in at least 3 consecutive​ beats?
  • Rapid reentry into an atrial circuit and the AV node that is associated with organic heart disease
  • Multiple areas of reentry within the atria or multiple ectopic foci bombarding the AV node
  • Passive transfer of pacemaker sites from the sinus node to other latent pacemaker sites in the atria and AV junction
  • A single electrical impulse originating in the atria outside the SA​ node, causing premature depolarization

Frage 57

What mechanism of abnormal impulse formation is responsible for sustaining rapid rhythms such as paroxysmal supraventricular​ tachycardia?
  • Excitability
  • Reentry
  • Ectopic
  • Automaticity

Frage 58

When evaluating an​ ECG, you note that in lead III the QRS complex duration is 0.16 seconds. What does this finding​ imply?
  • Enhanced conduction from the SA node to the Purkinje fibers
  • Delayed conduction through the AV node and bundle branches
  • Normality
  • Delayed conduction through the ventricular conduction system

Frage 59

Looking at an ECG​ strip, you count 14 QRS complexes in two​ 3-second marks. Your estimate for the heart rate would​ be:
  • 84
  • 70
  • 140
  • 42

Frage 60

Which of the following is likely to result in​ bradycardia?
  • Sepsis
  • Increased sympathetic tone
  • Normal finding in​ healthy, well-conditioned persons
  • Parasympatholytic drugs

Frage 61

Which of the following is TRUE regarding ventricular​ tachycardia?
  • Ventricular tachycardia cannot ever produce a palpable carotid pulse.
  • Ventricular tachycardia is caused when the atria fire before the ventricles.
  • Ventricular tachycardia can be triggered by a PVC firing in the relative refractory period.
  • Ventricular tachycardia always has a rate that is higher than 150​ beats/minute.

Frage 62

You are looking at an ECG that displays normal P waves at​ 80/min with a​ 1:1 relationship with the​ QRS, a PRI with a 0.24 second​ conduction, and the width of the QRS is 0.14 seconds. The T wave is positively deflected. What is the most likely name of this​ rhythm?
  • Normal sinus rhythm with evidence of myocardial ischemia
  • Sinus rhythm with a​ first-degree AV block and a bundle branch block
  • Normal sinus rhythm
  • Sinus rhythm with a Mobitz I heart block

Frage 63

You are managing a patient that has an SVT rhythm at a rate of​ 260/min. Which of the following best describes the​ rhythm's effect on the​ patient's hemodynamic​ status?
  • This results in decreased cardiac output.
  • The rapid rate will result in myocardial infarction.
  • It results in peripheral vasodilation.
  • There will be an increase in coronary artery perfusion.

Frage 64

The ECG shows an irregular ventricular rhythm at a rate of​ 58; there are more P waves than QRS​ complexes; QRS width is 0.10 and the PR interval is constant for the conducted beats at a length of 0.20 seconds. What is this​ rhythm?
  • First degree AV block
  • Second degree Type 2 AV block
  • Second degree Type 1 block
  • Third degree AV block
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