Quiz 2


I/O Psych Chapters 3 and 4
Ali Dolla
Quiz von Ali Dolla, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ali Dolla
Erstellt von Ali Dolla vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Work analysts identify the criteria or performance dimensions of a job by systematically gathering, documenting, and analyzing information about which of the following?
  • Worker attributes related to performance
  • The context in which work is performed
  • The content of work performed by people in organizations
  • All of the above

Frage 2

A procedure in work analysis designed to identify important or frequently performed tasks as a means of understanding the work performed is regarded in your text as
  • Task-oriented procedure
  • Position-oriented procedure
  • Linkage Analysis
  • Criterion relevance

Frage 3

According to the text, employees readily identify with and relate to the resulting competencies, an outcome rarely achieved in work analysis. This most likely occurs because:
  • KSAOs are more inclusive
  • Competency modeling is likely to include review sessions and group meetings that capture the language and spirit vital to the organization
  • Competency modeling aims to identify characteristics that explore an employee's willingness to perform certain activities or to fit in with the organizational culture
  • Work analysis includes organizational-level issues of vision and values

Frage 4

Which of the following would be considered an organizational counterproductive behavior?
  • Disclosing confidential information
  • Theft from coworkers
  • Gossip
  • Threats of violence

Frage 5

Citizenship behavior
  • Requires employees to adapt their own behavior to changing work duties
  • Refers to those aspects of employee performance that transcend performing tasks on a job
  • Require that employees express emotions to customers or clients that are associated with enhanced performance in the job
  • Are judgmental evaluations of an employee's performance

Frage 6

Which of the following performance criteria is not considered highly objective?
  • Days absent
  • Being caught stealing
  • Units of production
  • Wasting time on the job

Frage 7

Criterion deficiency refers to the extent to which the actual criterion:
  • and the conceptual criterion coincide
  • fails to overlap the conceptual criterion
  • measures something other than the conceptual criterion
  • is a distorted measure of the conceptual criterion

Frage 8

Physically attractive people are often rated or judged higher than average looking people on such factors as popularity, leadership and achievement, when in reality there is no association between physical attractiveness and those other aspects of human behavior. In the language of I/O psychology, physical attractiveness has what effect on the rating of these other aspects of behavior?
  • a source of deficiency
  • a source of relevance
  • a source of contamination
  • a source of generalizability

Frage 9

An I/O psychologist develops a "multiple uses test" to assess creativity. Individuals who identify more uses of a paper clip, for example, are deemed more creative. Creativity represents the ______ criterion, while the multiple uses test represents the ______ criterion.
  • conceptual; actual
  • actual; conceptual
  • structured; multiple
  • structured; actual

Frage 10

How is the level of unemployment determined in the US?
  • by the number of people who collect unemployment benefits
  • a survey of households across the nation
  • the average response rate to job vacancies
  • statistical projections based on the previous year's employment rate

Frage 11

Multiple interviewers evaluating job candidates should be sure to evaluate candidates in a similar manner according of which assessment of reliability?
  • Internal-consistency reliability
  • Inter-rater reliability
  • Equivalent form reliability
  • Test-retest reliability

Frage 12

Concurrent criterion-related validity, according to the text, allows managers to predict a worker's level of productivity on the basis of a test. Which of the following would be considered the criterion in this example?
  • The test
  • The worker
  • Worker's level of productivity
  • None of the above

Frage 13

Which of the five personality factors is considered by your text most consistently correlated with job performance criteria for all occupations and across different cultures?
  • Extraversion
  • Openness to experience
  • Agreeableness
  • Conscientiousness

Frage 14

Supporters of computerized adaptive testing give all of the following as reasons CAT is beneficial for organizations EXCEPT
  • greater security
  • less expensive
  • lower precision of measurement
  • tests can be shorter

Frage 15

A type of personnel selection tests in which the candidate demonstrates proficiency on a task representative of the work performed in the job is known as
  • Situational judgement test
  • work samples
  • structure interview
  • situational exercise

Frage 16

All of the following are true of assessment centers except
  • A technique for assessing job candidates in a specific location
  • Provide basis for predictions of human behaviors relevant to work performed in an organizational setting
  • A standardized series of activities
  • None of the above

Frage 17

An ideal predictor would have all of the following attributes EXCEPT
  • Equally applicability across different groups of people
  • An accurate forecaster of the criterion
  • Not too costly to the administrator
  • A lengthy method of analysis

Frage 18

Extensive research reveals the job interview is not a highly valid method of personnel selection. If so, why is it used so often?
  • Candidates would prefer to be interviewed than be given a paper-and-pencil test
  • Adverse impact is less with interviews than most other types of selection methods
  • Interviews are an inexpensive and efficient means of assessment
  • As interviewers, we think we are better judges of other people than we really are

Frage 19

If the internal consistency reliability of a test is very low, we can conclude that:
  • a person will get a very different score on the test in another administration
  • the two forms of the test measure very different concepts
  • the test is made up of very different kinds of items
  • raters disagree in their assessments

Frage 20

A mechanical ability test was administered to 100 apprentice mechanics at CAR, Inc. One year later, researchers found a strong correlation between their test scores as apprentices and their job performance as mechanics. This evidence lends support for the ______ validity of the test.
  • content
  • concurrent criterion-related
  • predictive criterion-related
  • construct
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