Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
How many people were picked for the experiment?
Frage 2
What was the prisoners uniform?
The main part of this uniform was a dress, or smock, which each prisoner wore at all times with no underclothes. On the smock, in front and in back, was his prison ID number. On each prisoner's right ankle was a heavy chain, bolted on and worn at all times. Rubber sandals were the footwear, and each prisoner covered his hair with a stocking cap made from a woman's nylon stocking.
A dress, handcuffs and convers.
Frage 3
What was the guards uniform?
A blue uniform and sun glasses and a gun.
A khaki uniform, a whistle, a billy club, and mirror sunglasses.
Frage 4
What kind of punishment did the guards use on the prisoners that was what the Nazi did in concentration camps?
Frage 5
What did the guards do after the prisoners rebelled for punishment?
The guards broke into each cell, stripped the prisoners naked, took the beds out, forced the ringleaders of the prisoner rebellion into solitary confinement, and generally began to harass and intimidate the prisoners.
They stripped them naked and made them take cold showers.
Frage 6
Why did they change the rooms if the good and bad prisoner?
Frage 7
Did prisoner #8612 develop mental problems?
Frage 8
What did they do to the prisoners before they say there family and friends.
Frage 9
What did they do to the prisoners before they say there family and friends.
Showered them, shaved, and feed them well.
Let them play games and go on the internet.
Frage 10
How did the prisoners introduce themselves to the priest?