Warm-Up Day 3 - Listening Challenge


Quiz am Warm-Up Day 3 - Listening Challenge, erstellt von Teacher Prix am 08/05/2024.
Teacher  Prix
Quiz von Teacher Prix, aktualisiert vor 4 Monate
Teacher  Prix
Erstellt von Teacher Prix vor 4 Monate

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Listen and answer the questions below: 1. What's the study about? 2. How was the study organized? 3. What's one interesting point about the milkshakes?
  • 1. The power of beliefs and how they impact our minds 2. Two groups were given a milkshake. One group was told the milkshake was indulgent, while the other group was told the milkshake was healthy 3. The milkshakes had the exact same content in both groups.
  • 1. The power of beliefs and how they impact our physiology 2. Two groups were given a milkshake. One group was told the milkshake was indulgent, while the other group was told the milkshake was healthy 3. The milkshakes had the exact same content in both groups.
  • 1. The power of beliefs and how they impact our reactions 2. Two groups were given a milkshake. One group was told the milkshake was indulgent, while the other group was told the milkshake was sugar-free 3. The milkshakes had different calories in both groups.

Frage 2

And I am gonna talk about one of my favorite [blank_start]studies[blank_end], about the power of [blank_start]beliefs[blank_end] and the role that that plays in our physiology within our [blank_start]bodies[blank_end]; and the milkshake study was done by Alia Crum and one of the most [blank_start]fascinating[blank_end] studies, so here is the deal. You had two groups, ok? One group was told that they were getting an [blank_start]indulgent[blank_end] shake [blank_start]full of[blank_end] sugar and chocolate, and probably kind of [blank_start]high[blank_end] in fat and all that stuff. The other group were told they were getting a [blank_start]healthy[blank_end] milkshake, ok? High [blank_start]fiber[blank_end], no sugar, not as many [blank_start]calories[blank_end]. They were the [blank_start]exact[blank_end] same shake.
  • studies
  • beliefs
  • bodies
  • fascinating
  • indulgent
  • full of
  • high
  • healthy
  • fiber
  • calories
  • exact

Frage 3

Listen to the audio file. Is this true? The people who thought they were getting the healthy milkshake had a physiological reaction.
  • True
  • False

Frage 4

Listen and Answer the questions 1. What is the gut peptide ghrelin? 2. What happens to the brain when the gut peptide ghrelin increases? 3. What happened to the people who drank the indulgent milkshake?
  • 1. The hunger hormone. 2. When it increases, it sends a signal to the brain saying we're hungry 3. They had a significant decline in the hunger hormone.
  • 1. The hunger hormone. 2. When it decreases, it sends a signal to the brain saying we're hungry 3. They had a significant increase in the hunger hormone.

Frage 5

Listen and answer the questions 1. What did the study on forgiveness show? 2. What do behavioral health professionals do?
  • 1. It showed that when people forgave, their physical capacity increased. 2. They help people have better thoughts according to cognitive behavior therapy
  • 1. It showed that when we remember a time that we forgave, it actually improved jumping height 2. They help people look at and organize their thoughts in an objective way according to cognitive behavioral therapy

Frage 6

What are the other [blank_start]things[blank_end] that we need to be [blank_start]thinking[blank_end] about that where [blank_start]belief[blank_end] affects our physiology, well, I [blank_start]presented[blank_end], be sure to watch the study on [blank_start]forgiveness[blank_end] and health and how, when we [blank_start]remember[blank_end] a time that we forgave it actually improved jumping height, ok? The exact mechanisms may not be known, but just [blank_start]understanding[blank_end] the power of our thoughts is gonna be critical, and this is what behavioral [blank_start]health[blank_end] professionals do, help people start to really objectively look at their [blank_start]thoughts[blank_end], restructure them, you know, according to cognitive behavioral [blank_start]therapy[blank_end].
  • things
  • thinking
  • belief
  • presented
  • forgiveness
  • remember
  • understanding
  • health
  • thoughts
  • therapy
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